The Switch

Of waiting and longing


Baekhyun found himself dragging a drunk man almost twice his size into the latter’s apartment. It was not much of a task finding Chanyeol’s home, Baekhyun had memorized it all through the years he had been guiding the younger boy. The problem was the changes Baekhyun was experiencing, he was not used living as a human, though the things were familiar, places were recognizable, Baekhyun found it hard to exist as human. All things were familiar but they were new at the same time. Struggling, Baekhyun tried his best to bring Chanyeol to the latter’s apartment safely.

It was Baekhyun’s top priority.

Finally, after long hours of stumbling and falling, Baekhyun managed to reach Chanyeol’s apartment. Recalling his memory, Chanyeol always hid the spare key under the door mat.

Exerting his best effort to carry Chanyeol, Baekhyun finally managed to bring the taller boy to his bedroom. Chanyeol reeked of alcohol, it was an awful smell, Baekhyun dismissed everything as his eyes traveled to Chanyeol’s face and with quivering hands, he slowly caressed the face of the snoring man.

Baekhyun had longed for more than a thousand of years for this moment to arrive and finally, using his own hands, he can finally touch Chanyeol. It was overwhelming; Baekhyun felt tears rapidly running from his eyes.

“Why does my chest hurt so badly?” His body was shaking; human feelings were taking over him. Baekhyun never thought of time as he continued to stare at the boy he longed for years; he continued to touch Chanyeol, not letting go, afraid that the moment will pass, the moment will be gone. Minutes turned into hours.


With tears in his eyes, for the first time, Baekhyun cried himself to sleep – not because of sadness but that of overwhelming happiness.


Chanyeol woke up with his head pounding. Trying so hard to get up from his bed but the pain was excruciating, he decided to just take his time until the throbbing faded. He reached for the drawer in his bedside table, finding the medicine he stashed there. He can feel so much pain in his head so he immediately swallowed two pills not remembering he didn’t have any water to drink after.


Groaning in annoyance, Chanyeol tried to stand up once more, disregarding the burning sensation in his head. He was surprised to be pushed back into his bed and suddenly handed a glass of water. Without much questions, Chanyeol gladly took it and drank in one go.


Minutes have passed and Chanyeol waited for the medicine to work its magic. He can feel the pain slowly subsiding and his grasp to reality was coming back. On an impulse, he got out of bed as soon as he recalled someone helpinghim just minutes ago. Realizing there was practically a person in his apartment other than him, fear started to arise. He jumped out of bed, his eyes landed on the small guy sitting at the edge of it


“W-who are you?”


Before Baekhyun could respond, Chanyeol had other things to ask.


“Did we, uh? You know? Last night?” Chanyeol feeling the heat rise up in his cheeks, he turned away from the brunette gazing strongly in his eyes.


“Last night?” Baekhyun asked, puzzled, because he doesn’t know what Chanyeol meant.


 “Yeah. Uh, you know, did we, like, uhm.” Scratching his heads, Chanyeol couldn’t find the words to say.


“You passed out on the street. I had to carry you up to here.”

Searching for any humor or sarcasm, Chanyeol found none and he felt stupid for thinking they might actually did something.

“Oh. Okay. So that’s it.” Feeling relived, Chanyeol began to loosen up.

“But how’d you know I live here?” Chanyeol once again began to tense up, realizing he could be facing a criminal or a murderer. “Are you a stalker?”

“I saw you go home here all the time.” Baekhyun said casually but he quickly bowed his head. “I mean no harm, I just saw you unconscious and I don’t want to leave you on the streets to sleep. I am so sorry.”

Guilt arising from Chanyeol, he thought that if the guy was really a murderer and wanted to harm him, the small guy should have just killed him in his sleep and let him rot in his bedroom.

Chanyeol minimized the gap between them and slouched in front of Baekhyun, “I’m sorry for accusing you. I was just shocked. I, well, thank you.” Chanyeol said smiling. Little by little, Baekhyun began raising his head and was surprised at the proximity of him and Chanyeol. Baekhyun’s heartbeat began to rise up, his face began to heat up, he clutched his heart because of the sudden pain he was feeling.

Chanyeol took notice of Baekhyun’s actions. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

Baekhyun, feeling his heart tighten, slowly nodded.

“What? Where?” Chanyeol quickly checked on Baekhyun.

“Here.” BAekhyun pointed at his chest.

Chanyeol looked puzzled, “Do you have a heart problem or something? Do you have your medicine with you?”

Baekhyun shook his head. “It’s just that, it beats fast.”

“Does this happen all the time?”

“No.” Baekhyun confessed. Chanyeol got closer and BAekhyun felt his heart beat rise up more.  “It happens when you’re near.”

Chanyeol was surprised. Taking time to process what the small guy in front of him uttered, he slowly smiled and ruffled Baekhyun’s hair. “You’re a cute little thing.” Baekhyun cringed from the contact.

Still smiling, Chanyeol stood up and extended his hand, “I think we need a proper introduction. I’m Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol, not knowing what to do. Chanyeol chuckled at a confused Baekhyun and suddenly grabbed the latter’s hand.

        “I’m Chanyeol, and you are?”

        Feeling Chanyeol’s hand, Baekhyun was beyond pleased. It was too much. He just wanted Chanyeol to see him but he had gotten so much more, “I’m B-baekhyun.”

“That’s a nice name. Sounds like bacon”


“Yes, bacon.”


Seeing the confused guy, Chanyeol had the buging feeling bacon was all new to Baekhyun. “Wait, you haven’t eaten bacon? Where in the world did you live?” It was unusual to meet someone innocent and pure as Baekhyun. Chanyeol was beginning to think Baekhyun was a con artist but something in him tells him, Baekhyun isn’t.

“I live faraway. We don’t have any bacon. Because we don’t e-ea, w just don’t have any bacon.” Baekhyun struggled so hard, afraid Chanyeol might be scared of him or the guy would leave him on the streets.

It was very unusual, Chanyeol thought but as he stared into the guy and see nothing but purity and innocence. Not wanting to pry too much on other people’s business, Chanyeol settled for Baekhyun’s answer.

“You’re missing half of your life. I’ll make us some breakfast. Just stay here or in the living room. Make yourself at home.”

Chanyeol left Baekhyun breathless. As the taller man was talking, he was undoing his buttoned top. Baekhyun can’t help but stare as the figure before him slowly undresses himself. It was a whirlwind of emotions, Baekhyun felt pain in different parts of his body. Baekhyun can see the Chanyeol’s toned arms, erect s, and well shaped body. Baekhyun wanted to look away but his body wanted the other way around.

“But I need to shower first because I smell.” Chanyeol laughed, no half , not noticing the horrified look on Baekhyun’s face.

“I promise it will just take a few minutes.” And with that the half Chanyeol entered the bathroom leaving Baekhyun breathless and struggling for his life.

“Is this how the humans live?” Baekhyun asked himself. “Everything hurts but it feels so good.”



“It’s confusing. Human emotions are confusing.”





Baekhyun stayed on his spot patiently waiting for Chanyeol. He fought the recurring memory that just happened, not wanting to make his heart suffer longer but it was his biggest mistake as he tried to think of other things other than Chanyeol’s body, his mind played tricks on him.

His heart suddenly was in pain and not the pain he is feeling whenever Chanyeol is near but a pain he wished he never would have felt.

“Today is the ninth day.” Baekhyun succumb to the realization.

“Chanyeol is going to die tomorrow.”


Fear enveloped Baekhyun, his body started shaking uncontrollably.

“This can’t happen.” He murmured, as he tried to think of ways, think of possible solution but no answer will ever be found. It had been Baekhyun’s task for thousands of years; once your destiny is written, you cannot rewrite it. No one can change it.

“But I just met him” Tears are threatening to fall. Selfish it may seem, but Baekhyun’s little time being with Chanyeol had a great impact on him. He wanted more. He wanted more Chanyeol in this lifetime.

“Baekhyunnie, are you  okay?”

Baekhyun slowly turned to face Chanyeol. It was the first time Baekhyun saw Chanyeol’s smile. This smile was different among all the smiles Chanyeol ever flashed. This smile, it was for Baekhyun.

“Come on, I’ll show you how to cook some bacon.” Chuckling, Chanyeol extended his hand for Baekhyun to hold.



When their hands touched, Baekhyun knew exactly what he would do.

He was more than determined.



I want Chanyeol.



I want Chanyeol even only in this lifetime.

I want Chanyeol.



I love Chanyeol.










Chanyeol’s lifetime will end tomorrow. Chanyeol will protect the man he loved and they will both die.




Chanyeol and his soulmate will die tomorrow.









y update. kille me TTTTT

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azloef #1
Keep writing! I am and always am waiting your story :")
luminforever #2
Chapter 2: i'm confused, is this an open ending ? please continue to write, it's an amazing story !!
orange_milkshake #3
Chapter 2: wow, i really curious with what baekhyun planned. please update soon author-nim! can't wait tobread the next chapter!
Namise #4
Chapter 2: This is a great and amazing fanfiction , author-nim^^ . Please update soon : - )
Wendy_ #5
Chapter 1: I 've read before 27st october and managed to make me cry T-T . then after that I tried to read your stories according to my friend's recommendation . and turns all the stories that you create almost any I liked . I hope this story will continue please. fighting!!!
meepulianne17 #6
azloef #7
Chapter 1: amazing fic! pls update as soon as possible! can't wait XD
hinagiku27 #8
Chapter 2: it's so wonderful!! please update author nim>_< anyway is chanyeol soulmate kyungsoo? but whatever it be I hope chanbaek could unite. Fighting~
hinagiku27 #9
Chapter 2: it's so wonderful!! please update author nim>_< anyway is chanyeol soulmate kyungsoo? but whatever it be I hope chanbaek could unite. Fighting~
Chapter 2: When will you update this story author-nim? :(
The story is beautiful really...
It's great, please update asap....