
Embracing Lifes


"that guy.." a moderate-height guy, with a sparkle in his hazel eyes, and his innocent smile that melted every pair of eyes. His perfect jawlines could popped out a butterfly in your stomach. An eyes' candy for the seniors and an idol for the juniors. A kingka. A classmate of mine.


"sis, please take a good care of my boyfr.." "oh shut up. Not that guy, again. Aint got no time for that" those were the lines i'll be heard from the juniors. And yeap, those were the lines they'll be heard from me. Why on earth you guys picked him up as a kingka in this school. How possible it could be? Somehow me myself didnt get it why I couldnt deal with the guy, even he's really good-looking though. Oh maybe because of the day I presented a-very-sincere-smile for him and ended up cursing. Because he didnt even replied instead of giving me a blank-looked. But  at least i knew a dull flower is always a dull flower. Never be realized by a moon.


"yuki, you'll be paired with jongup.." my eyes widened in shock, i couldnt believe what i heard just now and kindly assuming that i was in my day-dreaming mode, so i left the teacher with no answer until "mrs yuki! Are your soul here?" at that paticular time, all eyes were on me, i could feel my blood rising up my face, and i know that my face had turned out as red as our mrs chae's lipstick colour. with a soft husky voice i replied, "yes i'm here.." "you'll be paired with jongup. Do a research about 'abnormal heartbeat rates', clear?!" this time her voice a little bit higher yet scarier than before. "yea.." jongup and me answered synchronously. I turned my gaze to him and gave him a you're-gonna-pay-for-these-stares. 


The school's bell rang giving a sign that school sessions were already end. While I was packing my stuff, I felt a warmth at the back of mine. I turned myself to 180 degrees and found jongup was standing 3 inches away from me. "library, 3pm. See you.." then he left me, dumbfounded. And I discovered a new ridiculous thing; a butterfly in my stomach.


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bananaxpotato #1
Chapter 1: Interesting~