Dark Horse

Judo Club

Kyungsoo’s got everything figured out by the time practice ends. Despite what Xiumin has been saying about them (which all consists of warnings and cautionary steps amidst words of commendation), the Seven Legends has infinitely amazed Kyungsoo.

By a professional level and to the utmost extreme, all seven of them has proven to Kyungsoo that they are, indeed—

— complete idiots.

Kris is the tallest idiot who never ceases his assaults to deter unsuspecting juniors to the point of pissing their pants by passing by them and flicking them off their feet with a crazy-assed judo move. Even Kyungsoo got whipped (a feat of three times, three times, in the course of half an hour) and he’s beginning to wonder now if ‘new meat’ means new meat to flip over mercilessly onto the ground. Kyungsoo must make it a point one day to reprimand Kris and his ways, once he gets a black belt in judo and an increased height of 15%.

Meanwhile, if Kris is the tallest idiot, Tao would be the second tallest idiot. Kyungsoo doesn’t know why he’s ranking everyone according to their height, but it seems height corresponds to ry when it comes to guys with belts on. Tao, in general, is not much of an per say—but, how do you describe someone who talks on and on and on and on and on about Gucci bags while pinning their opponents down? That’s right. An . It’s like being forced to listen to a teenage kid who flicks his goddamn hair around and sing to get attention. Kyungsoo dubs it as torture; no one should ever be submitted to that kind of position. Ever.

Onto the next track, there is—

“Kyungsoo!” That damn boy who made Kyungsoo flounder on the ground like a helpless aquatic sea life, who has someone trailing behind him, the squinty-eyed boy Kyungsoo has seen several times. “Hey, you’re pretty hardy for a newbie, you know. I’ve never seen someone take Kris’ throws so…elegantly.”

Kyungsoo frowns. He’s a fish, yes, but an elegant fish at that?

“Oh, this is Sehun,” the bright-eyed boy chirps, thumb jerking to point at something behind him. There’s a yelp and the sudden realization that ‘Sehun’ is poked in the eye with a thumb.

Ow, the hell Luhan!”

Luhan. Luhan. Kyungsoo specifically remembers him telling Kyungsoo his name was Sehun. How dare this little imbecilic rodent trample on Kyungsoo’s pride like it’s the most easiest thing to do in this god forsaken world! (Wait maybe it is, but hold that thought.)

Sehun is twitching in his poked eye by the time he lands his beady eyes on Kyungsoo, looking unimpressed. Kyungsoo sends Sehun the exact same expression, but he doesn’t know if it transfers all that well because Kyungsoo has never been good at expressions. He then turns to Luhan.

Actually, no, ry has nothing to do with height.

“You told me your name is Sehun.”

“Well, yes.” Luhan looks amused. In fact, Kyungsoo’s pretty sure he’s holding back a guffaw of laughter. Sehun looks slightly scandalized, but says nothing of it. “I was just messing with you. You’re the newest member, after all.”

Kyungsoo huffs. He is ultimately, the junior amongst everyone in the club, even when the possibility that Luhan is younger than him is a complete 1.

“So we’ll see you around, then.” Luhan swings his arm around Sehun’s neck and pulls him away out of the gym, which leaves Kyungsoo to conclude that he should probably avoid Sehun and Luhan for the time being. Kyungsoo crosses his arms, wondering what’s taking Xiumin so long to change out of his Judo attire. He leans against the doorframe, watching the other members file pass with a sullen expression.

Suddenly, there’s a bump to his shoulder. Kyungsoo turns to find a pair of dark eyes trained solely on him. It’s Jongin. The boy, one of the Seven Legends, the tall one, the handsome one—the one Xiumin refers to as their dark horse. Jongin. The one who’s name sounds like jogging. At first, Kyungsoo thinks Jongin’s going to say sorry, but he quickly realizes the boy is waiting for him to apologize, with an obstinate gaze and slightly furrowed eyebrows.

“What?” Sputters Kyungsoo. “Why are you staring at me?”

Jongin’s frown deepens for a second before it completely dissipates. “Apologize. You’re in my way.”

Kyungsoo’s mouth falls open and if he had a beard, it would totally have touched the floor. The nerve of this punk!

“I—I am not!” Kyungsoo’s hands fall to his side in fists and he may have stomped his foot a little. “I’ve been standing here for a while now and—“

“And you’re disrupting general peace by shouting like that.” Jongin cuts in and he’s so smooth about it that Kyungsoo doesn’t even know how to counter that. “Now do everyone a favor and move.”

There’s a silence after that, one that compromises of Kyungsoo staring at Jongin in shock and awe while Jongin stares back defiantly, a dark aura surrounding the both of them. It lasts for about thirty seconds (it’s about time, because Kyungsoo’s right eye is definitely starting to twitch) before in bounces Xiumin, like the oh-so-oblivious way he does.

Kyungsoo’s the first to break eye contact.

“Oh, did I interrupt—“

“No.” Kyungsoo and Jongin say at the same time. Xiumin marvels at both of them for a moment, then decides to drag the two boys out of the gym hand-in-hand. Jongin quickly gets out of the hold, rolling his eyes and disappearing around the corner. Kyungsoo watches with a bitter pout on his lips.

“He’s like that,” Xiumin says, shrugging. He doesn’t seem to mind Jongin’s cold behavior in the least; while Kyungsoo’s so angry he thinks he’s going to self-combust.

“He didn’t have to be so rude.

Xiumin sighs and ruffles his hair, looking uncomfortable. “Well, he wasn’t always like that.”

Kyungsoo frowns at Xiumin’s words; frowns at Xiumin himself, who still has their arms linked. Kyungsoo waits for him to continue, but Xiumin doesn’t say more on the topic as he suddenly starts humming the theme song of a random cartoon show.

“So, have you decided if you like Judo?”

Kyungsoo shrugs. “Meh.”

Xiumin gasps, yanking his arm away and looking like a scandalized movie star. “You do not just meh Judo! It’s the perfect sport; the best technique of self-defense—how can you even degrade it with such a disgraceful—“

“Okay, okay!” Kyungsoo hisses, embarrassed because Xiumin is just so loud, and they’re in the middle of the hallway for crying out loud. “I’m just—not very excited about being thrown about and being pinned down. I mean, I’ll always be at the receiving end because I’m, you know.”

Xiumin blinks. “You’re what?”

Kyungsoo groans.”You know...”

“You’re what?

“I’M SHORT, ALRIGHT!” Kyungsoo yells, and that’s about the end of it for his university reputation as other students look at him strangely. He hides his face by pretending to scratch his non-itchy nose. “Geez, Xiumin.”

“Oh.” Xiumin nods, obviously trying not to laugh. “You’re not that short, though. You just look kind of…” Xiumin stops walking and gives him a thorough once-over. “…small.”

Kyungsoo groans out loud again. This is why he doesn’t want other people’s opinions on his physical build. All that would do is lower his self-esteem even more. And talk about small, Xiumin isn’t really big and intimidating either (which may be the sole reason why he’s instant friends with the crazy moosh face ever since he met him in English Lit.).

“I don’t think it’s bad, you know. I mean, if you’re train hard enough, you can be good. And if you’re good, maybe you’ll be the one doing the throwing and pinning down. If you, you know, seriously train. The other members are just so lazy. Maybe you could be our dark horse.” Xiumin grins.

Kyungsoo suddenly thinks of Jongin, and the idea of throwing him and pinning him down sounds so tempting.

“Okay,” Kyungsoo sighs, looking at the Judo club manager, who has magically procured a bag of chips from thin air. Insecurities and cowardice can go in the trunk and wait. Courage and will and well, idiocy can take the wheels now. “Maybe I’ll give it a shot.”



A/N: subscribe and comments and enjoy reading :)) tell me if you enjoy pokemon references, i'll add moaaarr XD (i'll add them anyway)

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Jinu86 #1
Chapter 4: please update authornim
Chapter 4: Aww is this story not going to be updated? I really love it...
Palris #3
Chapter 4: Will there be no more updates? The story is so good
LeeHymn_Soo90 #4
Can't wait for your next update! ^ㅅ^
Chapter 4: Yasss tear dat ads up Soo
But really Jongin needs to chill with his boy stick lodged up his -*-
lmao_desu #6

easeguidelight #7
Chapter 3: Jongin is an !!! Like seriously! Kyungsoo can learn for godness's sake! Which is why Jongin need to be there to teach him! If Kyungsoo doesn't turn out any better, then it's Jongin's fault in failing as a teacher lol! I love that Kyungsoo is not a pushover…
Chapter 3: I really wonder how this will turn out. Can't wait for the next update. ^-^
Chapter 3: its been forever and i like thissssss
lmao_desu #10
Chapter 3: aaaaaaahhhh kyungsoo will kick ur jongin