
Switching Phones

{Your POV}

The dinner was long and akward. Key seated himself right infront of me. He had a concatraded stared pointing right at me and i couldnt sink any deeper into my chair. "______ sit up. You'll hurt your back like that." Sam said. I nodded and sat up regaining my poster. "Um........So _____ noona what do you do for a living?" Taemin asked. He was seated across from Serena and diangle from me. I put my fork doing lacing my fingers together. "Um...well my mom owns the ______'s cosmetic CO. And in a year i will be taking over, but now i'm the head of one of the small buisness's." Taemin nooded then smiled. "Is that why you're so pretty?" I scoffed and picked up my fork enjoying the rest of my dinner.


{Serena's POV}

I sat next Taemin on the're couch. I did'nt know much of SHINee, not like _____ but who would knew that Taemin was this touchy. I wasn't comfortable with it. Fist off he was a complete stranger. I knew absulote nothing about him and my mother always scolled me to keep my hands away from others. Did his mother never teach that to him? Secondly i have devolped a issue with people touching me. When living in a cobard box i witness  and encountered many things other just make up. I've seen people get abused, molested, shot, and hurt in many ways possible. People's hands are what scared me the most. I had scars and bruises from hands. I escaped out of Taemin's grasp and ran over to Sam. "What happen?" He asked setting the chicken in the center of the table. "Um...uh i missed you." That was the best excuse i could come out with out getting Taemin in trouble in any way. Same chuckled and took of his oven mits. "Alright. Sit down. ______! SHINee! DINNER IS READY!" The others walked in sitting at the table. The boys had exchanged some words in Korean so u didnt quite pick up what they were saying to each other. "Woah Sam this looks amazing." Jonghyun said entering the dining room. I took the seat on the conor of the table, sam sitting at the head, onew at the other, Jonghyun and Minho sat acrossed from each other and Taemin sat infront of me his face down. It was my fault he was like this leaving like a mad man. ______ sat next to me sharing the same upset demeaner. Key was the last to enter sitting across from her. The rest of the company made conversation amoung them selves. Talking about preformances, and songs.

{Author's POV}

The ending of dinner couldnt come any slower for ______. She would hide your face from Key and try her best not to talk more then a couple sentences. ______, Sam , and Serena were all packed up to leave the dorm and they stood at the door way saying good bye to the boy group. After tonoght they would have no reason to see each other ever again and maybe that was for the best. Rumors, might be sprouted from reporters that did not how to keep things to them selves and post fake articles in the paper.

"Were going to miss you ______. Sam and Serena too." Jonghyun said hugging them good bye. The rest of SHINee said there good byes in a row Key was the least. He akwardly hugged Serena good bye, gave Sam a good hearted good bye and lasty he landed on the women of the hour. "So you stole my phone. We had a diva war on two different sides of the world and had dinner together. Now were saying good bye. Will i ever see you again?" Key asked now dreading every insult, comment, and sass he threw her way. He didnt know. How was he possibly going to know that ______ was in this kind of situation? It was Key's narual instinct to be a total .

_____ looked up to him staring into the feline eyes she never thought she would be seeing up close before. Key was like Mr. Dream Guy to her and right now she wanted to escape from his precence. "I think so." ______ said under her breath. "But, i could say. You werent what i expected." Key nodded under standing completely. "I could say the same for you." Key responded.  Finally the little family left. It was around 11:30 at night and all of them were exghested. Ecspecially Sam after cooking that huge dinner for all 8 of them. They had checked into a random hotel all getting a seprate room to them selves. ______ layed in her bad not feeling tired at all. She defiantly couldnt think straight but her body didnt want to let her rest. ______ gotten up from her bed going to a computer that was set up in her room. Why? She didnt know either. Why not take up the appurtuinty to catch up her email. She logged in and right in ther first page. What still haunted her mental capilbility was.  AMERICAN BEAUTY GURU AND KOREAN BOY IDOL HIDING THERE LOVE?



I've been a awful author to you guys and i will not be upset if you never wanted to read my story ever again. I havent updated in half a year and that unaccepted able. You sould hate me.

But if you acctualy stayed with me and waited you are the love of my life. So thank you for being a beautiful y person.


So PLEAE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment on what you think, your suggestions, your ideas.


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Chapter 9: Yayyyy the next chapter is out! They've all met now :D I laughed so hard when Onew told her he wanted to buy her chicken xD hahahaha!! And what happened at the end with Key?! Major cliffhanger!
Chapter 8: I love how the members all love her before even meeting her, lol.
Chapter 7: I love this so far!
Chapter 6: Haha love it so far ^^ I like how the members each have their own reactions to this x)

As for color coding each member's conversation, I think it's a good idea to keep things from getting confusing ^^

Maybe something like:
Onew - blue
Jonghyun - orange
Minho - red
Key - purple
Taemin - green
You/me - pink
Sam - brown
Ren - aqua or gray?

Or something like that? My suggestion to you is to experiment with different colors in word so you can see what is actually legible. I mean you want the readers to be able to enjoy your work right? Haha have fun and good luck ♥
Chapter 6: i don't get it .. din't u say 'you' or me is 19 years old .. so why taemin and minho called'you'/me noona..
Chapter 4: I kept trying to leave a comment with my phone but it was acting wack so I switched to a computer lol

Wowwwwwwww I can't wait for the next chapter!! I really like it so far ^^ and I love how she has such a strong personality! Keep updating author-nim <3 <3 Hwaiting!!! (*^_^*)
Natbug #8
Chapter 1: Love it so far! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Alexusia #9
Chapter 3: Ooohh! This story just got interesting! I'm already lovin it! :D Subscribing~
SHINee and Ren? I'm subscribing! :D