Chapter 19

In Love with my Nemesis [HIATUS]




Jessi sat at the dining table quietly while she waited for her mother to come back. She thought about how she felt earlier on,with Sunggyu. "No...I can't be in love. This is ridiculous!" she denied once again as she ruffled her own hair in frustration.

A moment later,Mrs Hwang came bursting through the door in excitement. "JIN AE! DID YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?!" Mrs Hwang yelled happily.

"Hansol proposed to you?"

"YES! did you know?" the latter tilted her head towards her daughter.

"Hansol told me. That's why I didn't come along just now." Jessi smiled as she stood up to hug her mother. "Congratulations,umma."

"Thank the way...Hansol already bought the apartment,you don't have to move in now,you can move in later if that's what you choose." Mrs Hwang pulled away as she stared worriedly at her daughter.

"It's okay,I'm moving in tomorrow. Plus I found a part time job at a cafe." Jessi beamed.

"Really? That's good then. I'll send some money too okay?"

"Araseo,I'll go to sleep first. Goodnight,umma." Jessi said as she turned,and when she did,her smile dropped. It was replaced by a frown and she clearly looked upset,not that she was upset of the proposal,but she was all alone,in the dark,gloomy world.

"But I think someone is waiting for you outside." Mrs Hwang said as she looked out of the window. Where did he go? She looked back at Jessi and smiled. "Aniya,I must've seen wrongly. Goodnight darling."


Sunggyu sighed as he stared at Jessi's house. He didn't know what he felt just now,neither can he believe it. He loves her. Alot. Then he turned his back and sighed. She probably doesn't feel the same way...he looked up and saw a familiar man. "Hansol ssi?" he squinted his eyes to get a better image since it was too dark.

"Sunggyu? What are you doing here?" Hansol asked.

"I uh...just sent a friend back home..." Sunggyu mentally cringed when he said the word 'friend'. " that i've think of were with Jin Ae during the first snow. Right?" Hansol wiggled his eyebrows in the dark.

Right then,it hit Sunggyu. He clearly remembered Jessi telling him that she was with her soon-to-be step father the other day. Don't tell me...your soon-to-be step Hansol?

"Your soon-to-be Jin Ae?" Sunggyu asked and managed to see Hansol nodding in the dark. So Jessi is going to live alone now? Why? She's going to live beside me. Like LITERALLY. Now how am I going to control my feelings? Goddammit.

Without uttering another word,Sunggyu left.


The next day,when Sunggyu met up with the other 4 Infinite members during lunch,they all grinned widely at him. "Hyung,you're lucky Woohyun isn't here." Sungyeol smiled.

Sunggyu looked up from his food,not knowing a single thing that was going on. "What?"

"Oh please. Hyung,do I really have to spell it out for you?" Sungjong remarked.

"What?" Sunggyu said again with a louder tone.

"You're in love!" Hoya pointed out,which made Sunggyu choke on his food all of a sudden. He quickly grabbed a bottle of water and gulped half of it down his throat. He put the bottle down and glared at Hoya.

"Stop sprouting nonsense." Sunggyu grimaced and went back to eating his food.

Hoya turned to the rest of the members and grinned wickedly. "And so...yesterday when me and Jessi was dancing...Sunggyu was like 'You don't need skinship to dance!' and you guys should've look at his face,HE SULKED WHEN HE HAD TO WALK AWAY."

And with that,the members burst into laughter while Sunggyu had his eyes widened.

"And guys,one more thing." Myungsoo began and caught all of the member's attention. Sunggyu's eyes widened even more and he tried to cover Myungsoo's mouth,but failed.

"HYUNG AND JESSI WAS TOGETHER WHEN THE FIRST SNOW FELL!" Myungsoo yelled,causing the members to look at Sunggyu in awe.

"Is there anything else that can explain? This,explains everything. Don't try to deny it hyung. You love Jessi." Sungjong teased.

"Yea you do!" Sungyeol agreed with his younger brother.

Sunggyu slumped his shoulders in defeat as he no longer has an alibi. He groaned before glaring at the members. "You better not let anyone know about this." he said behind his gritted teeth.

"Of course! We just wanted you to admit." Hoya smiled cheekily. "And we're going to let Woohyun and Dongwoo hyung know."

"Whatever." Sunggyu blurted as he ate. He knew for sure Woohyun will like no tomorrow. But then,it hit him,again. Jessi is going to live beside him,like neighbours. Is it suppose to be a good thing or a bad thing?


"So here is the script to a scene from The Master's Sun." Jongsuk said as he passed out the script. Sunggyu looked through the script and stopped at the end. It has a kiss scene. He felt neutral about it,since actors have to perform a kiss scene to whoever the actress was,and since it's a play,the kiss isn't going to be real.

There was two scenes. One was at Joo Joong Won's office,and the other was at Tae Gong Shil's house.

"Boys,you have alot to say,so i'll give you 10 minutes to memorize your lines. It isn't that hard right?" Jongsuk said as he looked at the script before looking at the students.

"Soohee,you be Joo Sung Ran,Joong Won's aunt. Okay?" Jongsuk asked and Soohee nodded.

Jongsuk clicked his tongue impatiently. "Nevermind guys,we'll just mark through with the script,shall we?" He looked around and pointed at Sunggyu. "You do it first."

Sunggyu walked to the chair and sat on it before looking at the script again,after a minute,Soohee sat opposite him,matching the exact scene from the show.

"Are you guys ready?" Jongsuk asked and the two person nodded. "Okay Sunggyu,you're suppose to be at the door."

Sunggyu mentally read the first actiong in his mind. Give an irritated look towards Sung Ran while walking in. Okay,that's simple. He walked towards the chair but stopped halfway and gave Soohee an irritated look before proceding to sit on the chair.

Jongsuk took out his clipboard and stared at the criteria margin on Sunggyu's profile. He ticked the 'expression' box and smiled. Looks like this guy has been irritated very often,looking at the way he easily changed his expression. Not bad.

Sunggyu looked at the script once again,before taking a deep breath. He was suppose to be calm.

"I was expecting this,I was avoiding you,but you got me now,out of all time. I don't have much time,so please do it for just 10 minutes." He said and stopped. Damn I have bad memory. He looked at the script then looked at Soohee again.

"Breaking the porcelain,breaking off the engagement,I guess we can just do it in the ratio of 3:7." he said.

"Joong Won,you...I hear they're coming up with an article about the scandal between you and Tae Yi Ryeong." Soohee said calmly.

Sunggyu squinted his eyes a little,"Who?" which made Jongsuk smile again. He's definitely a candidate.

"Yi Ryeong ssi. This is worth for about 20 minutes,right?" Soohee tilted her head.

"Cut!" Jongsuk exclaimed. "Good job,both of you. Sunggyu,you handled the expressions really well,5 minutes break to everyone,make sure to remember some of the lines so you don't keep referring to them." Jongsuk said before dismissing the 9 other students for the break.

When Sunggyu stepped off the mini stage,Sungyeol bumped shoulders with him. "Wah hyung,I didn't know you were that good in acting." Sungyeol wiggled his eyebrows.

"Aniya. It was easy,honestly. I guess i'm a very irritated guy to give off those expressions easily." Sunggyu smiled,then thought back on how he actually acted that scene out. He actually imagined this with himself and Jessi,what would he be feeling if the girl inside was Jessi,and Joong Won was him.

He sighed. How I wish Jessi was in this course.


"5,6,7,8...1,2,3,4...STOPPPP!" Eunhyuk yelled as he stopped the music. "Daehyun,what the hell are you thinking? You could've killed your partner!" he yelled.

It was at the point of the dance where the female dancer has to lean back on the male's knee from a standing position,with the male dancer's support,and if not done properly,there will be serious injuries.

"Hyoyeon,kwenchana?" Eunhyuk asked and she nodded.

"And the rest of you,even though you guys did it right,it still doesn't have that feel." he pointed out. "Hoya,Jin Ae,you guys demonstrate."

Eunhyuk went back to the player and played that part of the music. Both of them was dancing with full energy despite their sweat trickling down their neck. When the beat dropped,Hoya placed his right arm across Jessi's shoulders,and the other arm at her back before Jessi leaned back,her head touching Hoya's knees before he pushed her back up,continuing the dance.

"There,guys,did you see it? The feel,the swag feel,and plus the energy,most of you are dancing as if you're dead. AGAIN!"


Jessi arched her back and there was a crack before she relaxed. "Gosh,my back hurts so much." she muttered as she rubbed her back. Probably due to the numerous times that she and Hoya has to do that back leaning thing.

She still has to move her things to the new apartment,she imagined herself groaning in pain while carrying the boxes,it's going to be one hell of a day. She winced in pain as she walked towards her house.

"Jessi!" someone called. She looked ahead and saw someone waving at her,as she walked closer,she could make out his hair,and his uniform.


When Jessi reached the door of her house,he smiled at her. "Why are you here?" she asked.

"Heard you're moving out today. Decided to help you out." Sunggyu awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Who told you that?" Jessi raised an eyebrow.

"Your mom." he lied.

"Thank God,I thought my back was going to break today. Thanks Sunggyu!" she smiled before she entered the house.


You whimp! Don't give up,you're a man! Do it for Jessi! Sunggyu mentally screamed as he walked up the stairs with a heavy box on his arms. I should've called for a house mover! Sunggyu huffed as he practically dropped the box,but managed to catch it before it hit the ground.

Sunggyu was about to enter the house when Jessi blocked him. "Uppp,no no no. You can't enter. But thanks for helping me anyways!" Jessi said as she gave him a mischievous grin.

"What? I helped you and i'm sweating like a pig,and you're not going to let me in?" Sunggyu frowned.

"Nopes. Sorry grandpa,but I made a rule to myself that I won't let any boy in except my boyfriend." She swayed her index finger.

I'm going to be your boyfriend,geez. So why aren't you letting me in now? Sunggyu thought,but mentally slapped himself for thinking such a thing. Gosh Sunggyu,stop it! You're being obsessive!

"You owe me one." Sunggyu pointed. "No? You owed me a favour and I guess it was this,so I don't owe you anything." Jessi stuck out her tongue.

"What?! Wasn't the favour the hug I gave you last night? You owe me,I don't care!" Sunggyu exclaimed.

"Then I don't care either,I'm not owing you anything." Jessi hummed.

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"Don't make me slam the door in your face." Jessi smirked. Sunggyu gasped in pretense. "No! Don't ruin my handsome face!" he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Then i'm not owing you anything. And that's final." Jessi stuck her tongue out once again. "Fine,i'm leaving." Sunggyu turned his back. "YOU'RE STILL OWING ME!" he yelled and ran down the stairs.

"I'M NOT!" was what he heard before the sound of the door closing came by. He climbed back up the stairs and peeked at Jessi's door to see whether she really did close the door.

Okay,coast cleared. He quietly walked to the door next to Jessi's and dialed in the passcode,he opened the door to see Myungsoo's surprised face. He pushed his way in and closed the door without a sound.

"I was about to go out to see what's causing all the commotion." Myungsoo said as he sat on the sofa. "Did you see what happened hyung?"

"Jessi is living next door." Sunggyu whispered.

Myungsoo widened his eyes. "She is? How come?"

"I don't know. But I just helped her to move her stuff here." Sunggyu shrugged before he slipped on to the sofa next to Myungsoo.

"Does she know we live here?" Myungsoo questioned.

"No and I don't want her to know."

"Does she know that Dad owns this whole building?" Myungsoo asked again.

"No,and I don't want her to know either."

Myungsoo nodded,and there was a few seconds of silence before he grinned. "But isn't that good? That she's living next to us? Since you're in love with her."

Sunggyu took a cushion and smacked Myungsoo's face with it.

"OUCH! My handsome face!" Myungsoo winced in pretense.

The Kim brothers. They sure are similar. Hehe.


Hehe! So someone asked me whether Sunggyu is in a rich family. Well the answer is,partially yes. Sunggyu moved away from his parents,with Myungsoo and his grandmother since he was 4(and Myungsoo is 3),because his parents were arguing non stop that it was dangerous,and after they all moved out,Sunggyu and Myungsoo never heard from their parents,but they did once in a while. Their parents never cared about them and Halmoni was the one that took care and raised both Sunggyu and Myungsoo. But when Halmoni started to get sick,Sunggyu's dad sent them money,since he has conscience too. And then life goes on,Sunggyu started to work part time in the cafe and once a while when his dad needs assistance in his business,he'll ask Sunggyu for help and teach him all these.

So it's something like that. Sunggyu,Myungsoo and Halmoni don't really rely on the parents. I hope you understand :D Sorry for the super long author's note,I doubt anyone will bother to read it,LOL. Don't be silent readers. Subscribe,comment or even vote! Saranghae guyzz~

-Mi Eun


I find this freaking cute, <333333

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Chapter 18: Oh my gosh!!!!!!! I love this chapter >.<!!!
DreamRainbow5MK #2
Chapter 30: Don't worry author-nim. I love your story and I'll never unsubscribe. I'll always stay.
Fishy-Petal4Life #3
Chapter 30: Don't worry too much author-nim. I know I'll be here to stay. I love your story and you are a frequent updated which is great. ^^
Chapter 29: HOHOHOHOO
I guess there's going to be a brother-sister war? :)
Fishy-Petal4Life #5
Chapter 28: I hope L.Joe doesn't cause problems for Jessi. I can just feel the misunderstandings about to occur.
Chapter 28: L.joe...
Somehow, you've gotta accept the fact jess' mom is ur mom too. ... yhough it takes time.
Fishy-Petal4Life #7
Chapter 27: Lol "guess you do have abs." Love them so much! So cute^^
Chapter 26: Gyu's so freakin' cute and sweet and everything. this couple's amazing.
Chapter 25: Omona
Those two are really cute.
Gyu's hair on mama got me more reasons why he is so hot and lovely :)