The Dragon Temple and the Best Informant

Entering the World of Anima

Author’s Note: There will be clouds covering the moon starting tomorrow. Creation will be postponed in a few. – Red Writer

***Dragon’s Temple***

Third Person

A peaceful place in the sky was home to many. It floated atop the land and the waters. Just above the last layer of clouds, a clear waterfall made its way down to the land below. By the great waterfall, a well-hidden village was a home to a reasonable amount of people. At the center of the floating piece of land, there was a huge temple where many people paid visit to their ruler and his company. This was the great Sky Dragon’s Temple. It was ruled by a calm dragon and a wushu panda. By their side, there was a unicorn guardian who looked over a huge pond. He tries to focus on it while trying to ignore the obvious loving mood by the king’s side.

“Uh… your highness…” He started but gained no attention from said ruler. He sighed.

“What is wrong, Yixing?” The king asked since he was a little concerned about his advisor and friend.

“It’s nothing, your highness.”

“I told you to just call me Kris. We’re all guardians here, right Tao?” He asked his beloved companion.

“Yeah, that’s right. Oh, by the way, I’m training outside for a bit, okay?” Tao said as he gave Kris a slight peck on the cheek before leaving. Kris watched him as he disappeared out the balcony.

“Tao, I told you to use the stairs!” Kris sighed as he heard a faint response from Tao, something about taking too much time. Once again, Yixing sighed.

“Man… I really need my angel. I feel so lonely.” Kris just laughed at that. Just then, the pond started to sparkle and a face appeared.

“Ah, Joonmyun! Finally, I was waiting for you.”

“Nice to see you, Xing! I have some good and bad news.”

“What is it? Tell me the good news first.”  Yixing said as he clapped his hands.

“Well, Luhan has arrived from his travel to the village. He met Sehun.”

“Wonderful, then it’s all going according to the plan.”

“Good job, Suho.” Kris appeared at Yixing’s side, almost startling the unicorn guardian. Suho laughed at his lover’s cute antics. Just then, a loud noise entered the room with a crash.

“Excuse me for a bit.” Kris moved away. Just as he disappeared behind the flowing curtains of the balcony windows, a reprimanding shout was heard.

“I TOLD YOU TO STOP CRASHING THE TEMPLE! You have powers, don’t you? Use the stairs; stop time or something. Just stop messing with the people.”

“But, ge~ I was just trying to see how high I can jump. Besides, the villagers enjoy my company.”

“It’s not your company, it’s your mischief. Fine, but please, stop wrecking the building.” With that, Kris came back, rubbing his temples.

“What’s the bad news?”

“Remember Kai?” Suho saw Yixing nod.

“I need for you to send someone to distract him. I don’t know who, anyone will do. I have a feeling he is getting suspicious.”

“Don’t worry, I have prepared someone. I’ll send him over.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for him. Are you sure he can help me?”

“Yeah. He is the best informant around. I’m sure he can help you find someone from Luhan’s place.”

“Thanks, Xing.” With that, Suho bid farewell to Yixing.

“Alright! I’m good with seeing Suho for today. Now, to get call the best informant I know.” Yixing sent out a dove and it dove to one of the seaside areas near the edge of town. It glided on the seaside near a bridge connecting the floating land to neighboring kingdom.

***By the Seaside***

A cloaked figure looked away from the sea and saw the dove. It carried a magical scroll. He opens and the words started appearing, as if being rewritten.

Dear friend,

Your assistance would be very helpful at this point. I have sent you a picture and information of your target. Find him someone that would match with his signs and character.


Your Friend Yixing.

The man looked at the letter again and sighed. He looks at a picture of a tanned lad. He smiles and instantly stands up. He moved the sand and puts some electricity in it. Producing a small rectangular glass, he moved through one glass after another. Then, he stopped. He held it up and it showed a guy of short stature with owl-like eyes.

“There, this one should be the right one.” He threw the glass away and it disappeared in the huge body of water.

“I wonder when my wielder will come.” He sighed, not noticing a scorpion slipping another glass to the water. It mirrored a person eating baozi.

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carelessLISPer #1
Chapter 15: This is kinda like MAMA isn't it? This is awesome though~! LoveLOve
Chapter 16: I read this all afternoon and it's so good! I can't wait to read the sequel^^
This sounds really interesting! I'll try reading it C:
Chapter 16: This is like the most awesome fic ever !
I've been waiting to read something like this ^^
Good job, author-nim !
Chapter 16: wah.. the sequel is currently on draft status.. but when its okay, gonna read it again.. Thanks for the sequel author ^_^. can't wait also for my break.. ^_-
_meeehrong501 #6
Chapter 15: Waaaaaaah ~~ I cried so hard TT^TT " Keep it up author-nim ! Hoping for a sequel ~ Kkk~
Chapter 15: Awesome story :) Waiting for the sequel~
Chapter 15: WAH ..!! One of the BEST story ever ^___^ hmm.. I would love to read this story sequel ^__^ Fighting !! <3
willreadanything808 #9
Chapter 15: I request a sequel (if your not to busy) please and thank you.