fanfic!!1!!!+abandonment+dear krystal


Inspirred by mummy baek's homework and the book mice and men

Lenny released the body from his grip. The body plunked on the floor with a loud dump.

She was sprawled on the floor in a weird position, some hair spread out on the floor while some was on her face. It was beautiful in a twisted way.

Lenny kneeled down. "Wake up." he said, quietly. "Wake up! If George finds out I killed you like I killed the mice, I won't be able to have them rabbits. And I want them rabbits. So wake up!" He picked up Curley's wife and shook her hard. He stared at her face as if waiting for her to open her eyes and say 'boo!' 

Her eyes stayed closed.

Lenny threw her body away from him. "I've done it." he covered his face. " I've gone and done something bad. Bad, bad, bad. Now I won't get them rabbits!" he stood up and kicked Curley's wife's body. "And its all your fault!"

"L-Lenny?" a quiet voice surprised him and he turned, hiding Curly's wife behind the hay. He beamed when he saw who it was.

"George senpai!" Lenny grinned and walked towards him, stopping when George held his hand up.

"Lenny, I have something to say." George fiddled with his shirt.

"Yeah?" Lenny dreaded what was coming next. Was George leaving him?

"I'm a girl!" George blurted out.

Lenny blinked. Once. Twice. And he laughed.

"George senpai, stop beign so cu-" Lenny stopped when George lifted up his shirt.


"I'm sorry Lenny. I've been lying this whole time. My real name is Georgia. I'm sorry Lenn- whose that behind you Lenny?"

Lenny blinked once and ran out with Georgia calling out behind him, "Lenny? Lenn- oh my god, it's Curley's wife..."

Lenny ran up to the cliff and breathed in and out.

His senpai was a girl. This could not be happening.

Yet it was.

That meant...a little hope sparked in Lenny's heart, Georgia senpai might return his feelings.

"Lenny!" he turned and saw Georgia heading his way.

"Georgia senpai, I have something to tell you." he said seriously, a bit giddy.

"Lenny-" "I like you!" Lenny quickly said.

Georgia's face was a mix of shock, disgust and sadness.

"Oh Lenny." Lenny bit his lip.

"I'm sorry bumpkin, but I don't feel that way about you. And theres important matters to discuss right now. Like how are you going to escape Curley and his gan- Lenny? LENNY GET OFF ME!" Georgia struggled, trying to push Lenny off her.

All he did was grip onto tighter. "Why can't you love me? I love you! I love you so much. I love you more than rabbits and mice! Love me back!" 

"Lenny stop! Get off me! It hurts!" Lenny eyes widen and he quickly pushed Georgia away.

And she fell off the cliff.

Arms flailing, mouth opened in horror, she stretched out her arms as if to grab something. 

Then her body slammed onto the ground, head splitting open and organs spilling out.

Lenny could only stare from the top of the cliff.

"You've done it now ." Lenny spun around and there they were.

Curley and his gang.

They dragged him into an alleyway.

"What are you doing? What's happening?" Lenny panicked. He tried to look for Georgia before remembering she was at the bottom of the cliff, eyes open with no soul.

Curley's eyes narrowed. "I knew you were bad when you came. I knew it. George was a good guy though, so i let you stay. But you've gone off to kill the only person who could've saved you." 

Men came in with buckets of stones.

"So what are you going to do with me?" Lenny's eyes were filled with fear.

Another men smiled, his yellow teeth literally glowing. "Karma ."

The last thing he heard before a stone hit him in the head.

On other note, mummy baek disowned me and I now live with daddystal.

u n u 

Dear Krystal,

Or daddykrystal I should day. Tbh, most of my days, you're the one who cheers me up. (even with your lazy repliest omfg) But you're the one who can cheer me up in just one sentence. I just want to thank you for raising me into the wonderful child i am now u w u and please let me have a tarantula.

your child, chen

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Chapter 34: wAnts a ReAl uPdAte.
gauche #3
Chapter 31: shoot*