Chapter 3

A Complication with Infiltration


During my night shift at the 24/7, I can’t say I was completely surprised when 3 familiar faces walked through the automatic sliding doors of the shop.
My annoyance scale instantly flew up as I continued to read a magazine that I had found in the staff room.
The night shifts were always slow and I was willing to try anything to make the time pass quicker.
However, these boys had a knack for making the time seem like it had come to a stand still.
“Sanghee~” The oldest of the 3; Jaeho sang in his usual obnoxious voice.
I tried my best not to look up and glare at him but when I felt his hand touch my chin and tilt my head up, I already found my hand slapping his away with that said glare plastered on my face.
“Jaeho, if you’re not going to buy anything, go someplace else” I frowned as Jaeho laughed along with his two freakishly tall friends.
They always followed Jaeho’s lead but luckily, I knew how to handle him.
“Come on Sanghee, It’s been 4 months already. When are you going to admit that you have some sort of feelings for me?”
“I do have feelings for you Jaeho, very strong feelings. Annoyance which is rapidly turning into hate if you don’t stop border-line stalking me” I sighed as Jaeho instantly showed an expression of insult on his face but I knew better than to believe it.
I was just lucky that Jaeho wasn’t a very violent person; towards me anyway.
“I know you want me, I can see it in your eyes”
 “That’s the disgust I have for you” I sent him a fake smile as Jaeho’s hand flew to his chest.
“That hurts Jagiya”
I rolled my eyes and went back to reading the article in the magazine in front of me.
Something about 2PM going over to Japan.
Seems like all the entertainment companies wanted their artists to expand in Japan.
As long as they’re out of the country that I’m currently in then it’s completely fine by me.
“Oh no, Sanghee! Don’t tell me you’re a Hottest?!”
I raised an eyebrow and looked up at Jaeho in complete puzzlement.
“A Hottest, A 2PM fan” Jaeho said poking the magazine article I had been reading out of boredom.
I had to refrain from laughing at his question because of course, I would never be a fan of such a group.
Sangmin had a thing for them a while back though.
I’ll never forget the week she spent locked up in her bedroom in tears because of one of their members leaving.
Good times, good times.
That put a smile on my face.
“No, I’m not a fan but since you know the fan club name; I’m beginning to think you are” I smirked as his two friends both looked to Jaeho in curiosity.
Jaeho shook his head in response to my accusation almost instantly.
“My younger sisters are all fans of them. Personally I don’t know what they see in them guys. Their Oppa is more handsome than the 6 members put together” Jaeho said before striking a power pose.
Letting out a sigh, I turned the page over in the magazine.
“Well I’m not a fan. If you’re not going to buy anything then leave. I have better things to do than waste my time talking to you three”
“Like reading about 2PM?” One of Jaeho’s lackeys asked, earning a deathly glare from me.
Sensing danger, Jaeho quickly backed up before speaking up once again.
“Fine we’ll leave but we’ll be back next time. I’ll see you then Jagiya”
And with that said, the 3 of them retreated out of the store to leave me seething in anger from their words.
The morning after my night shift at the convenience store, I spent the rest of the day in bed to try catch up on the sleep that I had missed.
That’s until my alarm clock woke me up at the same time it did when ever I had worked a night shift. 
I slept from 7am to 3pm  so it gave me just enough time to get a shower and changed before making my way to the spot where I knew Yunhee and a small amount of other anti’s that she would have personally picked from the anti-forum to meet.
Although both Yunhee and I run the forum, Yunhee had more involvement with the other members while I chose to keep to myself.
It was the same for these meetings but I couldn’t not go and leave Yunhee to work the meeting alone.
After taking a much needed shower, I began to get dressed in the outfit I had already picked out for the night.
A pair of grey skinny jeans and a blue and white stripped mid-drift top.
Just as I was tying my hair up into a messy bun I heard the sound that made me feel like my ears were bleeding. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me, first SHINee and now Super Junior?” I questioned to myself as I rolled my eyes and walked out of my bedroom.
Deciding that I didn’t have the energy to have another argument with Sangmin, I made my way down the stairs of our house as the music became les audible.
Passing the living room, I glanced at my Appa watching the television with a sandwich in one hand and a bottle of soju in the other.
His usual routine for a Saturday afternoon.
His eyes didn’t leave the square screen as I passed by, he was into football in a major way and everything else was dead to him in the world when we watched a game.
I walked into the Kitchen to see my Umma stood at island of the kitchen, cutting off the crusts of another sandwich.
I didn’t need to ask who’s sandwich that was.
Only one person in this house disliked the crusts to be left on their bread and only one person in this house had never lifted a finger to make herself something to eat in her entire life in this house.
“Oh Sanghee, you’re awake. Be a dear and take this up to your sister” Umma said placing the sandwich on a small plate and pushing it in my direction as she watched me sit down at the dinning table.
Not that any of us had ever shared a family meal at this table, Umma liked it for decorative purposes.
“What? Is she physically unable to come down stairs and get it herself?“ I asked  but of course Umma doesn’t think logically when Sangmin is involved.
“Sanghee, You’re sister is studying right now in her room and I don’t want to disturb her. She has to do well in these exams coming up or she won’t get into university. I can‘t have both my daughter‘s being failures” Umma said with a bit of venom in her words.
She never liked the fact that I dropped out of University and never let me forget it.
“I’m not a failure Umma, I just finally made a decision for myself for once instead of listening to you” I said, resting my head on the palm of my hand.
Suddenly Umma slammed her hands down on the island in front of her.
“I will not have you talking to me like that! Without me you wouldn’t even be here. You should be thankful we still let you live here after the shame you put this family through. Sangmin is trying to make up for that with all her might. You’d be wise to take a few lessons from your sister. It seems like she’s the only one who cares for this family out of the both of you”
Gritting my teeth I stood up from my seat, knocking it backwards in the process which made Umma jump slightly.
She was scared of her own daughter, how pathetic.
“You’ve got it wrong Umma. The only person this family seems to care about is Sangmin. It’s your own doing that there was shame brought onto our family. You just hate the fact that I realized I had my own mind because that meant you no longer had control over me” I snapped as Umma glared at me slightly.
I didn’t back down though, It was almost over anyway.
“Hurry up and find your own place to live. I’m sick of the sight of you”
“Whatever” I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen, towards the front door.
Grabbing my bag and slipping on my converse shoes, I stepped out of the house and slammed the door behind me, letting out a sigh as I did so.
That was today’s ‘Umma Confrontation’ over with.
As I began to walk down the sidewalk, I pulled out my phone to call Yunhee when I realized my phone had a call coming through.
The number was unknown but I answered it anyway.
“Hello, May I speak to Miss Lee Sanghee please?”
“Oh Miss Lee, this is Secretary Oh from SM Entertainment. I’m calling about the job you recently applied for. I was informed that your interview went well and that you were chosen to be one of the new hair stylists for SM Entertainment”
My jaw almost dropped as I instantly froze in mid-step.
“E-Excuse me?”
“My boss Miss Park who handles all the new staff that work under SM Entertainment would like you to come here to sort out some paper work as soon as possible. She’s got a tight schedule and was wondering if you could make it sometime today?” Secretary Oh explained as I tried to make sense of what this woman was saying to me.
I had got the job?
I had got the job that allowed me access to idols and become close enough to them to know their weak spots?
“Today? Of course. Um, I could come down right now if it’s okay?” I asked beginning to walk forward once again.
“That would be great. When you get here just ask the person at the front desk for Secretary Oh and I’ll come and collect you. Congratulations on getting the job by the way” Secretary Oh chimed as I nodded, completely aware that she couldn’t even see me.
“Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can” I said before saying my goodbyes and hanging up the call.
Instantly I began to walk faster as I fumbled with my phone to call Yunhee to tell her I wouldn’t be able to make it to the meeting tonight and the reason why.
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Wow i enjoyed reading the three chaps.n i can't wait to find ouy what will happen next...thanks for updating!XD
Interesting...update soon!XD