
Twisted Destiny
Song of the chapter : SNSD - Day by Day (
"Being rich doesn't mean that you have good attitute too" A cold voice was echoed in the whole cafeteria. Everyone, including Eunjoo turned their back to see the owner of that voice.
"Taehyung..." Jihye looked surprised and she frowned. His presense wasn't just only shock Eunjoo but everyone as well. They all knew that Taehyung wasn't the one who cared about surrouding thing but when he did, he's become furious and scary, in other word, he activated his cold attitude just like his older brother.
"A beautiful face has nothing to do with an ugly heart." He claimed as he glanced at Eunjoo, who's still overwhelmed and her eyes were wide opened. "Ya. How long are you going to stand here?" He made his way throught the crowd and grabbed her hand. Gasping and whispering sounds were heard and all peopel's eyes were on them. Just as he firmly grabbed her hand, he pulled her out. Eunjoo, who's still couldn't understand about his sudden action, obediently followed him.
"Thanks" After a long and awkward silent along the way, Eunjoo said. "Master"
"You owe me one. Remember that." Taehyung said firmly. "She intentionally spilled water on you right?" Eunjoo widened her eyes.
"H-How could.." Her eyes wide opened. "So, were you there all the time long?" Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Your skirt tell me everything already. Why the hell am I suppose to be there?" Eunjoo just rubbed her head.
"That's right. I almost forgot about this point" She said lowly. Taehyung glanced at her for a moment before pulled out a napkin from his pocket and handed it to her. She slightly frowned. "Don't need it? Okay"  When he was about to put it back to his pocket, she stopped.
"N-No, I need it. Thanks again" She lowered her head a bit before took the napkin from his hand. 
"Lee Eunjoo ssi, is that you?" Just hearing this, both of them turned their back. An old lady with firm face and wore teacher's uniform gazed at them.
"It's me. Why?" Eunjoo replied.
"Go back to your class, now" Eunjoo could tell that in something's waiting for her already but the old lady's tone. 
"I got it" She bowed to the old lady and when she was about to followed her, Taehyung grabbed her wrist. "It's okay" She mouthed to him and he loosened the grip, letting her go.
"Dad, it's not a decision which could be decided this easy and fast." Ahra said in a manner but there's hint of madness in her tone.
"I've been thinking about it since your first year in university, Ahra" Mr Yoo claimed, still eyeing on his newpaper.
"But I'm still young and unexperienced. What if the achievement that you've been trying so hard to get and it's all wasted by no one but your daughter?" She frowned. 
"Because you are our only child." Mrs Yoo said. "The one that we trust the most." She said in a serious tone. Ahra just sighed.
"Leading the whole company isn't easy and I'm stil doubting my own skills." Mrs Yoo patted her daughter's shoulder.
"I believe you can do it dear." Sighing in defeat, she gave up.
"I wish." She muttered.
"The wedding day is already decided right?" 
"I heard from Mrs Kim that it's the start of next year, which come after your and Myungsoo's graduation day right?" 
"Speaking of Myungsoo, since today we're free. Why don't invite him for a dinner?" 
"Myungsoo is quiet busy these day and I..." Ahra stuttered "I don't want to disturbed him as well"
"It's been a long time since we last meet. I bet he won't say no."Mrs Yoo chuckled.
Ahra's peacefully reading. Since one of her hobbies was reading, she had various types of books and she read everyday. Silently drop the book down, she took of her glasses and let out a sigh.
"I wonder what is Myungsoo doing now" Mentioning his name made her face brightened up a bit as a smile made it way toward her beautiful face. She stepped down and opened one of her locker. "Where is it?" She's looking for her favorite necklace, the one that Myungsoo gave her on the day before they engaged. However, seems like she couldn't find it. From one locker to one locker, she carefully looked for it. Suddenly a smile was pasted on her face. She found it. Just as she grabbed it and pulled it out, something was dropped down along and it caught her attention. It's an old photo. 
"What's that?" She bent down a bit and picked it up. "Family picture? Why is it here? I'm sure that I've never seen it before here." She carefully examined it. To her confusion, the picture consisted of four people.
"I'm pretty sure that it's mom and dad and me, but who's this?" She slightly frowned.
Eunjoo entered the classroom, along with that old lady. Just as she entered, all eyes were on her in a judging gaze again.
"I know I used to bully her once, and I already stopped it. But seems like she's holding grudge on me." That voice was no other than Jihye. Eunjoo heavily sighed.
"Here we go again drama queen" She thought.
"Ya Lee Eunjooo, why are you being like this?" One of the student looked directly at her with irritating gaze.
"You know, an evil is forever an evil and there's no way that an evil turned into a god." A girl indirectly mocked her.
"Well Jihye, all of us are still not sure yet about that. Was Eunjoo really wanna slap you? It's not like you're doing something to her first time."
"At least teacher understand me" She thought.
"I..I." She sniffed. "I just unintentionally spilled water on her and I already apologied her and then..."
"Yes, I was there too" One of her friend claimed and everyone nodded, agreeing to it and they were there as well.
"If we weren't there, I bet she would slap Jihye already, right Myungsoo?"
"Myungsoo, are you there too?" The teacher looked at Myungsoo and everyone looked at him as well.
"Yes. He's there and he saw everything."
"Myungsoo, tell us the truth." Myungsoo slightly lift up his eyelid, showing his dark black eyes and gazed toward Eunjoo.
"I was there." He simply replied. Eunjoo was taken a surprise, he was there? Jihye just silently smirked.
"Lee Eunjoo, you're over soon" She thought.
"Did Eunjoo really wanna slap her?"
"She did" 
A/N: Another update ^^ I probably update again tomorrow :)
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Chapter 9: waiting for next chapter^^ i wondering if Eunjoo is Ahra's younger sister ㅋㅋㅋ this is good story, i think Mr. V like Eunjoo but it was wrong~~
Chapter 9: yay an update :D
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 9: really it has been a loooooooonnnnnngg time!! i missed you chingu~
btw i didnt rather i couldn't forget this storyyy!!!!
update soon!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: nice update author nim..update sooon!!and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 Chinguuu-yahh~~~~
Chapter 8: such a good chapter can't wait until you update
CassInspirit97 #6
Chapter 7: yeahhhh finally an update !!!i missed this story !!!suchhhhh a cuteeeee update!!!finally an eunjoo angle myungsoo moment!!!soooo cutee !!!update sooooooooonn !!!
Chapter 7: finally an update
CassInspirit97 #8
Chapter 6: pleaseeeeeee update "we are meant to be[sequel fbimblnd]"then update this!!!!!!plzzzzzzzzzzzz!!
CassInspirit97 #9
Chapter 6: author nim when will myungsoo and eunjoo's moments together start?????goshh i wanna see them together!!!!!!nice update! !!!update soooiooiionnnnn....
Chapter 6: ;D omg love this story , taehyung is so cute hahaa