Next Door Man

Yixing walks home back, frowning with Joonmyun and what just happened between them two still on his mind. He keeps asking why didn't I go meet him last night or does he now hate me, yet he himself doesn't know the answer.


What should I do now?


Yixing was just going to open his door when he suddenly hears a familiar voice calling him. He can't help but smile as widely as he can when his eyes meet this familiar voice owner's.




Kris smiles at how beautiful his name sounded when it's Yixing saying it. There's a beautiful melody in Yixing's voice that Kris enjoys yet he himself can't explain what it is.


"Where did you go? Why did you leave so early?"


Yixing can't help but blush and bow his head to hide it because his imaginary just told him that Kris had been missing him. Really? Had he?


"You will get a punishment for leaving so early then."


"Wh-What?!" Yixing tilts his head so he can meet his boyfriend's face. He finds Kris smirking now.


"Go on a date with me."


Yixing can feel his heart flutter. There are thousands of butterflies in his stomach flapping their wings, tickling Yixing, but he enjoys it for sure.


"And, oh," Kris leans in towards Yixing who keeps being more and more red now. "did I tell you there's no rejection for it?"


I thought it would be a kiss, sighs.


Though he's kind of disappointed that Kris didn't kiss him, Yixing dares himself to tiptoe and lean in towards his boyfriend and to whisper back right in his ear.


"I didn't tell you I would reject it, did I?"


Just like that, Joonmyun is successfully erased from Yixing's mind.





"Hi, Joonmyun!" Jongdae taps Joonmyun on the shoulders before sitting right next to him. "Alone this time? Where's Kyungsoo?"


Joonmyun was going to say hi back to Jongdae but then Jongdae mentioned Kyungsoo. A little part of Joonmyun dies inside. But Jongdae is innocent. He doesn't know anything here. He doesn't know that Joonmyun and Kyungsoo are already over, yet. He doesn't know that Kyungsoo had cheated on Joonmyun with a bastard called Kim Jongin. Yes, Kim ing Jongin who had ruined Joonmyun's first ever love life. Kim ing Jongin who had stolen a part of Joonmyun's life. Kim ing Jongin who had taken Kyungsoo away from Joonmyun's embrace.


".....myun? Joonmyun?"


Hearing Jongdae's voice calling him, Joonmyun's finally dragged back to the real world after being in his own world for a while.


"Kim Joonmyun, do you even listen to me, huh?" Jongdae is being annoyed now. Not until he notices Joonmyun's uneasiness reflected in his swollen eyes. "What's actually up with you, Myunnie-ah?"


Nothing comes out of Joonmyun's mouth. He just curves his lips, making a smile that looks so bitter.


"I don't know what happened to you but, please be strong. I can't stand seeing you like this." Jongdae hugs Joonmyun's shoulders, taking Joonmyun in his embrace. "It's okay, you don't need to tell me what happened now, tell me when you're ready yet. And be strong for now. When you need someone to share, you can always find me, best friend."


Best friend. Two words that now will mean a lot for Joonmyun. And Jongdae just stated that Joonmyun is his best friend.


"I-I'm your best friend...?" Joonmyun whispers, but it's too loud for Jongdae to be called a whisper.


"Of course you are! Don't act like a stupid person, Myunnie-ah!" Jongdae laughs while his hand is busy messing with Joonmyun hair.


I'm Jongdae's best friend. Jongdae is my best friend.


Finally, Joonmyun can smile sincerely again, and Jongdae made it.


I wish it would be a true best friend this time.





A/N : Hello I'm back yay I'm sorry if you took so long to wait ok TT-TT

Hope you like this chapter! Much love!

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[20140611] update for the 9th chapter done! hope u guys enjoy it~ sorry it took so long to update i was kind of in a writers block era back then lols ;~;


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Chapter 8: I just can't justify a relationship based on cheating. Ughhhh my poor suho baby, no one loves you.
IcyKeroro #2
Chapter 12: I hate someone like Kris...i don't know why but Sulay should be together rather than Kray...Kris such an ...he doesn't deserve Yixing -.-
Chapter 12: sulaaaay ; u ; ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: OMG That came!!!! :fangirling: Well... Kris should crawl a lot!
minrawrs #5
Chapter 11: Thank you for the new chapter!! Wow junmyeon moved on fast lol. I cant wait to see the confrontation between him and kris. Kris is going to get so jealous when he finds out
New ep?? really!! Come on thats so exciting!!
Lurkerderp #7
Chapter 8: ...*still bitter about kaisoo*
*whispers* I hope the break up
Hmph lol
yujingugue #8
Chapter 10: Update soon!!!