

~Chapter 24


Tao and Amy were sitting in the back of a cab heading through Seoul. Normally, surprise locations would be the source of constant inquiry, but Amy decided to enjoy the afternoon with whatever Tao had planned. She didn’t care where they went or what they did as long as she wasn’t around anyone else but him. While watching the scenery pass by through the passenger window, she couldn’t help but steal glances at the seemingly equally giddy boy sitting next to her. Tao’s cute side was definitely the most adorable thing on earth. However, her liking of his cute side was did not completely overshadow the more combative and possessive side that she had caught a peek of last night. She counted herself incredibly lucky that Tao had believed in her feelings for him over Kris’ stupid drunk ranting last night.

Amy’s eyes grew large as the cab took them into a more rural looking area until she could read the English on the signs indicating that they were headed to the Seoul Zoo.

“The Zoo, Tao? Isn’t this a little public for us to spend a day?” Amy asked worriedly.

“I don’t think so. Chen agreed. It’s just you and I. With no other Exo members here, I shouldn’t be too obvious. Plus, I didn’t dress in my normal stuff,” he explained looking down at his wardrobe.

“Hardly. You’re just missing a ton of accessories. Well, I guess it isn’t far off of what a normal trendy guy would wear,” Amy commented.

“Well, and then there’s these,” Tao continued, grabbing his hat and sunglasses.

“But, I can still tell it’s you.”

“Of course, because you’re expecting me here with you. But, to those who aren’t expecting an Exo member to be at the zoo, at best, I will just look familiar.”

“If you say so,” Amy shrugged.

They got out of the car and proceeded to the entrance. Amy didn’t realize she was holding her breath. Only a couple weeks earlier, Paige had been swarmed by paparazzi coming out of the restaurant with the boys. She really didn’t want to experience anything similar. Unless of course it meant that Tao would cuddle her back into a cab. She laughed.

“What’s so funny?” Tao asked.

“Nothing,” Amy shrugged. When Tao lifted an eyebrow, she grabbed his arm and cuddled in next to them as they walked.

“Ooh! That’s pretty!” Amy squealed and pointed to the left before the park entrance.

“It’s the rose garden. We’ll check it out later, promise. Lets explore the zoo first, okay?” Tao asked.

“Of course!” Amy agreed, continuing the hold she had on his arm.

After Tao paid for the tickets they both looked over the park map. “This place is huge,” Amy remarked looking over what animals they had.

“It’s not that bad, and we are here for most of the day,” Tao reassured.

“Zebras!” Amy squealed. She looked up from the map and stared towards the flamingos. “The zebras are over there!” she stated while pointing to the path to the left.

“Zebras it is…” Tao murmured and haphazardly folded the map as they began their walk through the park.

Amy let go of Tao’s arm only to lean herself against the fencing in front of the Zebras. She watched them for a minute with Tao standing right behind her. She turned back and smiled at him. He had already been smiling, but returned it nonetheless. Amy grabbed his wrist and made him stand next to her at the fence. “They’re pretty, right?” she asked.

Tao just laughed, not wanting to call the zebras ‘pretty’ out loud. Next thing he knew, Amy was tugging him further up the path. They stopped at the monkeys, the lions, cheetah, and snow leopard. Tao thought he was going to play the tour guide today, but one glance at the map had left Amy in complete charge. It didn’t matter, really. He’d no game plan as far as which animals they looked at. Tao had glanced around a few times and was very pleased that there had been no attention drawn to them whatsoever. It was probably the last time. He knew that their popularity would only become more obnoxious. But, if he had to hold onto one memory of a normal uninterrupted date, he’d be satisfied if it was this one.

As they walked towards the wolves, Tao noticed one of the restaurants. “Stay here, okay. I’m going to get us something to drink,” Tao announced.

Amy looked around before spying the restaurant that Tao had indicated on going into. She nodded. While Tao was gone, she took a moment to whip out her cell phone and send a quick message to Paige.

We’re at the zoo! It’s perfect, and no one is paying attention to us. He’s taking me to the rose garden later. I’m not sure what else. :D 

Awwwwww. :D 

What are you up to? 

We had a close call. Manager came to see Kris. I hid… with Kai. 

WITH? ooOOOoooooOOOo 

LOL, I’ll talk to you later. Pay attention to Tao. Stop txting me!

He went to get us something to drink! :P … but, okay! TTYL

Amy put her phone back into her pocket and gazed back at the wolf exhibit. She smiled to herself. Now if this were how everyday had been on this vacation, we never would leave.

Tao had paid for the drinks and slipped his wallet back in his pocket. He took a moment to pull out the other item he was carrying with him and fiddled with it for a moment. Wait, just wait. He looked at Amy from across the path. It was wonderful to see her smiling. He had taken a peek watching her txt on her phone and assumed she was checking in with her best friend considering the way she had lightly giggled before returning the phone to her pocket. Suddenly, his nerves kicked into high gear. He and Chen had talked in great lengths that morning, and he should have felt reassured and confident, but he wasn’t. Tao took a deep breath, returned the item to his pocket, grabbed the drinks and made his way across the path to Amy.

“Mmmm, this is great. Thanks!” Amy stated after taking a sip of her drink. “Next?” she asked, linking her free arm with his and immediately pulling him to the next exhibit.

They came around a bend in the path to find themselves at the tiger and leopard exhibit. “Kitties!” Amy yelped and got as close to the fencing as she could.

“They’re not ‘kitties’, they’re dangerous,” Tao commented.

“They are so kitties. And they’re cute!” Amy countered.

Tao couldn’t stop his laughter. He stood shoulder to shoulder with her and draped his arm around her. Because he couldn’t resist, he placed a small kiss on the top of her head.

Amy’s smile couldn’t possibly grow any bigger than it already was.

They took a path to the right towards the marine exhibit. They decided to watch one of the dolphin shows. Tao sat down and pulled Amy in so that she leaned into him. Another inch or two and she might as well just sit on his lap. They enjoyed the tricks and having a chance to sit for a while as a break from the walking they had already done. The show ended at about 4 in the afternoon. They made their way out of the marine area and consulted the map again.

“If we go that way,” Tao said pointing to the right, “we can head towards the elephants and then go down to the kangaroos.”

“Oooh! Kangaroos. Yes, lets go!”

Tao linked their hands and they walked through the exhibits towards the kangaroos. Tao’s heart sped up a bit as he could see the giraffes up ahead. They were almost back to the front of the zoo.

Amy couldn’t see the kangaroo at first and Tao had to find it and point it out to her. “Ah! Sneaky thing.” Amy muttered.

“Is there anything on the map that you want to see that we haven’t?” Tao asked.

“Not specifically. You?"

“We’ll head over to the rose garden next. It’ll get dark in another hour or so. We can get dinner afterwards.”

“Sounds terrific!” Amy watched the kangaroo for a moment longer and then looked towards the path leading to the entrance. “You sure you’re done with the zoo?” Amy asked.

“Yep, plus you’ll love the garden,” Tao stated confidently. He only wished he felt more confident.

They made their way to the garden, which was busy with those who were enjoying the end of their day. The softer sunlight definitely produced a nice color through the garden. There were sections of different flowers everywhere, vine covered arches, a fountain and a gazebo. It was very picturesque.

“Oh! I just had an idea!” Amy stated while fumbling to get her phone from her pocket. “Come here!” Tao was already standing next to her, but she pulled him against her side and tried to angle the camera phone.

Tao laughed and took the phone holding it up higher. His arms were longer, plus he was taller and could take the picture from a better angle.

“Take more than one!” Amy shouted when he was about to give her back her phone. Tao clicked and soon they were in their own little photo booth making faces and being ridiculous. Amy noticed a passerby giggling at them. She didn’t care if the whole world laughed. Each of these pictures was going to be treasured. “Lemme see!” Amy begged grabbing the phone and going through each of the pictures. She scrolled through her photo library quickly. “Oh ugh, not that one.” Amy was about to erase a picture, but Tao grabbed the phone to stop her. He quickly chose the group of pictures they’d taken, typed in his phone number and sent himself the entire group of shots. Then with a smug smile, he returned her phone.

“Hey! Not all of those are flattering,” Amy pouted.

Tao smiled and took a step forward to close the distance between them. Amy lost track of any thought she had about the photos they’d just taken. Her eyes were locked with his and she could feel her heart speeding up like hummingbird wings. When Tao smiled, his eyes curved in a way that she could only describe as perfect or perhaps poetic. If they didn’t look so entirely perfect on him, she would be jealous that her eyes weren’t quite so elegant. For a moment, she saw his eyes widen slightly as she got lost in that intensity that was purely Tao. She cut off her vision entirely as his lips touched hers.

At first, the kiss mimicked her heart. It was like a light feeling of nervousness. He placed his hands against either side of her neck, lightly tracing small circles with his thumbs just below her jaw line. She exhaled, wishing she could just turn into a puddle under the touch of his hands. Her entire body relaxed against his and Tao was free to take the kiss exactly where he wanted.

She didn’t know how he managed to kiss her so thoroughly without her feeling embarrassed that they were in the middle of a pretty populated garden. He must have taken that into consideration as well as he took a peak around them after breaking away from the kiss.

“Follow me,” he instructed. Like she would have done anything but if he’d taken more than three steps away from her.

Tao wound his way through the garden to bring them closer to the lake and in the more private protection of the line of trees growing there. The sun was casting colors in both the sky and on the top of the water. Amy would have spent more time drinking in the scene if it hadn’t been for Tao’s sudden state of nervousness.

“Amy?” Tao started. He was holding her hand, but standing away as if he needed the oxygen between them.


Tao took a deep breath and exhaled, making Amy’s nervousness increase. “I know you’ve only been here for two weeks. But before your vacation ends, I needed to tell you something.” Tao paused, looking at Amy’s anxious expression. “I like you, a lot. I really like you,” he somewhat mumbled.

Amy could have fainted. Those words that she’d only heard in K-dramas and thought she’d never hear a guy say to her. Amy felt her fluttering heartbeat stutter for a moment and then change to an all out drumbeat.

She inhaled, and then making sure she formed the words perfectly in Korean she repeated the phrase back to Tao. Inwardly, she kicked herself for not learning how to say it back to him in Chinese. It was something she would learn very quickly starting tomorrow! Still, she was happy watching that familiar perfect eye smile start to grow in his expression.

“I don’t want this to end when you leave,” he spoke quickly, not wanting her to have a chance to counter what he was about to say. “I know it will be extremely hard. I’m going to be busy constantly. But, I’d like to come visit you when I can. I can call you on the phone or computer. I don’t want to lose you over distance.”

“I don’t want that either. But, how often can you even travel to the States?” Amy whispered.

“I’m not sure. Honestly. But I’ll make every attempt to do so,” Tao stated eagerly. He didn’t have a plan, per say, but he didn’t want to give up just yet. And he would figure it all out eventually.

“Okay,” Amy agreed, while skeptical. She didn’t want this to end either, but it would be hard to go so long without actually being around him. She would be constantly waiting.

“Okay? As in you’re agreeing right?” Tao asked.


Tao reached into his pocket and took out a small white box. He fumbled with it in his hands for a moment, searching for the right sentence.

“I can’t stay by your side when you return home. But, every moment I will be thinking of you. If you wear this, then I know I’ll stay in your thoughts as well.” Tao handed Amy the box.

“You’re silly. Of course I’ll always be thinking of…” Amy’s words fell short as she opened the box to reveal a slim necklace with a charm. The delicately crafted charm was made with silver and black stones. The small panda’s arm was in the shape of a heart. She couldn’t believe just how precious the little panda was. Amy blinked back a tear before returning her gaze to Tao. She honestly had no words.

Tao walked up closer to her, taking the necklace from the box. He carefully secured it around her neck, moving her hair back into place once he was done. Amy wouldn’t let him have his chance to step back. She locked her arms around the middle of his torso and clung to him. “I don’t want to leave,” she whispered.

“I know,” Tao whispered back, hugging her close to him and resting his cheek against the top of her head. Maybe if he hugged her tight enough, she wouldn’t leave.

They stayed long enough to watch the early fall sunset. However, once both of their stomachs started to growl, they made their way back to the front of the garden to get a cab and head to dinner.

Tao had managed to secure a private table at the nice restaurant. Since they were back in the main area of the city, and hats and sunglasses were no longer reasonable, he had made sure to guarantee them some privacy. Amy was tired from the walk around the zoo, but if she could have kept the day going forever, she would have. 

She idly played with the charm on the necklace ever since he’d secured it around her neck. She was hoping there was some kind of magic locked to it so that she could wish for a solution other than a long distance relationship. The reality of the situation, that she’d wanted to ignore, was finally catching up to her.

When their food arrived, they ate quietly, both of them fairly famished. There was no short supply of longing smiles and quiet glances throughout dinner. The silence was as heartbreaking as it was necessary with the emotions hanging in the air. If there was any communication going on, it was said purely through their glances at each other. Amy was shouting her frustrations and willingness to do whatever to stay with Tao every time she looked up at him. As he watched her eat dinner, he was trying to reassure himself and her that after only two weeks, asking her to live here was unreasonable, but that he couldn’t end things and let her leave without somehow staying tied to him. Both options were selfish, but it didn’t seem like there was anything else he could do.

At the end of dinner, Tao walked around the table to pull back Amy’s chair for her. He led her out of the restaurant with his hand resting on the small of her back. The staff had called a cab for them, which had already been waiting outside when they left. Amy paused at the door of the taxi clasping the panda charm.

“We’re not over. We’re just going home,” Tao leaned forward and whispered in her ear. Amy nodded and reluctantly dipped down into the waiting cab. If only the dorm could continue to be home.

The cab ride was almost as quiet as dinner, but they were cuddled in the back seat. They pulled up to the dorm and walked inside the gates. Amy paused before they opened the front door.

“The necklace is wonderful. The date was wonderful too,” she smiled up at him.

“Good,” Tao said returning the smile. Knowing he’d not likely get much more privacy than this in the next few minutes, he took his chance to place another kiss on Amy’s lips. It might have lasted longer too, if Tao hadn’t spied movement from the curtain of the Main room window.

“Come on,” Tao stated and reached for the doorknob. Upon entering they both kicked off their shoes and were greeted by a few of the members occupying the main room and kitchen. One of which was Chen who threw him a thumbs up, answering just who had possibly been peeking out the window a moment earlier. Tao sighed, shaking his head, but smiling.






Okay Pologirl0611 - you know that this chapter was alllllll for you.

Next we get a group date! lol... or outing, whatever you want to call it! Stay tuned! :D

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Chapter 1: It's 2020 I can't believe how long ago this was. It's still super cute
JiLin1998 #2
Chapter 2: Oh man and what is the Cause of this Problem? Exactly!the luggage
lunaluz #3
Chapter 31: I love this fanfic! I really like Luhan's character in here. (:
Chapter 31: Just scanned the last 2 chaps to find kai's name but didnt. Find any T___T
kai Paige </3 Whyyyy? I Love Kai it hurts :(
Chapter 13: T.T i love kai paige.. Always looking f0rward to their m0ments. I h0pe i can witnesS m0re of them...
Chapter 4: Atlast kai's in the picture..been reading fast f0rward til i g0t kai in the scene. :)
cant wait f0r m0re kai x paige m0ments
Saw this while scanning your stories...i just cant get enough of JuST US and kai...i hope kai will be the main charatcer here...gonna start reading to find out :)
ILoveTao1234 #8
I read this a while back and I just stopped here to tell you how much I love it!
yoonseokaf #9
I read this story so long ago and I still love it so much, it's incredible!!!
this is very nice, bb ♡