Of Mysteries and Slipping Secrets

Entering the World of Anima

Author’s Note: Red Writer would like to thank her current subscribers for this story.

Short Recap:

“I challenge you to a Wielder’s Duel. Whoever wins gets to wield this anima!” He declares.


Luhan P.O.V

Sehun sure gets distracted by his thoughts easily. Staring at him, I studied his angelic face. It was truly beautiful. I couldn’t help but feel really lucky to be his wielder. However, I have these strange feeling of familiarity. I feel as if we have met before, as cliché as it sounds. But why can’t I remember anything? I look back at my past but there’s nothing about Sehun. Finishing my bubble tea, I stood up and threw it away. I got back to my seat when another guy walks up to our table.

“Hey, wanna be mine?” What does he think he’s doing? But Sehun doesn’t reply, obviously, still lost in his thoughts. 

“What do you want?”

“I’m not talking to you, shortie.”He said as his hand inches closer over to Sehun’s. I stood up and blocked him from reaching Sehun. He grabs my cloak and I glare at him. He shoved me to the side and reaches for Sehun’s hand again. I did a roundhouse kick and he hit the floor. He got up and glares at me. The man fakes a turn and throws a plate at me. As it was flying towards me, I moved my hands for a bit and with the aid of my mind; I make it look like I caught the plate. I placed it back on the table. I removed the dark blue coat Sehun lent to me and I placed it around him. The man heads outside and I tug on Sehun but he doesn’t move. I tugged once more and dragged him outside. That man turns around and shouts.

“I challenge you to a Wielder’s Duel. Whoever wins gets to wield this anima!” He declares.

Third Person P.O.V

The man faces Luhan. Finally out of his thoughts, Sehun noticed Luhan’s hand around his. Noting that Sehun’s aware that they are outside, Luhan lets go of Sehun’s hand, missing the sad look the younger had on his eyes. Luhan steps closer towards the big area they established to be the arena. Lots of people began to crowd to watch the competition. Finally, the no-weapon combat begins.

The man makes the first move and gestures for Luhan to come closer. Luhan shakes his head and gestures for him to go first. The man goes on offense and charges for a hit. Luhan evades and gives a powerful kick to his side. Wanting to end it as fast as possible, Luhan punches up and kicks the man down. The man got up again and attacks. He quickly evades Luhan’s uppercut and tries to hit Luhan’s side. Luhan jumps up and lands at a safe distance, within a few seconds, Luhan charges quickly and hit the man’s abdomen. He falls to the ground. Luhan searches the crowd for Sehun. Upon spotting the maknae, Luhan widely smiles and waves at Sehun.

Just then, Luhan felt a sharp pain on his shoulder blade. Turning around, he saw the guy smirking as he stood up.  The guy opens his robes and reveals another rusty dagger. He throws it. Expecting this move, Luhan moved again but just then, a hooded figure gasps in pain and falls to the ground. It sounded like a young lady. Two men, one of them was tall and the other was fairly short, walks over and checks on her. Feeling a surge of anger, Luhan’s eyes glowed red and the mark on his wrist glowed blue. Luhan raised his hands, making a pitch fork hit the ground before the man. His eyes widened in fear.

“He’s a guardian!!” The man ran away.

Luhan P.O.V

In a few seconds, I was suddenly aware of my mistake. I allowed them to find out that I was a royal guardian. On top of that, Sehun might figure out that I’m actually… Fearing the worst, I walked over to Sehun and hide my face on his chest. I felt Sehun remove the coat he lent me and put them around my shoulders, raising the hood to cover my blonde hair.

“It’s okay. I’m not mad. I suspected you were one when I saw you move that rake before.” I hid away further into Sehun’s embrace, slightly embarrassed that I had been caught but relieved that he didn’t know my other secret. Just then, I heard a familiar voice.

“What are you doing here?! If he finds out, he’s going to kill me. I told you to stay there and watch over the palace.” A deep voice echoed as the crowd began to disperse again.

“I was curious. You can’t blame me for wanting to come with you guys!” As the crowd lessened, I saw my own sister, Chanyeol, and… Kyungsoo?!

Hui En, what are you doing here?” They all flinched as I walked towards them with Sehun behind me.

Oh! Hello, gege! How are you?” She smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head.

Doing fine, now that you asked. But answer me. What are you doing here? Are you hurt?

I’m fine. Just a small cut on my side.

Okay, now answer me another question. Why are you dressed as a boy?” She laughs again.

What? It’s not like you didn’t dress up as girl once when he visited.” She stiffens and covers as soon as she finished her sentence.

What are you talking about?He? Who did I freaking dress up as a girl for?

“In case, you forgot we’re still here.” Chanyeol’s deep voice cut in.

Shut up, you’re the reason she’s here. You –” My sister covered my mouth.

“It’s rude to call others those names, gege.”

“What did he say?” Chanyeol jumped up and down but Hui En shook her head.

“Our parents told me not to say words like that…” She takes her hand off Luhan’s mouth. Hui En sees Sehun.

“Oh, you found him! Did you get your –” Suddenly, Hui En turns around and walks towards the fountain. When she got back, she patted Luhan’s back.

Third P.O.V

“Where did you get such a cutie?” Everyone sweat dropped at the sudden change in Hui En.

“Let’s go. I want to go see Suho-hyung!” With that, she walked ahead with four pairs of eyes staring at her. Just as she walked a couple of steps, Luhan pulled her cloak.

“Go back and watch the palace.” He whispered.

“Uh, fine! But it’s only because I don’t want to be here when that happens.” Before Luhan could ask, Hui En summoned a bird and flew away. Luhan looks at her as she disappeared through the clouds. Hearing footsteps, Luhan turned around and saw Chanyeol sneaking away.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I didn’t do anything!” Luhan scoffed.

“Hmph. Would’ve believed you if you weren’t trying to get away.”

“Well, actually, yesterday, we received a letter and a portrait of Kyungsoo. The letter told him to go to Suho-hyung’s inn.”

“Who sent it?”

“Don’t know. All it has is an orange picture at the lower left corner.”

“What is your business if it was just Kyungsoo?” Suddenly, Sehun coughed, taking Luhan’s attention from Chanyeol.

“Oh! How could I forget? Sehun-ah! That was my sister. Call her Hye Eun. These are my friends, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. Chanyeol helps me with stuff while Kyungsoo cooks.” Sehun nods at them.

“He’s a chef? That’s good. At least, there’ll be something to eat in the inn now. Let’s go back.” Luhan and Sehun walks side by side.  Chanyeol and Kyungsoo followed behind. The four of them walked back the inn.

***Suho’s room***

“That girl will be the death of me one day.” Suho frowned as he remembered Hye Eun’s slip.

“We have to help Luhan and Sehun return the balance before they recover their memories back. Before he wakes up, Or else, these years of hard work will be for nothing, and the twelve forces will have to look for each other again. My separation with Yixing for those 5 lonely years…” Suho said as he massaged his nape.

“Just a few more months... we’ll be together again.” Suho said as he looks at a small unicorn glass statue on his bedside table.

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carelessLISPer #1
Chapter 15: This is kinda like MAMA isn't it? This is awesome though~! LoveLOve
Chapter 16: I read this all afternoon and it's so good! I can't wait to read the sequel^^
This sounds really interesting! I'll try reading it C:
Chapter 16: This is like the most awesome fic ever !
I've been waiting to read something like this ^^
Good job, author-nim !
Chapter 16: wah.. the sequel is currently on draft status.. but when its okay, gonna read it again.. Thanks for the sequel author ^_^. can't wait also for my break.. ^_-
_meeehrong501 #6
Chapter 15: Waaaaaaah ~~ I cried so hard TT^TT " Keep it up author-nim ! Hoping for a sequel ~ Kkk~
Chapter 15: Awesome story :) Waiting for the sequel~
Chapter 15: WAH ..!! One of the BEST story ever ^___^ hmm.. I would love to read this story sequel ^__^ Fighting !! <3
willreadanything808 #9
Chapter 15: I request a sequel (if your not to busy) please and thank you.