Welcome to Sandara's World

The Breakup Artist


Chapter One

Welcome to Sandara's World


Park Sandara (Dara for short), 26, took the chance to give her dumpee's hand a pitied pat from across the table and looked at her with an unreadable expression written on her beautiful, porcelain white face. "Listen to me," she said softly, "Love blows." Dara leaned forward a little bit and continued, "You're a great person, but, this relationship just isn't working out. It's time to move on." She brought her hands to her lap and laced them together. "For you, for me, for us," she nodded.

Her dumpee, Seo Yoora, gave out a strangled gasp A's she let her tears flow down freely.

Dara reached over and pat her cheek, "Sweetie, don't cry." She gave Yoora a small smile, "This isn't goodbye. It's hello. Hello to new friendships."

Yoora took a napkin from the table set and wiped her tears and was about to break down once more when she realized she had no idea who the girl breaking up with her was. "Wait, who are you again?"

Dara brought her hand up for Yoora to shake and said with another one of her small smiles, "I'm Sandara. Your ex-boyfriend SeungYeon hired me to dump you."

Yoora let out a pained "Oh!". How could that jerk do that to her?! Was this his new girlfriend?!

Seeing her dismay, Dara said, "Oh, it's nothing personal!" She reached into her handbag and fished out her business card. She handed it to Yoora and said proudly, "I'm Sandara Park, the Breakup Artist."

Yoora studied the card:

"'Love Blows Incorporation'
Park Sandara
Work: 555-656
Cell: 555-454
Fax: 555-353
123 Seventh Avenue ; Seoul, South Korea"

"But seriously, you might need a reality check," Dara continued, "You guys were doomed from day one."

Yoora covered in agony and closed her eyes, bit her lip, and did just about anything else to stop the tears.

"Come on, now," Dara said in an attempt to try and cheer up the miserable girl, "Don't cry in such a fancy restaurant."

And that was all it took to start the waterworks again.



"So how did it go?" Park Bom, 27 and Dara's best friend, asked A's she shut off her car.

Dara scoffed and massaged the side of her forehead. "She was a Stage Three crier. She got snot all over my lobster," Dara replied.

Bom chuckled lightly and took out her clipboard. She showed it to Dara and said, "Ok, so your next appointment is Ae Rin. She claims that she 'can't stand being in one room' with her boyfriend, Jun Hwa."

Dara nodded.



"There's just ...." Ae Rin made rapid hand motions, but when she saw that Dara wasn't catching up with what she was trying to explain, she sighed and said straightforwardly, "He's full of hot air."

Dara nodded and scribbled down on her notebook the word 'liar'. "He's a liar?"

Ae Rin shook her vigorously and said with the straightest face, "No, no. He farts a lot. And it's beyond nasty."

Dara nodded her head again, but this time more hesitantly. This was a new situation. The causes of break ups were usually either "We're too different" or "He/she cheated on me" or "He/she lacks trust" but never did she break up a couple because of a stomach problem. But hey, business is business, and the more she made the client happy, the more money she would get.



"Wow," Jun Hwa said with disbelief, "That's just so clear and concise ... Even I want to break up with me now," he admits to himself quietly.

Dara broke out into a smile and fished out another one of her business cards. She handed it to him and said, "Here, um, on the back is Dr. Jung's number." She continued in a hushed tone, "He's a great gastroenterologist."

Jun Hwa stared at the card before letting out a tired scoff, "W-why do I need a stomach doctor's number?" Just then, his back end betrayed him by giving out a loud "Toot!"



Dara stared at crying girl in front of her with a look of pity and disgust, mostly disgust. "He slept with your MOTHER?" she asked again in disbelief.

The girl, Mi Young, nodded before giving out another series of sobs. She took a large bite of the cupcake she had in her hands before trying to explain in between large sobs, "I came home from work only to find them on the couch going on it like a bunch of rabbits!"

Dara reached behind her and pulled Bom down to face her eye to eye and whispered, "We're gonna need more sprinkles STAT."

Bom nodded and quickly ran down to the girl's kitchen to look for the damned sprinkles.

Dara went back to face Mi Young. "Look, Mi Young. I know that it hurts, but that's what I'm here for, okay? Men think past disruptions to the relationship could be forgiven by stupid things like chocolate or fresh roses ..."

Mi Young dropped her cupcake on her plate and pointed to herself, "I like roses ... Can I forgive him if he tries that?"

"No!" Data exclaimed. The girl still obviously still had feelings for him, but she could not let this happen. "S"-wording some e, well that might be forgivable, but "S"-wording you mom, now that's unforgivable. Mi Young had to learn that. "That's your sorrow talking!" Dara exclaimed, "Ok, here's what you need to do. First you need to go through the five emotional stages of post-breakup. Stage one is denial."

Mi Young dropped her cupcake forcefully. She slammed her fist on the table and said, "He can't break up with me, cause I rock!"

"Second stage is anger."

"You know what?" Mi Young asked, "He's a fool! How dare he deny my rockiness?!"

"Third stage is bargaining."

She took her cupcake from the table and took a bite. "You know, I think if I do more when we have , he'll realize I rock." She smirked.

"Then depression."

Mi Young's years welled up in her eyes again as she brought the cupcake to . "Maybe I don't rock ...!"

Dara gave the girl a weird look. "And finally acceptance."

Throwing the cupcake on her plate so suddenly, Mi Young gave Dara a confident smile. "You know what? Screw him! I do rock," she concluded.

Just then, Bom came back up and put the sprinkles on the table. Dara turned around to give Bom a scared look. "I've never seen someone go through the Five Stages so quickly," she whispered. She turned back to Mi Young and told the girl, "Honey, you're gonna be fine."

Mi Young broke out into a grin, but that slowly faltered once she remembered him. "With my mother!" she whispered before letting her confined tears flow freely. She buried her face into the dark comfort of her hands before muttering, "Just get out."

Dara rolled her eyes before gathering her things and standing up from the chair. She faced Bom and gave her a "I tried" look and walked out of the room calmly. Bom sighed and pat the girl's head. "You'll be fine, sweetie," she whispered, being the big soft idiot she was, and followed Dara.



'I love you.' The most powerful phrase we utter as humans. We hear it at every stage of life, and it always turns us into kids again - wild, playful, and with limited control of our bodily functions.

Love isn't just any thing. Love conquers all. Love is eternal. Until it ends, that is. And that is where I come in.

I know that people also think that my job as a breakup artist is somewhat depressing, but truth to be told, it really isn't. I go through break ups, from screaming and kicking to begging to whining and everything else in between, on a daily basis and I've gotten used to it.

To be honest, I never really knew why I got into this kind of business. It must've been the memory of HIM that told me to go down the path of breaking up couples thy are having issues.

But there was one thing  I know I'm sure of : I love my job. 

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daragonfever09 #1
woaaahh! new reader here! kkk.. i found this fic interesting, so keep continue this fic.. fighting! update ^^ <3
yay!!!! sooo happy that you won't discontinue <33<br />
~waiting patiently and hoping your problem gets fixed :)<br />
~hwaiting! :)
unii_soeul #3
Yey im so happy u dont discontinue this story ^^
new reader here! <br />
I'm loving Dara's personality and quick-wit here! <br />
please continue this!!! X3<br />
hwaiting on your update~!! ^______^
So that's where Dara & Ji first met. I wonder if Deanna hooked up with JIyong on purpose to irritate Dara. Please don't discontinue! The story is too unique and it'd be a waste. I haven't been commenting because of school. But i'll try & comment. Thanks for the update!
waaaaa! don't discontinue T_T i like your story <3<br />
hhhmmm.. Hwa ran is kind of mysterious @_@<br />
hhmm... excited of what Dara would do to Seungri >_<<br />
~waiting for update :3 hwaiting :D
2ne1roccsthamic #7
Hmm..i a little confused as to where the story is leading..i liked the beginning until her sister started to date Ji...and now i'm kinda lost in the story.
dara's business is cool!!!hahaha waiting for the updates!
ooooh~! jiyong and da ra meets!!! but eh....i didn't expect him<br />
to be going out with her sis...lol!!! cant wait for next update!! :D