What is Love?

Entering the World of Anima

Short Recap:

“Hello. I’m Xiumin. Is the inn open?”


Xiumin stood at the door, waiting for someone to say something. They were staring at him for a good five minutes. No one spoke. Not one person…

“Um, are you guys okay?” His voice finally broke through Suho.

“Oh, yes! Forgive our rudeness. You are welcome to stay in any of our rooms.” Suho smiled at Xiumin.

“Great. Thanks, I know it’s late.”

“Not at all, I hope you wouldn’t mind me asking but…”

“What is it?”

“Do you know who you are?”

“That’s sort of a silly question, isn’t it?”

“Ah, what I mean is, do you know you’re a guardian?”

“Yes. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Xiumin, the ice guardian.”

“How did you get here?”

“I come from the western village of the Earth Island. As I traveled around, I have been hearing stories about magical individuals around town. I asked a lot of people and they told me to check the inn on the east side of the Earth Island. That is how I got here.” Xiumin internally smiles as he sees the other guardians nodding in understanding.

“Well then, I guess it’s late enough. Guys, you can go back to your rooms and get a good night’s rest. We’ll see how things go tomorrow. Xiumin-ssi, I’ll show you where your room is.” With that, Sehun and Luhan went back to their rooms. Kai and Kyungsoo went to Kyungsoo’s room. Chanyeol retreated back to his room, but not before poking the scorpion of Chen’s head, which pinched his fingers. Suho led Xiumin to his room, all the while, followed by Yixing.

Finally arriving to his room, Xiumin sat near the window. In his hands, he held a green crystal. It glowed in the darkness. Safely tucking it in a small pouch, he moved to open the windows. To his surprise, a scorpion fell in front of him. He was about to wave it away with a small blizzard when he heard noises just above his window. He looks up when he sees an orange drop to the scorpion’s claws. It held the fruit to his face. Xiumin shook his head. The scorpion threw it down. A man falls from above his window, catches the orange with one hand, and clings on the window sill with the other. Xiumin looked at the bewildered young man.

“Uh, good evening?”

“Hey, what were you doing up there?”

“Oh, my room is upstairs but this little guy fell outside. I had to catch him.” The scorpion turned to the man, as if he was talking nonsense.

“But the inn doesn’t have another floor above mine.” He saw him fidget.

“Okay, I was just checking. In all truth, I was stargazing on the roof.” Xiumin just nodded. For a few minutes, he saw the man staring at him.

“Why are you staring?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just you look so beautiful, especially your eyes.”


“Why are you wearing earplugs?” Xiumin stiffened as he read the man’s lips.

“That’s really none of your business.” Chen moved forward and sat on the window sill, the scorpion moving up on his shoulder.

“I’m Chen, by the way.” Chen held his hand out.

“It’s Xiumin.” Shaking the younger’s hand.

“Good night.” Xiumin looked at the empty window. He turned away from it, about to get ready for bed when he felt a firm tug that turned him around. He was not expecting a kiss on a cheek. Chen left before Xiumin could even utter a sound. With that, the bewildered ice guardian closed his windows and sat on his bed. He felt his heart skip beats as he recalled what just happened. He wondered what about the immature kid that made him feel this way. Xiumin reaches into his coat and pulls out his picture. It was the one he picked up from the beach.  I am absolutely sure that the person who had this picture is not him. I AM PRETTY SURE! Losing his composure for a bit, Xiumin calmed himself down and slept that night.

The following morning…

***Kyungsoo’s room***

“Jong In, get up… I have to make breakfast.” Kyungsoo said as he tried to wake Jong In for the last ten minutes. Earning a groan in response, Kyungsoo poked Jong In really hard. That sent him tumbling off Kyungsoo and down onto the floor.

“Did you really have to poke the same bruising area I got when Luhan elbowed me in his sleep?”

“In my defense, I didn’t know you had that bruise?”

“Would it have stopped you from using your huge strength in that one poke?”

“Probably not.” Kyungsoo smiled and kissed Jong In on the forehead.

“When are you going to give me a real kiss?” Jong In said as he pointed from Kyungsoo’s lips to his.

“In time. Besides, the last time we kissed was five years ago. What more is a few months’ wait?” Jong In pouted but got up and hugged Kyungsoo from behind.

“I know. I get it. I’ll wait.” There was a good silence in the room. Both of them stood there, just enjoying each other’s company. Kyungsoo pulled away first and went downstairs with Jong In, in tow.

***Luhan and Sehun’s Room***

Sehun woke up before Luhan like usual. He had been thinking a lot lately. What do I feel about him? Sehun looked at Luhan’s sleeping face.  Is this what they call love? Sehun had goose bumps at the cheesy thought. Luhan was right! He had been really reading too much of Kyungsoo’s books for the past.  At the mention of Luhan, his thoughts were suddenly filled with the small deer again. It was like a hurricane as many images crammed up together in his head. All I know is that what I’m feeling right now is different from how I felt with my previous wielders. Maybe, I’ll just ask Suho-hyung. I mean, he’s with Yixing-hyung right? Sehun got dressed and walked out of the room. Stopping at Suho’s door, he knocks a few times. He was answered by a half-dressed Yixing with sleepy eyes. Sehun looks away, having a small idea of what his hyungs did last night. Silently happy that he was so tired last night that he didn’t hear anything, he internally smiles.

“Oh, it’s Sehun. Joonmyun, it’s just Sehun.” A shuffling can be heard from inside the room. Sehun was slightly startled when he saw a shirt get thrown at Yixing’s face.

“Get dressed, will ya!? Sehun’s too young to even see us like this.” Hyung, if you spend time with Jong In, I’m sure you’ll be shocked by how much he talks about his first time with Kyungsoo-hyung. Sehun thought as he wondered what those two were talking about before he knocked. He saw Suho-hyung come from behind the door.

“What can I help you with?” Suho smiled brightly.

“Hyung, what is love?”

A few hours later…

***Chanyeol’s Room***

Oddly enough, the happy virus was up already and had sad look on his face. Behind closed doors, he doesn’t have to be all that happy. Not when he’s still missing in my life, Chanyeol’s thoughts were filled with a certain young anima. He sat on his bed, holding a brooch. Clicking a small button, it opened and revealed a picture of his only love. If only I didn’t leave… Chanyeol closed it up, composed himself and stood up. He opens the windows and breathes in.

“What a good morning. I wonder what’s for breakfast.” When Chanyeol went down, Suho and Yixing were setting up the table.

“Good morning, Chanyeol.”

“Morning, hyung! How was your evening?” Suho’s face reddened. Just then, Luhan and Sehun entered the room.

“We never speak of it.” Suho looked intently at Chanyeol. The day went normally fast for everyone. Suho and Yixing cuddled on the sofa. Kyungsoo was watching Chanyeol and Jong In play a game with Chen’s scorpion. They were playing cards… Luhan and Sehun were walking down the stairs and told them that they’ll be out for bubble tea. Xiumin was observing everyone. From what father told me, I just have to use the stone and it’ll work out. This will destroy the guardians for sure. However, there are only nine people here, including me. Shouldn’t there be an even number of guardians? Who is the one without the anima or is it without a wielder? Xiumin shook his head. The full moon is approaching in a few weeks, just when my father is the weakest. I must hurry and set the illusion stone tonight.  Deep in his thoughts, Xiumin didn’t notice Chen inching closer to him. With the ear plugs on, he can’t really tell when someone’s trying get his attention. Suho, Yixing, Chanyeol, Jong In, and Kyungsoo were all looking at them. Apparently, Chen was ordered to surprise Xiumin. Not really specifying how, Chen chose one way to surprise Xiumin. It was one way that is worth getting hit or blasted with ice, if it meant getting closer to the cat-eyed guardian.

Chen sat next to Xiumin. He was holding a small bag. Chen looks again from his friends and his scorpion. Strangely enough, it moves its claws as if saying, “What are you waiting for?” The lightning guardian gulps and opens the bag. He reaches in it and held out a steamed bun. He doesn’t know why he bought it but when he saw Xiumin, he bought it from the marketplace just a few hours ago. With Kyungsoo’s help, he got it warm enough. Still no reaction from the older, he holds the bun and faces Xiumin. It surprises Chen when he saw Xiumin’s eyes focus on the baozi.

Chanyeol and Jong In were laughing uncontrollably at the fact that Chen did what they dared him to do. Kyungsoo’s eyes widened at the event, looking between Suho and Yixing. Suho looked interested, while Yixing was just watching the water guardian and occasionally creating rainbows on the light coming through the window.

Xiumin smelled his favorite so when he saw it, he bit it. He wasn’t aware that someone else was holding onto the steamed bun. Opening his eyes he didn’t know he closed, he saw a reddening Chen. He pulls away with the baozi in his mouth. Taking a bite, he uncharacteristically smiled in happiness.

“How did you know my favorite?” Touched by Chen’s gift, Xiumin thought that maybe he misjudged the unpredictable guardian.

“Lucky, I guess.” Xiumin smiled, slightly blushing. Chen felt his heartstrings pulled and life brightened by Xiumin’s smile. Remembering his mission, Xiumin stood up and left the room, still eating the steamed bun.

“Thank you, Chen!” Xiumin beamed before running upstairs, to prepare for tonight.

“Wait!” Chen followed Xiumin to his room. By now, Chanyeol looks at the closed door. He turns to the open window. He sighs as he remembered he was still alone. Suho and Lay looked at each other, understanding how the happy virus must feel.

No one noticed a concealed figure slip in the kitchen window and make his way to an empty guest room across from Luhan and Sehun’s room.



While those things were going on, Luhan and Sehun had been chatting as they enjoyed their bubble tea. It was a few hours ago when the maknae asked Luhan to accompany him for bubble tea. With the excuse that Jong In has reconciled with his Kyungsoo, Luhan agreed to go out with Sehun to the café.

“Hyung, what do you like to do?”

“I usually draw things when I was back at home. Occasionally, I visit the Dragon Temple.”

“Oh, I heard there’s a panda that jumps out from the top floor, followed by a dragon roaring. Some wielders said it began a few years back.” Luhan laughed.

“Yes, there is a panda and a dragon there. But they’re wilder than the stories. They’re nice though. Maybe I could bring you there sometimes. You would really like it when we cross the bridge, it’s very windy there.”

“Bridge? But we’re on the Earth Island. There’s no bridge here to the Dragon temple. Unless–”

“Oh, did I say bridge? I meant the water pool. After all, that’s the only way to get from here to the temple, right? Anyway, what do you like to do, Sehun-ah?” Luhan quickly changes the topic. Sehun looks at him suspiciously.

“Hyung, you’re not telling me something.”

“Well of course, I’m not telling you something. You don’t hear me just randomly shouting the word something around, do you?” Luhan laughed. Sehun continues to look at Luhan; in fact, he was staring at the deer for too long. Seeing a chance, Luhan managed to change the topic.

“Do I look really handsome? You’ve been staring.” With that, Sehun felt his face redden. Not being able to lie at the face Luhan is making, he didn’t say anything. Sehun didn’t deny his attraction for Luhan. Luhan chuckled.

“Really? I’m flattered Sehun-ah! I find you quite handsome too.” Luhan beamed. If possible, Sehun’s cheeks would turn darker. Suddenly, Sehun remembered something. He asks in a serious voice.

“Who is Kyungsoo-hyung to you?”

“Why, Kyungsoo is my friend. He is Kai’s lover and soul mate. They are also having a lot of fluffy moments when they think everyone is still asleep early in the morning.”

“Not that, hyung. I mean, do you perhaps- like him or something?”

“Sehun-ah, you might not believe me but I have only one person in mind. It’s not Kyungsoo. Besides, I wouldn’t want to tear them apart after being separated for too long.” Sehun’s face dropped at the mention of someone who already has his hyung’s heart.

“Do you know who this person is?” Sehun wished Luhan would stop talking. But he nodded anyway.

“This person is very important to me. He makes me feel whole and it’s–.” Luhan stopped when he saw Sehun raise his hand.

“Let me be selfish for once. Luhan, don’t use any other anima but me. Please.” Sehun said, eyes not looking at Luhan.

“Oh, Sehun-ah, you really need to hear this.” Sehun looks up.

“He gives me a feeling like I’ve known him for thousands of years. I loved him ever since I saw him. He has an adorable lisp–” With each word, Sehun felt his heart hurt but he listened as Luhan listed a lot of things he feels about this lucky person.

“Did you hear what I said?” Luhan waved a hand in front of Sehun. Sehun snapped out of his negative thoughts and looked at Luhan in the eyes.

“From your lack of reaction, I can only conclude that you didn’t hear my answer or you purposely ignored me.” Luhan pouted.

“I’m sorry, hyung; can you repeat what you said?”

“I said the person I love is you.” Luhan said, giving a loving gaze at the maknae. He just confessed a couple seconds ago but Sehun didn’t hear him so he decided to say it again. Even if his entire cheesy speech went unheard by the person he confessed to.


“Oh, that’s all you can say, after I poured out my heart to you?!”

“Ah, no, hyung. I also…” Sehun stammered.

“Also what…?” Luhan moved closer to Sehun, trying to hear Sehun directly say his feelings.

“I love you too, hyung. You know, I had to ask Suho-hyung what he thinks’ love is.”

“What did he say?”

“To love someone is to be able to commit yourself to a lifetime together. Luhan, I can see that with you.” Luhan stood up and kissed Sehun. Pulling away after a few seconds, Luhan entwined his hands with Sehun and the left the café hand in hand back to the inn.

That Evening…

***Inn’s Roof***

Xiumin made sure everyone was asleep. He set a spell before nightfall. It was colder in the inn and it created a deep sleep for the next ten hours. Waving his hands, the green stone floated in front of him as he sang a moderately high note. It glowed and the green light created a force field around the inn. He goes back inside. Xiumin notices a door was ajar so he peeks in. It was Chen’s. He saw the scorpion get up. Just as he was about to freeze it, he sees Chen’s cloak. It has the orange insignia. It clicked. Xiumin saw that fruit from the picture of him, the person who owned the picture was Chen. He felt an unsettling feeling at the pit of his stomach. It felt like a warning, it was as if he let Chen get hurt by illusion stone plan, he would greatly regret it. Xiumin made up his mind. He gave Chen’s room a protective shield from the stone’s effect. He wouldn’t tell his father about this. Feeling slightly better, Xiumin left. Nothing happened for almost an hour, when suddenly the illusion stone glowed blue. The Illusion Stone worked.

Seeing a blue light from the creak of the window curtains, Sehun opened his eyes. He rubbed them as he was still sleepy. Slightly getting up, he became fully awake when he saw Luhan get up. However, Luhan didn’t look at him. Instead, Luhan walk out their room. Sehun followed Luhan out the door and he saw him enter Chanyeol’s room. It was the room next to the one across theirs. The door closed. Sehun opened the door and entered. It was pitch black in the room. Turning around, Sehun found that the door was gone. He walked forward and there was suddenly a light behind him. Sehun felt his heart stopped at what he saw.

“No… You made a promise to me, Luhan! You promised!” Sehun cried out.

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carelessLISPer #1
Chapter 15: This is kinda like MAMA isn't it? This is awesome though~! LoveLOve
Chapter 16: I read this all afternoon and it's so good! I can't wait to read the sequel^^
This sounds really interesting! I'll try reading it C:
Chapter 16: This is like the most awesome fic ever !
I've been waiting to read something like this ^^
Good job, author-nim !
Chapter 16: wah.. the sequel is currently on draft status.. but when its okay, gonna read it again.. Thanks for the sequel author ^_^. can't wait also for my break.. ^_-
_meeehrong501 #6
Chapter 15: Waaaaaaah ~~ I cried so hard TT^TT " Keep it up author-nim ! Hoping for a sequel ~ Kkk~
Chapter 15: Awesome story :) Waiting for the sequel~
Chapter 15: WAH ..!! One of the BEST story ever ^___^ hmm.. I would love to read this story sequel ^__^ Fighting !! <3
willreadanything808 #9
Chapter 15: I request a sequel (if your not to busy) please and thank you.