0330 moment


He played the piano with a girl besides him. They enjoy very much and do this activity every evening,the girl smiled and kept playing. The joyfull sound was hearing with a laughted.


It just a memory. Right now,he playing the piano alone. Just imagine she still there,give a warm smile that make his heart fluttered. Hyo min,,,he still remember how they meet,he still remember how she leave him,he still remember how his friend fought because of her,,,,, he cant forget his first sarang even a second,that make him looks insanity,,lost in his world,,him and her.


Hye^^ this is my first one shot fan fic it about ukiss songs,0330,,this songs made me bacome kissme rite now,,im not really good in engoish,,so i really hope you can enjoy it and leave a comment please,,hehe,,w8sh me luck

P/s,,im not copy anyone fan fic,,huehehe,,but im just read other 0330 fanfic,8ts owesome guys,,all the best^^


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Chapter 1: I like this!Waiting for your next fic ^u*