Next Door Man

Yixing can't help but crying while telling Joonmyun all that had just happened between him and Kris. As the good friend he is, Joonmyun takes Yixing into his embrace and draws circles in Yixing's back with his palm, hoping that the action would make him at least calmer. He gives him a brief second before starting to break the silence.


"This is why I told you to just give up on him, Yixing-ah." Joonmyun starts. "You know what. I actually feel sorry for you that since I and Kyungsoo started dating, we kinda leave you alone and are busy with our relationship and stuffs. That's actually why I told you to break up with Kris, because I don't want you to get hurt anymore. I and Kyungsoo, your best friends, hurt you by leaving you alone, and now Kris hurt you by doing these all when we your best friends were not really there for you. So now, please, please Yixing-ah, never come to him anymore. Don't get hurt anymore. I can't help but feeling guilty seeing you getting hurt."


"D-Don't be sorry, Joonmyun-ah." Yixing manages to say while sobbing into Joonmyun's chest. "I-It's all none of your fault, okay? Don't be sorry."


"How can I not be sorry, Yixing-ah, I left you alone just to be with Kyungsoo!"


"But I didn't come to you when you needed me and stayed with Kris instead that night!" Yixing released himself from Joonmyun's embrace. "I'm the one who should be sorry, Joonmyun-ah! If only I didn't—"


Yixing is cut off when a pair of soft lips touching his. The kiss is sweet and innocent, yet salty at the same time since Yixing's tears keep rolling down his face to no end. Joonmyun cups Yixing's cheeks with both his hands, positioning him and Yixing in a better angle because he can't help but enjoy the kiss. He can feel the warmth in his chest just like the first time he kissed Kyungsoo, but he's not ready to assume things yet.


"Just never come back to him again, Yixing-ah. Please, don't get hurt." Joonmyun whispers between their kisses.


That night, they spend the night cuddling under Joonmyun's blanket with the promises of 'I will be here's and 'I will be okay's.



On Monday, Kris tries his best to come to school though he was drunk last night because he thinks he needs to talk to Yixing. But unfortunately, it seems like he's not anywhere at school. So, when he spots Kyungsoo walking along the corridor by himself, he runs fast to him and grabs his wrist tightly, making the latter surprised.


"K-Kris? Wh-What do you want?"


"Where's Yixing?"


"I-I don't know..." Kyungsoo struggles to let go of himself from Kris' tight grasp.


"How come you don't know?! He's your best friend, isn't he?!"


"Then how about you?! You're his boyfriend!"


That's when reality slaps Kris hard right on the face. He reflexesly lets go of Kyungsoo's wrist and the latter uses the chance to run away.


Kyungsoo's right. Yixing is his boyfriend, he should be where he is right now. The thought of what Kyungsoo had just said gets him shivering. What if Yixing doesn't go to school just because he doesn't want to see Kris anymore? Yixing loves him so he's not going to leave him, doesn't he? Yixing won't give up on him, at least not yet, will he?


For the first time in his entire life, Kris feels insecure of himself. He wonders if that's what Yixing feels all this time.



The day had just got worse as the thought of Yixing wouldn't get out of his head so Kris chose to skip his remaining classes and visited Tao's apartment since Tao didn't feel like going to school today. But instead of relieving stress by having like he usually does, Kris chose to take some nap on the couch. Two and a half hours has passed and he finally wakes up.


"Gege?" The soft voice of Tao greets him but he only manages to answer him by humming. "You're awake! Now, go wash your face. Dinner's ready."


Kris does as he's asked to. But before he heads back to the dining room, he checks himself in the mirror for a while. He hates to admit it but he looks empty, like he has lost his soul somewhere. He sighs. Yixing does really affect a lot.


"Gege? What are you doing there? Come on eat."


Kris is brought back to reality as Tao taps his shoulder. At the same time, he decides on what he should do for now.



When they finished their dinner, Tao asked Kris to stay to have a movie marathon for the night. Kris didn't say yes but he didn't reject either, and that is why he is sitting on the couch he had a nap earlier next to an excited Tao who's busy comparing a CD to one another. Kris shuts his eyes tightly, not caring that Tao keeps asking him what movie he wants to watch first. He just can't stand it anymore. He can't stay here. He has to go and find Yixing, not having fun in here. He gets up from his sit then, deciding that he's gonna end it straightforwardly now.


"Taozi, I'm sorry. I don't think our so-called relationship works." Kris says as he turns his back not to face Tao.


"Wh-What are you saying, ge?" Tao says as he also gets up from his sit and holds Kris' strong arm tightly, stopping his steps to leave him alone. "Wh-What do you mean by our so-called relationship? It's a real relationship, you know! A-And, wh-why are you leaving? D-Don't you love me?"


Kris sighs heavily as he hears Tao sobbing. Again, Kris successfully breaks someone's heart.


"I don't love you... but Yixing."


He lets go of his arm from Tao's grasp and walks away, leaving Tao drowning in his own tears alone.





Yixing calls Joonmyun right after dinner that night. Joonmyun who's currently reading a book closes his book and puts it on the top of drawer then, not wanting to not give Yixing all his attention.


"Yes, Yixing? You need something?"


Yixing bites his lower lip nervously. "W-Would you mind if I ask you to take me home? I-I think it will be pretty troublesome for you in the future if I stay here. I-I mean, I can't stay here you know..."


Joonmyun sighs. "First, it won't be troublesome for me. Second, if I let you home, Kris will bother you again and I don't want that to happen. The last but not the least, your arguments are invalid. The end of the story."


"But Joonmyun—"


"Yixing, please." Joonmyun cuts him off. "Please just understand that I won't let go of you because I don't want you to get hurt anymore. We'd done talking about this last night, hadn't we?"


The thought of last night's cuddling session and whispered promises get Yixing flushed. He bowed his head to hide his blush from Joonmyun while playing with the fabric of his shirt nervously.


"W-Well, at least let me bring my stuffs..."


Joonmyun smiles in satisfaction. He doesn't know he's just happy with the idea of Yixing living together with him. He can't help but pressing a quick peck on Yixing's lips.


"Don't worry. I'll take them for you."


Joonmyun smiles that angelic smile of his again that affects a shy smile on Yixing's lips. Somehow, Yixing does feel loved he himself doesn't understand why or how.



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[20140611] update for the 9th chapter done! hope u guys enjoy it~ sorry it took so long to update i was kind of in a writers block era back then lols ;~;


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Chapter 8: I just can't justify a relationship based on cheating. Ughhhh my poor suho baby, no one loves you.
IcyKeroro #2
Chapter 12: I hate someone like Kris...i don't know why but Sulay should be together rather than Kray...Kris such an ...he doesn't deserve Yixing -.-
Chapter 12: sulaaaay ; u ; ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: OMG That came!!!! :fangirling: Well... Kris should crawl a lot!
minrawrs #5
Chapter 11: Thank you for the new chapter!! Wow junmyeon moved on fast lol. I cant wait to see the confrontation between him and kris. Kris is going to get so jealous when he finds out
New ep?? really!! Come on thats so exciting!!
Lurkerderp #7
Chapter 8: ...*still bitter about kaisoo*
*whispers* I hope the break up
Hmph lol
yujingugue #8
Chapter 10: Update soon!!!