Meddlesome Jiyong

Touch Love

For the past week or so, Taeyang has been busy preparing for his comeback. He has not been getting enough sleep. His eye bags are getting bigger that it rivals Seungri’s eye bags. In fact, if he is not careful, he might ends up with the nickname “Panda” – totally doesn’t suit his upcoming stage persona, which will be more intense. After all, he is going for a completely different look from his Wedding Dress and I need a girl days.


Despite his busy schedule, he still manages to find time to text Jackie and updates her about his preparation. Jackie did express her concerns towards his lack of rest but he assured her that it is normal. His budding friendship with her is progressing quite well. He is happy to share his stories with her whenever he can. It is her warmth and quirky humor that keeps him sane during this crazy period. Without it, he knows that he would be extremely edgy and his moods would be unpredictable.


s did ask him whether he and Jackie are dating each other as he is always texting her. But he explains to them that they are just good friends. However, s did not believe him. TOP hyung commented that it is impossible to be texting someone so frequently – making time to text that person – without developing any sort of romantic feelings towards that person. The same goes for Daesung and Seungri. Both of them mercilessly teased Taeyang for his “special” attention towards Jackie. He rarely replies their text messages but when Jackie texts him, he replies her almost instantaneously. But unlike the other members, Jiyong again expressed his concerns towards this. Taeyang had to assure him almost daily now.  


As for Jackie, she is starting to get use to performing live. She is still doing song covers though she occasionally sings her self-composed songs. Despite performing daily, she still suffers from pre-performance jitters. But Taeyang’s encouraging messages always calms her down. She is thankful to have her “light” supporting her though he has yet to know that she knew his real identity. There are times where she wanted to tell him but she is afraid he might react negatively. She does not want to lose his friendship. In way, she is selfish and greedy. However, since he didn’t say anything about his true identity, she will wait for him to tell her first.


YG Building – Dance studio


“One and two and three and AISH!! Yongbae!! You are moving in the wrong direction again!” yells Jae Wook.


“AH! Mianhae hyung!” Taeyang immediately apologizes and bows.


He is starting to feel fatigue sinking down to his bones. He and the Hi-Tech dancers have been practicing since 8 in the morning. Now, it is already past midnight. They have been at it for the past 15 hours without any breaks other than lunch break. All of them are tired but that doesn’t stop them from continuing with their practice. After all, they will be performing with Taeyang for his comeback stage and they know how important this is for him. Taeyang’s stage is less than a week away and everything has to be perfectly synchronized.


“Yongbae ah, I think we should just call it a day. Everyone is tired already and I can see that you are tired as well. Your body needs to rest too,” Jae Wook advises.


“Ah hyung. Nan gwaenchanh-a (I’m okay). Let’s continue,” assures Taeyang though his body is saying otherwise. He aches all over but he refuses to listen to what his body is telling him. He only left with about 5 days before his comeback, his solo album in 3 years. He needs it to be perfect. He has a reason for doing so.


“Bae, listen to hyung. We are done for the day. I do not want my dancers to be injured as well. Tomorrow we start again. Arasso (understand)?” Jae Wook repeats again, harshly this time.


Taeyang is taken aback by his words and tone. Jae Wook hyung won’t use such a tone unless he really means business and this time, he really means it. 


“Arasso hyung. Mianhye everyone. Have a good rest tonight,” Taeyang immediately agrees, not wanting to irritate Jae Wook hyung any further.


“Bae, I expect you to go home as well. I know you will insist on staying here to continue practicing.”


“You are too stubborn for your own good sometimes. Worst than Jiyong,” Jae Wook commented.


 “Ah hyung,” Taeyang smiles sheepishly. Jae Wook hyung knows him too well. Given his nature of not wanting to disappoint the fans, he tends to put pressure upon himself to be perfect.


“I head home soon. I just need to make sure I get this part down.”


Jae Wook shakes his head. He knows that Taeyang will end up staying the whole night. He is just stubborn, a trait that rubs off from Jiyong.


Within ten minutes, everyone heads out from the dance studio, leaving Taeyang alone there. He plays his comeback music and starts to dance again. He knows that he needs to rest but there’s a part of him that is stubborn. He wants to keep working as he does not want to disappoint his fans, especially Jackie. Even though she has yet to know his real identity, he still does not want to disappoint her. There a part of him that feels proud to be her source of inspiration. He hopes to invite her to his so-called debut stage and surprise her with his real identity.


“I bet she would be super shocked and speechless,” Taeyang chuckles to himself before frowning.


“But what if she hates me for it? Hates me for lying? What if she stops talking to me?”


“AISH!! OUCH!!” Taeyang yelps when his body makes contact with the floor. With him preoccupied with his thoughts, he accidentally trips over his undone shoelace and fall face first.

“BAE! Gwaenchanh-a?!” a loud voice booms into the dance studio.


“Ah Ji. Nan-gwaenchanh-a. I was not paying attention, that’s all,” Taeyang assures Jiyong, rubbing his chest area. Now his whole body is aching even more.


“YA! You need to take care of your body. Your comeback is in a few days time. What are you still doing here? I thought everyone left already? I saw Jae Wook hyung left with his team.” Jiyong starts nagging.


He is worried about Taeyang. He knows Taeyang can get extreme when he is preparing for any concert. However this is getting ridiculous. He has never seen Taeyang working this hard before.


“Bae, you should really go and rest. I’m worried that you might end up doing more harm to your body. Why are you pushing yourself so hard? You are now worst than me and I am the perfectionist here,” Jiyong nags again.


Taeyang hesitates. He is not sure whether he should tell Jiyong the real reason. He does not want to get into another argument about Jackie. For the past week, Jiyong has been rather touchy whenever Jackie becomes the topic of conversation. To him, Jackie is a form of distraction that Taeyang does not need. He is still not convinced that Jackie does not recognized Taeyang’s identity. How could she not recognize Taeyang when he is her inspiration? That just doesn’t make sense to him.


“Is it because of Jackie?” Jiyong spits out.


Taeyang merely guiltily looks at Jiyong. He knows he can’t hide things from him. Jiyong reads him too well.


“Ji, please. Not this again. I do not want to have another argument with you over Jackie.”


Jiyong can feel the words burning at the back of his throat. He wants to address this matter. He has been keeping quiet for the past week as he does not want Taeyang to lose his focus on his rehearsals. But he needs to convince Taeyang that Jackie could be lying to him.


Jiyong sighs. “Bae, I still find it odd that she does not recognize you. If she says that you are her inspiration, she must at least be able to recognize you. She could be lying Bae.”


“I don’t think Jackie is a liar. I know, no, I trust her. If you want to accuse someone of being a liar, it should be me Ji. Even if she couldn’t recognize me, I should have at least told her the truth,” Taeyang softly says. This matter has been troubling him as he and Jackie get closer along the weeks. He wants to tell her the truth but every time when he tries, something stops him from doing so.


“How could you trust someone whom you just met?! What are you? PABO?!” Jiyong yells in frustration. He wishes that he could shake Taeyang out of this state and make him see the real thing.


“I’m not a pabo Ji! And I do trust Jackie. She helped me a lot throughout this period. Where were you when I needed you? You were busy with your solo stage, your comeback. And you are supposed to be my best friend!” Taeyang yells back.


Words that he has been keeping inside for the past months start to spill out due to his anger but he did not regret it. He has wanted to say it out rationally to Jiyong for the longest time but he just can’t seem to find the right time. Now, everything is said out of anger.


Jiyong is taken aback by Taeyang’s words. He didn’t expect his best friend to accuse him of not having time for him. It is understood between them that they both want to have successful solo careers and that they would not have much time to spend together as friends. But both did agree to be supportive of the other’s career. However it seems that Taeyang has been hiding his emotions way to well that it is only now that he realized how much they have drifted apart.


“What are you saying Bae?” Jiyong cautiously asks. He is afraid of what he might hear from his best friend of more than 10 years.


Taeyang is quiet for what it felt like an eternity to Jiyong.


“I am saying Ji that you were not there when I need someone the most. And it was during that period that I found Jackie. She becomes my “light” during my darkest period. I’m sorry Ji but right now, Jackie is the person I do not want to disappoint the most.”


Jiyong is stunned speechless. Taeyang’s words felt like a knife going through Jiyong’s heart. It is as though his best friend has just break up with him, if that is even possible. Jiyong does not know how to react.


Taeyang slowly looks at Jiyong’s face. He knows his words have hurt him but that’s the truth right now. In the past, it was Jiyong that he does not want to disappoint. Yes he has his fans that he does not want to disappoint but personally, it has always been Jiyong. Jiyong has always been his source of strength.


But in the recent years, with their solo careers and all, they are slowly drifting apart. He does not want that but he knows each of them has their own responsibilities and lives. Hence he did not pursue the matter anymore. Taeyang knows that no matter what, Jiyong will always be his best friend. Right now, he just needs his best friend to just understand and respect his decisions.


“Ji?” Taeyang glances at Jiyong, who has been quiet since his outburst.


“Ji… Please say something.”


Jiyong glares directly at Taeyang’s eyes, “What do you expect me to say? My best friend just told me that I am a bad friend to him. Since Jackie is so great, why don’t she just BE YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND?!”


“I never thought a girl will get in between of our friendship Bae, especially not from you.” Jiyong sputters out. With that, Jiyong storms out of the dance studio, leaving Taeyang by himself again.


Taeyang didn’t chase after Jiyong. He knows that it is useless to rational things out with Jiyong when he is at his current state of mind. He didn’t mean to make Jiyong feel incompetent as a friend. But somehow when Jackie is involved, they always end up fighting.


“AISH!” Taeyang sighs out in frustration. He has no mood to continue with his practice. Packing his stuffs up, Taeyang makes the decision to head back to the dorm.


TOP hyung’s house


“How dare he yell at me because of a girl?!”


“I can’t believe him! I’ve been there for him all these years.”


“Just because I was busy with my solo stage, just because of that, he says I was not there for him. I was there for him all these while!”


“Ungrateful Bae…” Jiyong has been going on and on ever since he arrived at TOP’s house – which was 2 hours ago.


TOP has been hearing him raving on and on about it and he is starting to feel pissed. He is tired from his stint at Busan International Film Festival 2013. All he wants to do is drink his wine in peace and sleep. But instead, he is listening to Jiyong ranting about Taeyang and Jackie.


“Oh god. What did I do in my past life to deserve this?” TOP thinks to himself.


“Hyung! Did you hear what I said?” Jiyong’s voice brings him out of his reverie.


“Yes yes Ji. I hear you. You been ranting about how Jackie is this and Jackie is that. Jackie is stealing Taeyang from you. How ungrateful Taeyang is when you help him produce his current album,” TOP summarizes for Jiyong, rolling his eyes.


“Ah hyung… You make me sound like a brat,” pouts Jiyong.


“You are a brat Ji. Can’t you just be happy for Bae? He has been in a slump and is finally back with a stronger passion than before. You should be worshipping Jackie for helping him out of it.”


“Remember how you were worried about how Yongbae is losing his focus? Now he found it back, you are still not happy about it.”


“It’s not that hyung. It is just…” Jiyong trails off. He sighs a loud audible sigh.


He too doesn’t understand why he feels this way. He did question himself when he was on the way down to TOP hyung’s house. Why does he react in such a manner whenever Jackie is involved? All Jackie did is to help Taeyang find back his direction. Is that such a bad thing? The more he thinks about it, the more he feels confused. He has yet to figure it out.


“Are you worried that you will be replaced with Jackie?”


Hearing TOP’s question, Jiyong frowns before violently rejects that notion, “Anneyo! Why should I be worried? I know Yongbae for longer than that Jackie!”


“Then you have nothing to worry about. You sound like a jealous girlfriend Ji. Not a cool image to see,” TOP replies with mock wisdom, sipping his wine.


“Ah hyung!”


“What? It’s true. You don’t get this worked up when Seungri and Daesung have girlfriends. Not even when I have mine,”


“Hyung, when did you EVER had a girlfriend? In fact, when have you gone out on a date?” Jiyong cheekily mocks him.


“Aish! This dongsaeng of mine. You are mock me? Already you disturb my peace with your whining and complaints. Now you’re mocking me. You want me to kick you out right now?”


“Ah hyung. Mianheyo…” Jiyong cutely apologizes with ageyo.


“Ya ya ya! Stop that. I’m not Seungri ya. Stop that or I will really kick you out.”


Jiyong heartily laughs. He knows how much TOP hyung hates it when he does his ageyo. Among the members, only Seungri can handle his ageyos. Even Daesung, who is the variety idol and ageyo king can’t swallow his ageyos. But Jiyong is still bothered by Jackie’s presence.


“But hyung, is it possible to have someone as your source of inspiration and not recognize him in real life?”


“I don’t know. But I guess it is possible.”


“Maybe I should talk to Jackie. I just need to know whether she really knows Yongbae or not. I just don’t feel good about it.” 


“Ji, don’t do anything stupid.” TOP warns.


“Anneyo. It is not stupid. I’m… I’m… I’m doing this for Yongbae’s sake.” Jiyong stutters.


TOP looks incredulously at Jiyong. His eyes narrow dangerously. Somehow he doesn’t believe him. He can sense that Jiyong has something up his sleeves and it is not something good.


“I warn you again Ji. If you do anything stupid, I will personally punish you.” TOP warns again, with a threatening tone.


“Ah hyung… I won’t,” Jiyong assures him.


“I’m just going to pay her a friendly visit.” Jiyong thinks to himself. He knows he has to do something before Taeyang dance himself to death. Or worst, replace him with Jackie. Somehow TOP manages to voice out his deepest worries, not that he will admit it to anyone.


Coffee Prince Café (Hongdae)


 “Annyeonghaseyo. What would you like to order sire?” Scar greets the customer who just entered the café.   


The customer browses through the menu in front of him, as though still trying to decide on what to order. His face is hidden behind his large sunglasses and his dressing is rather peculiar. His hair is almost white blonde. He is wearing a white T paired with rugged denim jeans and leather jacket. He looks like he is dressed for a fashion show. Scar eyes him suspiciously. She doesn’t have a good feeling about this guy.


“Erm sir, would you like to order anything?” Scar asks him again.


The customer give a once look through at Scar before opening his mouth, “Iced Americano.”


“Ah… One Iced Americano. That would be 4500 Won.”


The customer takes out a 1 000 000 Won and hands it over to Scar. Scar’s eye widen at the large note.  


“Erm sir, do you have any small change?”


“This guy is a major show-off,” she mentally notes.


“Oh…” he replies before taking out a smaller note.


“Here’s your change. You can take a seat first. We send you your drink.”


Without saying another word, the customer walks to the nearest empty table and sits down. He did not say much other than observing his surroundings.


Scar observes the way he behaves and her curiosity is quipped. This guy reminds her of Ding Dong Bae.


“Scar. Scar? SCAR!” Jackie calls out.


“WHAT?” Scar replies, startled.


“Scar, gwaenchanh-a?”


“Ah Jackie. You scare me. Nan-gwaenchanh-a.”


“Who are you looking at?”


“Oh. That guy over there. The one with the blonde hair.”


“He looks rather stylish. Nice get-up. What’s up with him?” Jackie asks Scar while eyeing the customer.


“He hands me 1 000 000 Won for a coffee that cost only 4500 Won. Major show-off.”


Jackie chuckles, “Maybe he doesn’t have any small change. But really what’s the real issue.” She knows that something must have tick Scar off for her to intently observe someone.


“Doesn’t he kinda reminds you of  Ding Dong Bae? That aura of mysteriousness. Do you think he is another one of your “weird” fan boys?”


Jackie shakes her head and smiles.


“Ya Scar, not ever guy that comes here is my fan boy and my fan boys are not weird. They are just shy. Cutely shy,” Jackie replies while thinking of Taeyang. She knows that Taeyang is now busy at YG dance studio practicing and preparing for his so-called “debut” stage. He has yet to come clean about his identity to her.


“That’s why you say Jackie.”


“Jackie, order’s up for Iced Americano.” Gong Yoo calls out.


“Ah ne Oppa,” Jackie answers, collecting the Iced Americano.


“This one is for the blonde guy over there.”




Jackie walks towards the blonde guy that she and Scar have been observing.


“Sir, your Iced Americano,” Jackie addresses the customer while gently putting the coffee onto the table. She then looks at him and smiles. It is part of their service to make the customers feel welcome.


“Enjoy sir.”


The blonde guy raises his eyes to Jackie, looks at her name tag and slowly pulls off his sunglasses.


“Hello Jackie.”


Jackie’s eyes widen.

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eulutas #1
Chapter 24: I know that it is 3 years after that You last updated this story but can i kindly request You to keep writing it? Because i liked reading it a lot and due to not being updated it suddenly got left on a cliffhanger :(
itta_b #2
Chapter 3: new subscriber here, so far, I'm really liking this story, I will really try to comment, but I'm usually a silent reader (sorry) But I will do my best commenting
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 25: it! Jackie to become YB controller! And Scar being there will be fun!!
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 24: Nooooooo! That last request out of YG's mouth....oh Jackie!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 23: I loved watching the MAMA 2013... Those men are hard working!!

Now for Jackie to realize her Phone is off!! Have patience YB,
Chapter 23: Sorry that I haven't been commenting so much lately dear. Caught up with work and of all things, a major toothache (swollen gums, infection, abcess, fever and all)Ahhh! My age is finally catching me up :)

Jackie is indeed clear in his thoughts and decisions but I'm afraid of Taeyang's reactions. Sure he even thought of recruiting Jackie into YG but he's easily affected but sutuations. I hope everything will turn out fine for the both of them.

And I love BigBang's performance in MAMA13!!! They owned the stage and it even felt like it was their concert rather than an award show.
Thekatsmeow #7
Chapter 22: The letter was just what Jackie needed! Now to talk to YB!!
Thekatsmeow #8
Chapter 21: I just caught up! Yours is a beautiful story ...can't wait till you update us!
Chapter 21: Unexpected twist of events... interesting. Jackie's past is so dark and no wonder she was how she was... well written, dear.
Chapter 20: I was smiling by myself while reading this... They're so cute and I was like squealing when Jackie backhugged Taeyang and confessed....