Fan Meet


~Chapter 15


Amy and Paige both woke up at the first sound of movement in the dorm. It was just past sunrise, but they both woke up anxious for another day on their crazy vacation. Amy showered and was ready for the day first. She went downstairs to find some breakfast and find out what the boys were going to be up to that day. Paige was using the shower and would probably follow her downstairs shortly. She pretty much figured that it would be another erratic day, but was nonetheless looking forward to it.

Amy made her way down to the main floor. Chen was sitting on one of the chairs doing something on his cellphone. “Good morning!” she greeted him.

“Good morning,” Chen replied, smiling brightly while looking up from his phone.

“Another crazy day in store?” she asked.


Amy continued to the kitchen to find D.O. busy making breakfast for a few of the members. Kai was there, but might as well have been asleep. He had his head resting on his arms, lying on the counter. Sehun and Suho were also sitting at the counter talking to D.O.

“Good morning,” Amy interrupted.

“Good morning,” they all replied, even Kai, whose response sounded more like mumbling. Amy picked a chair at the counter and sat with the rest of them.

“Want breakfast?” D.O. asked.

“Sure. Paige will be down soon, she’d probably like some too.” Amy watched as Kai’s head lifted just slightly.

“No problem,” D.O. replied.

Amy watched Kai like a hawk. She was burning with curiosity as to why his actions were constantly flipping. He’d been short and impatient with Paige at the beginning of their stay, obviously stating that they were nothing but an inconvenience. But, then he’d been glued to her during the first movie they’d watched together. Following that, they’d ended up kissing. What the heck was his problem? Stop confusing Paige! She tried to send the message via ESP in the hopes he’d just get it and make Paige stop feeling so conflicted. Staring at his nearly sleeping form made her roll her eyes and she returned her attention to the almost finished breakfast.

“What is the schedule like for today?” Amy asked them.

“A few little things in a little while. This afternoon we have a show taping and a fan meet,” Suho explained.

“Yes, but thankfully the taping won’t run too late, and it’s nearby so we’ll actually get home at a decent hour,” Sehun added.

“That depends on how long the fan meet lasts,” Suho finished.

“How does that work?” Amy asked.

“They will have a taping of our performance on stage. Once the taping is done, the fans that fill out the audience will get to meet with us. We do autographs and pictures. It ends once everyone has gone through the line,” Suho explained.

“How many people usually go to those?” Amy asked.

“A few hundred or so. They usually have a first come first serve audience attendance just to make sure the space is filled. Not everyone does the fan meet, but it can still take some time to get through everyone who is there,” Sehun replied.

“That must be surreal.”

“Since we’re new, any opportunity to meet with fans is important. We have to be able to connect with our fans,” Suho explained.

“Of course. They’re the ones buying the music, right?”

“Exactly.” D.O. handed out plates of food to those sitting at the counter. Suddenly, Kai was alive and eating. Amy rolled her eyes. Breakfast was particularly yummy and Amy was anxious for Paige to come downstairs. Not only did she want Paige to enjoy the breakfast, she also had an idea for how to keep busy for the day.

Paige came down the stairs moments later. She walked into the kitchen and paused for a moment. Amy watched her friend make eye contact with Kai before turning strawberry red and staring at the floor. Kai, once Paige was looking away, smiled. Oh my God! The two of them are ridiculous! Amy figured they were doing nothing more than just confusing each other by acting childish. D.O. gave Paige some of the breakfast he’d made. She nodded accepting the plate and ate breakfast while staring down at it. Kai was the first to finish breakfast and left to go upstairs.

“What are you girls planning today?” Suho asked.

“Nothing yet,” replied Paige.

“We’ll figure something out. There is still plenty we haven’t seen,” Amy quickly responded.

“I’m glad you can keep yourselves busy. We’re not exactly the best hosts right now.”

“Nonsense. We’re having fun, right Paige?”

“Yes, of course,” Paige responded.

“Good. I’ve got to get ready to go. Excuse me.” Both of the girls nodded as Suho left.

Amy leaned to Paige to whisper to her, “I have an idea. I will tell you once the boys leave.” Paige looked at Amy with a confused expression.

“You can’t tell me now?” she asked.

“Not yet. But it’s a good thing we’re both pretty much ready for today. I’m going to go get my phone.” Amy left the counter and went up to her room.

Paige smiled at D.O. and Sehun and then thanked D.O. for breakfast. They both left to get ready for their first commitment of the day. Paige left the kitchen to find out what her friend was up to.

“So, what are we doing today?” she asked.

“They haven’t left yet. I will tell you soon,” Amy replied.

“It’s not like anyone can hear us,” Paige countered.

“Doesn’t matter,” Amy said with a smile. “Just give me a few more minutes to figure out the details.

“Alright,” Paige consented. She sat on her bed and watched her friend searching for something on her phone. What on earth was Amy concocting now?



About an hour later there was knock on the girls’ door. Paige opened the door to find Tao standing there. He anxiously looked around Paige’s shoulder for Amy. “I just came up to tell you that we’re leaving.” Amy looked up from her phone and smiled at him.

“Have fun! We’ll see you later,” Amy replied, immediately looking back down at her phone.

“Don’t mind her, she’s currently obsessed with figuring something out. She won’t even tell me,” Paige told Tao. He was smiling regardless. Tao went downstairs with the rest of the boys and left for the later half of the morning and the afternoon.

“What is going on?” Paige asked Amy. Amy smiled. It was a suspiciously conniving smile. Paige knew it well. “Oh God, what on earth are you thinking?”

“Come on.” Amy stood up and immediately left the room giving Paige no options but to follow her for answers. Amy walked up the stairs to the third floor. At the top of the stairs, she made a beeline to the room she knew Tao was sharing with others.

“What are you doing?” Paige asked. Amy wouldn’t respond. Instead, she rifled through a couple of drawers until she found one of Tao’s “Exo” labeled shirts.

“AH HA!” Amy exclaimed with a bright smile. “Your turn,” she said to Paige.

“What do you mean?”

“We have to find you one of the guy’s shirts too,” Amy explained while grabbing Paige’s wrist and heading down the hall.

“Not one of Kai’s!” Paige stopped.

“No no, besides, those would still be in our room, probably. Over here,” Amy made a right down the hallway towards the room that Luhan shared with Kris and XiuMin.

“Whose shirt?”

“Luhan’s. Out of all the guys, he would probably mind the least.”

“I don’t know about this. What are we doing?”

“We have to hurry. If we don’t get over to the studio, we may never get in.”

“Okay, you have to explain right now!” Paige demanded.

“The boys are filming for a show tonight. Afterwards, they are doing a fan meet. We’re going to go,” Amy explained.

“We can’t!”

“Why not? We are going to blend in perfectly with the fans. We even have Exo shirts! It’ll be perfect!”

“You’re nuts,” Paige exclaimed.

“We have nothing planned for today. Do you really want to sit around doing nothing? This will be fun. We can watch them perform and have a little fun with them while they’re signing autographs and stuff. No one knows who we are. We would just be in the mix of it all.”

“Okay…” Paige responded with some trepidation.

“Let’s finished getting ready and head over there. We’ll have to contend with other fans trying to get in, so the faster we get there, the better chance we have at making it in. Oh and make sure you wrap your ankle good. We’re likely going to be on our feet for quite some time.” Amy had found an “Exo” shirt of Luhan’s and handed it to Paige. They both walked back to the 2nd floor to do their makeup and get ready for the afternoon.

Once they were ready to go, they took a taxi to the studio. Amy had found the location online, after hearing that it was somewhere nearby from Sehun. Amy had been right. There was already a swarm of fans outside of the studio for the taping in a couple hours. They had managed to worm their way into the middle of the crowd and were waiting anxiously. The boys were still at a prior commitment, but would be coming soon for rehearsal and then the taping. Amy was acting like any hardcore fan. However, her excitement stemmed from deviousness. She was currently concocting exactly how to surprise the guys with their appearance at tonight’s taping.

“Hey,” she nudged Paige to get her attention. “You have to be ridiculous, okay? No just ‘sign this please’.”

“What exactly should I do?”

“We have to be crazy fans! So, ask for their pictures. Ask for a hug. Be silly!”

“Oh my gosh. They’re going to think we’re crazy.”

“Maybe, but they know us, so I’m hoping to get them to laugh at us,” Amy explained. “You know, break up the monotony of all the normal fans that they greet this evening.”

“Alright, but if they react badly, I’m leaving.”

“They won’t!” Amy smiled. She was completely confident in her plan for the night. She stared at all the other girls waiting. If anyone was going to make an impression tonight, it would be her and Paige. Amy continued to smile while anxiously waiting.

An hour later, fans were led in and directed to the main staging area for rehearsals before filming. Amy and Paige were about halfway back within the audience. Paige had no intention to attract attention to them, until the fan meet. Amy had other ideas. The first run-through was underway. Fan girls were screaming and cheering for Exo. Paige was entertained by just watching them practice and make adjustments before the filming. The both of them had watched some videos online during downtime and had acquainted themselves with several songs. In the least, Paige was following the beat of the song that was being performed. And then she heard Amy scream.

“Oppa! Oppa!” Amy screamed, jumping up and down from her spot in the crowd.

“WHAT are you doing?!” Paige attempted to stop her.

“They can’t hear me anyway. There a thousand screaming girls in here,” Amy laughed. “Oppa!!! Oppa!” she continued.

Paige put her hands over her face. This was going to be an interesting night. She tried to watch them rehearse, but also tried to take a step back from her psychotic friend. “Okay, okay! Wait until later!” Paige urged Amy. However, Amy continued with her antics. Paige couldn’t help but laugh. She watched the guys while her best friend continued to jump up and down and wave.

Once the rehearsal was done, everyone quieted down and waited for the filming to begin. Amy had enjoyed the first step in her plan for this evening. During filming, they would have to be more respectful of the performance. But, at least she had used her chance to chant when she had it.

“Oh crap,” murmured Paige.

“What?” Amy asked.

“I swear Chanyeol just spotted us.”

“How can you tell?” Amy asked, not believing for a second that any of them would have ever noticed them.

“Look,” Paige nodded towards the stage. Amy looked up and noticed Chanyeol staring straight at them. When both the girls were looking, he waved, causing their entire section to erupt in screaming.

“Oh my gosh!” Amy turned away and laughed with Paige.

“Yeah, we’ve been caught.”

“Oh well, we were going to eventually. Lets hope he doesn’t mention it to the others.” Amy hadn’t wanted her plan to be ruined. She still wanted to have fun with them at the fan meet.

Chanyeol didn’t make eye contact again for the rest of the filming. The boys left the stage and fans were slowly led out of the main filming set. Some fans left, but others stayed for the fan meet. Amy and Paige were a little ways back in line. Neither of them minded, as they would still be home before the boys after all of this. However, Amy still fell right into playing her part.

“Oh my gosh! I just can’t wait!”

“What is wrong with you?” Paige asked.

Amy smacked Paige’s arm. “Come on! Have fun with me!” Amy requested. Paige laughed at her and decided to follow suit.

“Hmm, who do you want to meet first?” Paige playfully asked.

“That one!” Amy pointed, at no one in particular. She merely pointed at the table in general.

“I want a picture with the fourth one,” Paige exclaimed, hinting at Sehun.

“Oh my gosh, you should ask Kai to take your picture! It would make him jealous,” Amy exclaimed.

“No, it won’t,” Paige muttered.

“Yes, it will! I promise,” Amy replied. Paige shook her head, but decided that she’d go with it.

They had to wait quite some time for their turn, but in the meantime, they had come up with a fully developed plan for their twelve housemates. Amy was convinced that Chanyeol hadn’t mentioned them, since none of the guys seemed to either look for them or at them. It was the perfect set up. Amy watched each girl in line make their way across the table, and watched for interesting reactions and things she could do to mimic them. When they were only a few fans away from the table, Amy snapped into full fan girl mode. She approached Kris with a notebook she had carried in her purse.

“Oppa, can you sign this for me?” She asked in the sweetest voice she could muster. Paige stood shoulder to shoulder to Amy and waited.

Kris’ head snapped up. Just as Amy had guessed, his eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he nodded, stifling laughter and wrote his signature on the pad of paper. “Thank you, Oppa!” Amy squealed before literally hopping to D.O. who was sitting next to Kris.

D.O. put his hand over his mouth while watching Amy bubbly ask for his autograph as well. Without a word he signed it and then looked up at Paige. She, in turn, also requested the autograph and watched D.O. trying to contain his laughter.

Amy skipped past Kai, leaving him to Paige while obtaining Sehun, Chanyeol, and XiuMin’s autographs. Chanyeol was outright laughing at Amy’s exuberant skipping down the line.

Paige had obtained Kai’s autograph and then hatched the next stage of the plan. She turned to Sehun, “Oppa! Can I have a picture?!” Sehun almost burst out laughing, but laughed and accepted the request. Paige turned to Kai, “You. Can you take the picture of us please?” she asked abruptly. D.O. doubled over in his chair, next to Kai. Kai, looking somewhere between annoyed and amused, took the camera phone and stood up to take the picture. Paige leaned over the table with Sehun next to her facing Kai. Chanyeol and XiuMin squeezed into the picture as well. After Kai had taken it, Paige turned to Sehun and gave him a hug, “Thank you, Oppa!” and then proceeded to thank Chanyeol and XiuMin as well.

Meanwhile, Amy had to wait for Tao to finish signing something for the girl in front of her. As soon as she was done, she shoved the notebook in front of him. “Can you write ‘I Love Amy’ right there?” she asked pointing at the paper? Tao’s head snapped up. The instant he realized it was Amy, the biggest grin spread on his face. He then noticed the commotion that Paige had just caused next to him and laughed.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Shhh,” Amy whispered. “Please, Oppa?! Sign it for me?!” she pleaded loudly. Tao laughed and signed the page.

“Nice shirt,” he added before Amy could skip over to Chen.

“Oh, you like?!” Amy responded turning to both sides as if she was showing off a dazzling outfit.

“Very much.”

“Thank you, Oppa!” Amy replied and then skipped to Chen.

Paige continued through the line after Amy, constantly turning to look at Kai. She wasn’t convinced that Amy’s idea had worked, but she felt somewhat giddy having played around with the guys. Since they had already started a stir with their bubbly acting, by the time they reached the last few Exo members, they were waiting for the antics instead of surprised by them. When Paige reached Luhan and handed him the notebook, he shook his head. Instead he stood leaning over the table with his pen. He quickly penned his name on his own shirt that Paige was wearing near where it hung at her waist. She had stood still, momentarily surprised until he whispered to her, “Keep the shirt.” This time it was Paige’s turn to laugh. She looked down at her new shirt and giggled. She smiled back at Luhan who was quite proud of his action. She mouthed ‘Thank You’.

Amy, who had already collected Chen, Lay, and Luhan’s autograph before Paige, had reached Baekhyun with her last action in mind. She immediately stopped skipping in front of Baekhyun. Standing as if in awe, she stared at the top of his head. “Oppa,” she said slowly, “your hair looks so soft. Can I touch it?”

Suho, who was already at a loss for the performance given by the girls, couldn’t stop the roar of laughter that Amy’s last request had prompted. Meanwhile, Baekhyun leaned forward over the table allowing Amy the chance to ruffle his hair slightly. She had kept her ‘in awe’ stance until he leaned back up. Immediately, she hopped in place shouting, “Thank you!” before jumping in front of Suho. Baekhyun was in a fit of giggles while signing Paige’s notebook.

Suho, couldn’t quite make eye contact with either of the girls who were standing before him. However, in unison, as soon as he did raise his gaze to them, they both bowed slightly, creating a heart shape with their hands at their chests and yelled “Saranghaeyo!” As Suho tried desperately to regain his composure, both of the girls danced away happily with their collection of autographs, picture, and ridiculous memories.



Amy and Paige rushed home after leaving the line of fans. They knew they would have maybe an hour or so before the boys would come home. Amy had constructed another plan for when they did return. The two of them kept the shirts on, put their notebooks in the middle of the floor of the main room with the phone nearby. While waiting, they each ate a small dinner and then practiced more of their fan girl reactions.

Sure enough, by the end of the second hour since coming home, they heard the van pull up to the front of the dorm. Both of them smiled to each other and prepared for their last scene of the day. They sat on the floor with their notebooks and camera. Amy flipped to the page that Tao had signed, while Paige the camera to view the picture of her with Sehun, XiuMin and Chanyeol. It was actually a fantastic picture. The two girls started to recall their moments at the fan meet with each other as if they’d just met their ultimate idols. As the door clicked open, both girls were in a fit of hysterics.

“And I didn’t even ask the other two to be in the picture! This is so AWESOME!” Paige squealed.

“He wrote ‘I Love Amy!” Amy giggled, hugging the notebook to her chest and slightly rocking back and forth.

Tao and Chanyeol were the first through the door and in the main room with everyone else following quickly behind them. Tao stopped, standing in front of the two of them for a moment before he had to sit down in one of the chairs joining with their laughter.

“I saw you guys from the stage during the practice! I couldn’t believe you showed up,” stated Chanyeol.

“You saw them, earlier?” Suho asked.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure they know it too,” Chanyeol continued. Paige let herself fall from a sitting position to laying on the floor giggling.

“Yes, I noticed. However, every fan in our area thought you were waving to them,” Paige laughed. Chanyeol smiled before finding a seat for himself as well.

“You should have told us,” Suho told Chanyeol.

“Nope, it was too funny. I had no idea why they were there, but I wasn’t going to ruin whatever they had up their sleeves.”

“Amy wouldn’t even tell me. She was concocting the whole thing since this morning,” Paige stated.

“Did the picture come out good?” Sehun asked sitting next to Paige on the floor.

“Yes, look!” she replied, showing the picture on her phone to Sehun. Chanyeol got up and came around to see as well as XiuMin who walked over from near the door. Paige turned to Kai, “Thanks for taking it.” Kai nodded with a small smile, walking to another of the chairs.

“That was ridiculous, but you probably shouldn’t do anything like that again,” Kris stated.

Both of the girls looked up at him, trying to hide smiles and bowed slightly. “We promise,” they said in unison. Immediately after, Amy choked on her held back fit of giggles.

Luhan walked past and sat down in a chair that was behind where Paige was sitting on the floor next to Sehun, XiuMin and Chanyeol. “I meant what I said about the shirt. Keep it,” he stated.

“Of course,” Paige replied, turning to smile at him. Amy could hear Kai’s scoff, even though it hadn’t been very loud. She turned to look at him guessing that he was probably boiling with jealousy.

“I knew you wouldn’t like it if she grabbed anything of yours. I figured Luhan would be a little more lenient,” Amy muttered to Kai. He visibly took a deep breath before shrugging and resuming his standoffish slouch in the chair. Amy laughed to herself. Yep, she was right.

Tao left the chair and accompanied Amy on the floor. “You surprised me,” he said taking the notebook out of her hands.

“That was the point,” she laughed.

“How come you only asked Sehun for a picture?” Chen asked Paige.

“Huh?” she responded looking up at Chen. The real reason was to make Kai jealous, but there was no reason why she’d chosen Sehun verses anyone else.

“Yeah, we should all have a picture,” Luhan suggested. He slid from the chair behind Paige to kneel just behind her on the floor. He grabbed the phone and extended it in front of himself and Paige. Smiling brightly he snapped the picture, giving Paige enough time to smile as well.

“Me too! Me too!” shouted Chen walking over to where Paige was sitting.

“Everyone has to take pictures!” yelled Amy over the laughter that was contagiously consuming everyone. In groups of two to five, the boys were taking turns with each of the girls and sometimes both of them. Tao refused to let anyone into the frame when he posed next to Amy. Shortly after, Amy had to drag Paige to sit next to Kai for a picture. As she was about to take the picture, Kai broke out in a smile. It had actually been a cute picture, and one that Amy would save and show Paige later.

They all stayed, talked and laughed for a while after the picture frenzy was over. Amy and Paige shared a glance at each other, each knowing exactly what the other one was thinking. They would stay, as long as they could.




Midnight just struck here in California a moment ago! Happy New Years! 2014, woot!

That was fun, right?! I could never actually imagine my reactions if I were to have an opportunity to go to a fan sign. I'd probably be just really quiet, smile and nod. :D

Oh well, I can enjoy this fictional scene.

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Chapter 1: It's 2020 I can't believe how long ago this was. It's still super cute
JiLin1998 #2
Chapter 2: Oh man and what is the Cause of this Problem? Exactly!the luggage
lunaluz #3
Chapter 31: I love this fanfic! I really like Luhan's character in here. (:
Chapter 31: Just scanned the last 2 chaps to find kai's name but didnt. Find any T___T
kai Paige </3 Whyyyy? I Love Kai it hurts :(
Chapter 13: T.T i love kai paige.. Always looking f0rward to their m0ments. I h0pe i can witnesS m0re of them...
Chapter 4: Atlast kai's in the picture..been reading fast f0rward til i g0t kai in the scene. :)
cant wait f0r m0re kai x paige m0ments
Saw this while scanning your stories...i just cant get enough of JuST US and kai...i hope kai will be the main charatcer here...gonna start reading to find out :)
ILoveTao1234 #8
I read this a while back and I just stopped here to tell you how much I love it!
yoonseokaf #9
I read this story so long ago and I still love it so much, it's incredible!!!
this is very nice, bb ♡