ongoing battle

Embracing Lifes


As soon as i reached the library, i quickly searched for jongup because i was half an hour late due to the extended piano class just now. At the corner of the left side of the library i saw a guy with a loose grey sweat shirt. The way the headphone placed perfectly on his purplish hair made me stunned for a while. From the panorama view, his jawlines looked very perfect. "i  cant believe i once hating a perfect God's creations" wait what? You're drunk yuki. 


"i'm sorry i'm late.." couldnt look straight on his face.  "shelf number 23, author Mark Victor Hansen, 'causes and effects of abnormal heartbeat rates' . As a punishment.." 


Two thoughts ; first, it's a relieved he didn't mad at me. I mean he did, but he didn't shout at me or asked me to do silly things or treat me a-step-sisters-like.

Things like ; run around the whole library with one leg up, arrange the books within their colours or maybe the worst thing he'd do is asked me to provide him a vip's place. Yeap, he could do that to all innocent-like librarian just like me because he was actually a good friend of our leader.

The second thing is ; I knew I was late but still, as a human being you need to consider manners. At least put a 'please' at the back of your sentence.

"jerk" I cursed.


"here" I placed the book in front of him

"let's split" 

"w-what?! Are you nut?! Who do you think Mrs Chae is?! This assesment will determine our next class, whether we'll be stay or will be upgrade to elite class or to be kicked out from the school. Please for once, take note!!"

I started to max my voice note. 

I was so mad until I couldn't think any rational things, all I want to do were just stabbed him with my fingers, drag his intestine out and tied it up as a ribbon.

With a straight face he replied "I knew, I don't care"

I stood up in anger and flew my grasp to the table

"why on earth I got a course-mate just like you. Perhaps God is punishing me for all the bad deeds I had done but please, Moon Jongup i'm begging you to stay.."

I paused my lines because my cheeks were glowing, I couldn't believe I lowered my ego for this cold-hearted guy

"..even if you hate me, please, just once.."

his quite eyes met mine

"I can't. I'm leaving.."

He did. He really left me for real. 

My knees dropped on the grey cold concrete floor, sobbing and weeping so hard despite my pride.

Not as loud as usual, but in silence. The pain trembling inside my heart

" I'll make sure you're gonna pay for this, Moon Jongup.. One fine day, you'll be deadly regretfull"



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bananaxpotato #1
Chapter 1: Interesting~