Ding Dong Bae is Taeyang

Touch Love

Coffee Prince Café (Hongdae)

Jackie is still laughing when she joins Scar and Gong Yoo oppa at the front counter. She is amused by Yongbae’s (Taeyang) previous message. She didn’t expect him to be cute and adorable, given that he stutters a lot when he converses with her yesterday.

“He really is a ding dong,” Jackie chuckles.

Seeing how Jackie is smiling to herself, Gong Yoo decided to , “Someone looks happy today. Did someone finally get a boyfriend?”

Gong Yoo teasing question bring Jackie out of her reverie, making her flustered.

“Ah?! Ani oppa,” Jackie stutters.

“Really?” Gong Yoo wiggles his eyebrows cheekily at Jackie.

“Ya! Oppa, jugulle(You want to die)? Jackie is not like that.” Scar defends Jackie.

She knows how much everyone at the cafe love teasing Jackie as she is the only one among them who doesn’t seem to be dating. It is not that Jackie has never gone on dates; it is just that she has yet to meet someone whom can accept her without wanting to change her.

“Ya Scar! You are scary. I was just teasing,” Gong Yoo pouts.

Scar exaggeratingly shivers, “Oppa, stop that. My fingers are curling up already.” Gong Yoo laughs at her reaction. He knows Scar’s threats hold no water. She is being protective of Jackie.

“Anyway Jackie, you got your set to perform at 9 pm later. Be ready k. And don’t worry, the crowd loved you yesterday. They will love you today,” Gong Yoo reassures before walking towards his office which is situated at the back of the cafe.

“He seriously doesn’t behave like someone who is in his 30s,” Scar comments once Gong Yoo is out of hearing range. Sometimes she wonders who is younger, them or him.

“Let him be. At least he is a good oppa and manager.”

“You are just too kind, Jackie. Anyway, how’s your friend fan boy? Did he ask you out on a date? Is that why you are smiling a lot just now?” Scar teasingly asks.

“You are just as bad as Gong Yoo oppa.”

“And no. He didn’t ask me out on a date.” Jackie replies, before looking at Scar intently.


“Can you keep a secret?”

“Secret? What secret?” Now Scar is intrigued.

“You have to promise me first. Pinky swear?” Jackie insists.

“Fine. Pinky swear.”

You can't tell anyone or something bad will befall your Daesung.



Fine. I promise."

“That guy, Yongbae, well, he is debuting soon. In fact, his debut date will be on 1st November under YG Entertainment, the same company as your Daesung,” Jackie whispers.

“Jingja (Really)!?!” Scar exclaims.

“YA! Lower down your volume!” Jackie sharply whispers back while looking around the cafe. There are some customers looking annoyingly at their direction. Both Scar and Jackie guiltily bow in apology towards their direction.

“Sorry. But really? Wow! You know a potential artiste!”

Scar suddenly frowns, “But wait. 1st November? I think there’s someone from BIGBANG having a comeback on that same day.”

“Who?” Jackie enquires.

So far, there’s no announcement about any other BIGBANG members scheduled to have their comeback. Her inspiration, Taeyang, has yet to confirm his. There are some rumour about his album to be release end of this month, October but no confirmation as of yet. 

“I saw something in the morning just now. Let me check their site.” Scar whips out her Galaxy Note 3 and starts looking through YG website.

“Ah! Here it is. YG Life: Taeyang to have his comeback on November 1st.” Scar reads out from her Galaxy.

“Taeyang coming back? JINGJA?!” This time it’s Jackie who exclaims out loud, attracting attention from the customers.

“Mianhae (Sorry).” Jackie apologizes to the customers

 “Maknae, take care of the orders for awhile.” 

Without waiting for Jinhwan to answer, she drags Scar by the wrist out to the back area of the cafe.

Once they are out, Jackie lets go of Scar’s wrist and turns to her, “Taeyang’s having is comeback?”

“Ya. It says here. See,” Scar passes her Galaxy to Jackie. Jackie scrolls through the site and read the headline again, “YG Life: Taeyang to have his comeback on November 1st.

Her “light” is coming back. After 3 years, he is finally coming back. Guess all her worries are for nothing. Taeyang hasn’t lost his “light”. He is just waiting for the right time and that time is now. Jackie smiles.

“You excited? After all, he is your bias.”

Jackie shakes her head before replying, “Ani (No). He is not my bias. He is my “light”. Come on. You already know my reason.”

“Is it possible then for a rookie to debut the same day as a comeback?” Jackie asks Scar.

“I don’t think so. YG never does such a thing.” Scar explains.

“Maybe your fan boy got his dates mixed up. Or he is just out to impress you,” Scar teases again.

“Right. What’s there to impress me about?”

Scar rolls her eyes heavenwards and smiles her “Oh-please” smile, “Well, just message him and ask him again. If he really is debuting, then he may just have gotten his dates mixed up.”

“But he does looks rather familiar, like someone we know,” Scar comments thoughtfully while rubbing her chin.

“I know right. I find him rather familiar too.”

“You say his name is Yongbae right?”

“Ya. Yongbae, Ding Yongbae.” Jackie confirms it. Scar’s eyes widen.


“His name sounds like Taeyang’s real name, Dong Yongbae.” Scar blurs out excitedly.

“What if he is Taeyang in disguise?! And gives you his real name but a fake surname? I mean who you know have a Ding as their surname?” Scar rambles on eagerly. 

“Plus he says that he is “debuting” on 1st November. So far, YG has never mentioned anything about a male rookie artiste.”

“Did you had a good look at him? At his face? You did, didn’t you?”

“I did.” Jackie replies hesitantly. “But that’s impossible. Taeyang won’t have time to come down to our dingy cafe. He sure has better things to do. Right?”

“You never know. I read somewhere that sometimes BIGBANG members do disguise themselves when they go out – especially when they do not want to be recognize or want to be left alone.” Scar replies knowingly.

“Plus they also give fake names to avoid identification. Maybe this could be it. Maybe it really is Taeyang! Omo! Your fan boy is Taeyang!” Scar excitedly claims. Jackie could literally see stars in her eyes.

“Ya. Have you been reading fanfics behind my back again?” Jackie shakes her head at her friend’s antics.

Scar is usually rough and tough and scary, just like her nickname. But where BIGBANG is concern, she becomes just like one of those crazy screaming VIPs you see at their concerts.

“YA!” a sharp loud voice interrupts them.

“ARGH!!” both Scar and Jackie yelp and jump in surprise. They both turn to see Jae Wook oppa staring. He seems annoyed.

“YA! Oppa! Are you trying to shock us to death?!” Scar asks when she could finally find her voice back. She felt like she just suffered from a heart attack. She also sees that Jackie is in the state as her - recovering from the shock.

“You two been skiving is it? Leaving Jinhwan alone. He is dying in there by himself, getting all the orders wrong. Go back inside.” Jae Wook barks at them before walking back towards the cafe, not waiting for their reply.

“Ya, Jae Wook oppa is really scary.” Scar rubs her chest in attempt to calm her racing heart down.  

“Let’s go back in before he comes back out again.” Scar hurriedly walks into the cafe. Jackie follows slowly after her.

“She should so stop reading fanfics.” Jackie thinks to herself. 

Jackie shakes her head and follows after Scar. It seems that Scar really is in her own world.

But what if that is true? Could Ding Dong Bae really be Taeyang? He does kinda looks like Taeyang, especially his adorable eye smile.”

Suddenly something clicks in Jackie’s brain, “Eye smile.”

Jackie eyes widen, “OH MY GOD! Ding Dong Bae is Taeyang. TAEYANG IS DING DONG BAE!!”


Dolce Vita Pension

“I thought we are going to our usual bar. Why are we here?” TOP whines cutely at Jiyong.

He was looking forward to drinking some fine wine and chilling but now he is stuck at Jiyong’s family pension. To make things worse, he has to help Jiyong blow up some balloons while Daesung decorates the dining area of the pension.

“Ah hyung. The usual bar is closed for renovation. Plus today is special. I do not want us to be interrupted by unwanted people.” Jiyong breathlessly replies.

He has been blowing up balloons for the past half an hour. They arrived early at the pension to decorate the place for Taeyang’s surprise party. Jiyong knows how important this comeback is for him hence he wants to give his homie the best party before he gets too busy.

“Still, I feel so cheated. Here I was hoping to get some good wine. End up, I'm just having cheap soju” TOP whines again.

“Hyung, you’ve been drinking expensive wine alone for the past 4 months. It’s about time you get out from your hole.” Jiyong smirks and throws the balloon he just blown up at TOP’s direction.

Ever since TOP hyung completed his movie filming, he has been hiding in his home. He doesn’t want to go out, rarely gets out of bed and just drinks wine by himself. He became extra sensitive to everyone. He refuses to interact with anyone and even isolates himself from the members. For awhile, the members avoided him in order to prevent conflict. It was only recently that he starts to integrate himself back with the outside world and that was only due to him needing to promote his film, Commitment.

“Ya hyung. You’ve been alone for too long. I’m starting to miss you. I’m always alone in Japan. You promise to come and visit but you never did,” Daesung interjects cutely.

“Ah Daesung-ie, you miss hyung? Aww... Hyung miss you too. Come let me give you a kiss,” TOP ily saunters towards him while making kissy faces.

Daesung immediately runs away from TOP, “Ah hyung!! Disgusting!”

“Ya! You two. Stop fooling around. Yongbae and Seungri are reaching soon in an hours time and we still got lots to do.”

“Daesung, put up the streamers properly. It’s drooping down already.”

“Aish Gaho ya, stop pulling at the streamers. Bad Gaho. Bad Bad Gaho.” Jiyong chases his dog out of the area. Gaho is having a fun time tugging and “attacking” the streamers that Daesung put up. It seems that he has found a new play thing.

“Aish. Don’t pout. Daddy is sorry okay. Daddy just wants to give Uncle Bae a good party.” Jiyong attempts to comfort the upset Gaho.

Daesung shakes his head in amusement when he sees Jiyong aegyo-ing at Gaho.

“Hyung, I think Jiyong hyung needs to get married soon. Look at how he is treating Gaho like his real son.” Daesung comments to TOP.

“Ani (No). I think he just needs to get laid. If he has a son, he will pamper and feed the kid until he grows fat like Doraemon,” TOP laughs.

“Ya. You both think I can’t hear what you are saying is it. I’m still in the room.”

“Just kidding hyung,” Daesung replies while putting both his arms up in a mock remorse pose.

“Ha ha ha. Very funny Daesung.” Jiyong mockingly laughs in staccatos.

“I think they are here already,” TOP perks up upon hearing an engine sound.

“Aish! We are not ready yet! Ya! That maknae is supposed to delay Bae. AISH!! Everyone hides. HIDE!” Jiyong yells.

“SURPRISE!!” Taeyang shouts as he walks through the front door with a guilty looking Seungri.

Everyone inside froze on the spot and looks that Taeyang. Jiyong then stares daggers at Seungri. Taeyang’s laughter breaks the tense awkward atmosphere.

“I know about the surprise party guys. But thanks anyway.” Taeyang voices out in between laughter.

He loves the expression on TOP, Daesung and Jiyong’s faces when he yells out surprise. It is priceless. If only he had a camera with him, he would have taken a picture. He especially loves the annoyed expression on Jiyong’s face. He looks like he wants to murder Seungri.

He hugs Daesung first since he is closer. He has not met Daesung for awhile due to his solo concert in Japan.

“Daesung ah, hyung can see that you are doing well as a solo artiste.”

“Ah hyung,” Daesung beams. “Congrats hyung on the comeback.”

“Ah komawo (thank you) Dae.”

He then slowly makes his way towards TOP and gives him a hug as well.

“Ah hyung, congratulations on winning that award at BIFF.”

“Bae ah, I’m TOP, so I am always on TOP,” TOP cockily replies, returning Taeyang’s hug. Taeyang chuckles as TOP’s reply.

He slowly makes his way towards Jiyong and gives him a brotherly hug.

“Ya Ji, don’t be angry at Seungri. I sort of know that you are planning a surprise party. You won’t tell us to come all the way here if you weren’t planning one.”

“Ya but I still want it to be a surprise,” Jiyong cutely pouts. “But someone just has to ruin it.” He glares at Seungri again.

“Ah... hyung...” Seungri nervously gulps. He knows how mean Jiyong can get when things don’t go his way.

“I was trying to trade for some secret from Yongbae hyung. But hyung cheated me.” Seungri scrunches his face like a little kid.

“Secret? What secret?” Jiyong enquires, his curiosity quipped.

“Ani, it’s nothing,” Taeyang awkwardly denies. “Anyway, where’s the food? I’m starving.” Taeyang quickly moves towards the dining room, not wanting to answer Jiyong’s question.


The atmosphere immediately goes still. Taeyang avoids looking directly at Jiyong. He can sense the silent sharp threat in Jiyong’s voice, the kind that sense chills down his spine. Jiyong is using his Leader Kwon’s voice right now. TOP and Daesung just keep quiet but they are just as curious to know about Taeyang’s secret. Maybe his secret concerns is about him finally dating.

Jiyong can see that Taeyang is avoiding his eyes. This means that Taeyang is definitely keeping a secret from him. He knows when Taeyang is lying or keeping a secret from him, after all, he known Taeyang for the longest time.

“Bae, what secret?” Jiyong asks again, still using his “Leader Kwon’s voice”.

“Ani, it’s nothing,” Taeyang denies again.

“Hyung,” Seungri quietly starts.

“Shut up Seungri,” Taeyang snaps. The other 3 members gasp as his remark. Taeyang never snaps at anyone. This secret must be something big.

“Ani hyung... hyung... I have to say it out. This concerns all of us! All our image”!

“Seungri” Taeyang snaps again, more sternly this time.

Bae hyung is GAY!!” Seungri blurts out!


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eulutas #1
Chapter 24: I know that it is 3 years after that You last updated this story but can i kindly request You to keep writing it? Because i liked reading it a lot and due to not being updated it suddenly got left on a cliffhanger :(
itta_b #2
Chapter 3: new subscriber here, so far, I'm really liking this story, I will really try to comment, but I'm usually a silent reader (sorry) But I will do my best commenting
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 25: Ah...love it! Jackie to become YB controller! And Scar being there will be fun!!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 24: Nooooooo! That last request out of YG's mouth....oh Jackie!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 23: I loved watching the MAMA 2013... Those men are hard working!!

Now for Jackie to realize her Phone is off!! Have patience YB,
Chapter 23: Sorry that I haven't been commenting so much lately dear. Caught up with work and of all things, a major toothache (swollen gums, infection, abcess, fever and all)Ahhh! My age is finally catching me up :)

Jackie is indeed clear in his thoughts and decisions but I'm afraid of Taeyang's reactions. Sure he even thought of recruiting Jackie into YG but he's easily affected but sutuations. I hope everything will turn out fine for the both of them.

And I love BigBang's performance in MAMA13!!! They owned the stage and it even felt like it was their concert rather than an award show.
Thekatsmeow #7
Chapter 22: The letter was just what Jackie needed! Now to talk to YB!!
Thekatsmeow #8
Chapter 21: I just caught up! Yours is a beautiful story ...can't wait till you update us!
Chapter 21: Unexpected twist of events... interesting. Jackie's past is so dark and no wonder she was how she was... well written, dear.
Chapter 20: I was smiling by myself while reading this... They're so cute and I was like squealing when Jackie backhugged Taeyang and confessed....