Movie Night 2

Super crack ficlets

It is movie night again in the SuJu dorm; members of the group are strewn across the living room floor, wrapped in blankets and bowls of popcorn placed strategically in between them. The set up is much like the last movie night, save for Heechul who is sandwiched between Leeteuk and Shindong.

It is Donghae's turn to choose the movie, and after the last movie night, Henry is hoping he chooses something less frightening, because really, sparkling vampires is terrifying. He shudders, as he remembers the dream in which he was chased by sparkling vampires with large fangs and a large appetite. Warm arms wrap around his middle, and he leans into the warmth of Sungmin's body.

Donghae comes back into the room, skipping, a very happy grin plastered upon his lips, he looks extremely happy about his choice of movie, and Henry coughs to cover the small laugh that escapes his mouth.

"This is exciting." Heechul mutters sarcastically, crossing his arms across his chest, rolling his head back to rest on the armrest of the couch, in the process, shoving his feet in Leeteuk's face. He of course, is still smarting from the bad reception of his 'epic love story'. He sniffs haughtily; they don't know what good cinema is.

Kyuhyun resists the urge to roll his eyes at the older boys' theatrics, and rests his head upon Mim's chest, nearly choking on his spit at the look on Leeteuk's face, as he smells Heechul's socks.

"Heechul. Get that out of my face, that's disgusting."

Heechul rolls onto his side, and rolls his eyes. "Its not in your face umma dearest."

Kangin peers around Leeteuk, and slaps Heechul's foot away. "Don't you get stroppy, Heechul."

Heechul squawks. "I'm not being stroppy!"

Kangin glares at Heechul, pointing his finger at him. "Oi. Shut up and watch the movie. Stop back talking. "

Kyuhyun, who has been trying to control himself, clutches his stomach as he roars with laughter at the pout on Heechul's face, and the entire situation. Tears gather at the corner of his eyes, roll down his cheeks, skinny legs kicking the air, and he struggles to breathe.

Heechul's face is red with anger. "Shut up Kyuhyun! I fail to see how this is funny."

A small smile tugs at the corner of Zhou Mi's mouth. "Kui Xian."

"You PMSing, Heechul?" Kyuhyun asks between laughter.

Heechul growls. "I'm not a girl."

"C-could have fooled me."  

"Shut up."

"M-make me." Kyuhyun grunts in pain as he rolls off the couch, and continues laughing, thoroughly amused, pointing a finger in the direction of the annoyed Heechul.

"Want to die, you brat?"

Kyuhyun snickers. "Did you hear that Teukie-umma? He's threatening me."

Leeteuk's jaw clenches, a headache is forming. "Shut up, both of you. Or so help me god, I'll send both of you to bed right now."

That shuts them up. Donghae puts the movie into the dvd player before trudging towards Eunhyuk, who wraps his arms around his fishy, and places a kiss on his head.

As the movie begins, Leeteuk rests his head in Kangin's lap, fingers through strands of hair, a soft sigh escapes his lips, the headache ebbing away to a dull ache.

The movie is, no surprise, Donghae's favourite movies, and Henry is happy, because it's a family movie, with no hint of scariness, well, except the little girl named Darla, she is absolutely terrifying.But being in Sungmin's arms makes everything a thousand times better, and though a certain someone was emitting waves of anger, Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi started making out during the movie, Kangin and Leeteuk disappeared half way through the movie, and loud noises (from their room) ruined the rest of the movie, Henry has to say, this movie night is the best movie night in history.

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