Love worth millions



Hyuna’s laughter died in when she saw the man that walked inside the café. Kyuhyun and Hyukjae turned around to see what surprised their friend so much, and their eyes widened at the sight of the man walking towards them.

“I never believed in things like fate or destiny, but now I may be inclined to do it.” Heechul commented amused at the expression on Hyuna’s face. “Hi!”

Hyuna blinked regaining her composure “Uhm, h-hi! What are you doing here?”

Heechul shrugged. “I came with a friend. We were getting bored and decided to go out for a while. Someone recommended this place to me once, and I thought I should come and check it out.” He looked around the café curious. “You work here?” he asked once his look landed on Hyuna again.

“Yeah.” Before she could say something else a yell interrupted her.

“Yah! You could have waited for me you know.” A blonde male huffed next to Heechul. From the corner of the eye he saw Hyuna staring at him and he turned his head to glare at her, his eyes rounding slightly when he recognized her from the file Heechul had. Understanding dawned on him and instead he turned and glared at Heechul, who kept his face straight.

Hyukjae and Kyuhyun ce again to see the owner of the new voice, the latter doing a double take when he saw the huge-doe eyes and the perfect shaped lips, now forming a pout. Could a man be so cute? He checked the body in front of him to be sure that the person was indeed a guy. Eyes going to the chest, he noted that there were no s and that bulge inside the pants, was no feminine part either. Feeling someone’s gaze on him, Kyuhyun looked up to find the blonde staring at him with a knowing smirk. When their eyes met, the blonde raised an eyebrow at Kyuhyun, and the younger immediately blushed when he realized that the man thought he was checking him out. With a quick move, he turned around and showed his back to him.

“We need to talk.” Sungmin told Heechul and grabbed his forearm to pull him towards a table.

“I’ll be there in a second.” Hyuna told them and turned towards her curious friends.

“Who was that?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Remember that guy I’ve told you about? That I bumped into and he came to give me this phone when he saw that mine got ruined?”

“That was him?” Hyukjae turned into the direction he saw the two men going so he could take another look at that man.

“Stop staring” Hyuna hissed and kicked his chair making Hyukjae to turn back at her.

“You haven’t taken your lunch break right?” the redhead asked. When Hyuna shook her head he continued “good, take your break now and join us here.” He saw that Hyuna was a bit affected by the man and he wanted to know all the details about their two meetings.

“Ok.” She already knew why Hyukjae wanted to take her break now, and despite not really wanting to talk about it right now, she knew she couldn’t avoid this talk forever. Grabbing two menus on her way, she went to Heechul’s table.

Heechul smiled brightly when he saw her, and both men told her to wait since it won’t take long to order. She looked down the entire time she waited, she couldn’t look at Heechul since for an unknown reason he left her breathless, and the blond scared her bit. He didn’t look scary but the way he was piercing her with his look every time his eyes landed on her, made her feel uneasy. Thankfully they decided quick and after she noted their order she went behind the counter and handed their order and her friends order to Yoona telling her that she was taking her break now. When both orders were ready, she grabbed first the tray with Heechul’s and the blond drinks and went to their table. She placed the cups on the table thankful that her hands didn’t shook and left quickly. It seemed that Heechul and his friend had some argument. Placing the empty tray on the counter she grabbed the other one containing the drinks for her and her friends and a sandwich that consisted as her lunch.

Let the torture begin, she thought when she sat down and her friends started bombarding her with questions.




“You want to stop and drink something?” JunHyung asked her.

“Mhm.” Hyuna replied without taking her eyes off the car window. She heard Junhyung sigh and cursed herself for spoiling their fun.

Right now they were in Junhyung’s car going to the mountain resort that Junhyung’s family owned. She should have been happy, yet she couldn’t make herself get out of the gloomy mood that enveloped her after the fight she had with Hyukjae and Kyuhyun. When Junhyung called her this morning asking her if she wanted to go with him at his mountain resort since she had the weekend free she had been ecstatic. But when she met her friends in the practice room where Hyukjae was rehearsing her mood dropped. They’ve been furious when they found out that Hyuna planned to leave on this night and spend two nights away alone with Junhyung, and they’ve ended up arguing. She understood that they were worrying yet she was old enough to take her own decisions. She yelled at them and told them that it was none of their business what she was doing on her free time, then stormed out of the room without giving them the chance to reply. And now she was feeling guilty for yelling at them, Kyuhyun has been coming down with the flu and burning with fever and she yelled at him, and Hyukjae despite not agreeing with her decision to leave he promised he was going to keep an eye on her aunt.

Hyuna snapped out of her thoughts when she saw that the car stopped in front of a small restaurant. Zipping up her jacket and grabbing her backpack she climbed out of the car, running quickly inside the restaurant, Junhyung behind her.

The weather was in tone with her mood. It was raining since morning and the temperature dropped with several degrees than it was normal on this time of the year.

“Go and sit down while I’ll order something hot to drink,” Junhyung suggested.

“Okay.” Hyuna made her way towards a table near the window and placed her backpack on to the chair next to her than took off her jacket before sitting down. Setting her jacket on top of her backpack, she rested her chin on to her palm and watched the cars passing by.

“You ok?” Junhyung asked when he sat down placing their hot chocolate on the table.

“Yes.” She gave him a small smile.

“Are you sure? You seem sad. You’ve barely spoken since we left Seoul.”

“I’ve had an argument with Hyukjae and Kyuhyun today.”

“About?” he asked curious. He knew her friends didn’t like him very much, if their growling and glaring at him was any indication.

She sighed and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll settle things with them when we get back home. Let’s not talk about it anymore. I don’t want to ruin our time together.”

He smiled “Ok. Excited for our time here?”

“Yeah. I hope it won’t rain the entire time we’re here.”

“Yeah,” he turned to look out the window and cursed when two black cars pulled up in front of the restaurant.

Hyuna looked at him curious. “Something wrong?” she asked but she didn’t get an answer.

He was busy glaring at the two men dressed in black that walked inside.

“Young master, we need to talk,” one of the men addressed Junhyung.

He grimaced and turned to Hyuna. “Excuse me for a moment. I’ll be right back.”

“It’s everything ok?” she asked a bit scared.

“Yeah, don’t worry.” He smiled at her then stood up and followed the men outside.

Hyuna watched through the window and saw Junhyung walk inside one of the cars. Ten minutes later one of the men that came into the restaurant climbed out of the car and walked to Junhyung’s car. Opening the trunk he took out Hyuna’s luggage and slammed it shut. A feeling of dread enveloped Hyuna when the man made he’s way into the restaurant with her luggage.

He placed the suitcase next to the table and watched her with cold eyes. “I’m sorry. The young master needs to come back to Seoul urgently.” he informed her and walked away before she could say anything. With shocked eyes, she saw how the man climbed inside Junhyung’s car and drove off, the other two cars following.

For a minute she looked out the window dumbfounded, not being able to wrap her mind around what happened. She jumped slightly in her chair when her phone vibrated. With shaking hands, she took it out from her pocket and saw that she had a text from Junhyung. She opened the text and her eyes widened with disbelief when she saw what was written there.

“Baby, I’m sorry! My dad ordered me to come back and I’ve had to go. I’m really sorry.”

Hyuna felt tears burning her eyes. He left her here. Swallowing audibly, she forced herself not to panic and find a solution to her situation. She was left in the middle of nowhere without enough money to rent a room or any means of transportation.

She cleared trying to stop her tears from falling and forced herself to think. She couldn’t call Kyu, since he wasn’t feeling well, so she had to call Hyukjae. She knew that no matter how mad at her he was, he wasn’t going to let her here.

With shaking hands she dialed Hyukjae’s number and placed her phone at her ear, waiting for her friend to pick up.

“Hello,” a bored voice picked up.

Hyuna grimaced. “Ji-eun, I need to speak with Hyukjae oppa, can you pass him to me?”

“He’s taking a shower,” she informed Hyuna with a sneer

“Oh, can you tell him to call me when he comes out? It’s really urgent,” she pleaded

“OK. Bye.” Ji –eun hung up before Hyuna could say something else.

With a sigh, Hyuna placed her phone on the table, and grabbed her mug with hot chocolate. Well, now warm chocolate.

After thirty minutes of waiting for Hyukjae to call her back she picked up her phone and dialed his number again, only to be greeted by his voicemail. With creaking voice she told him what happened and that she needed him to come and pick her up.





One hour and a dozen voicemails later, Hyuna felt desperation taking over her. The restaurant was going to close soon, and she didn’t know what she was going to do. She closed her eyes, letting her tears to finally fall, when a pair of feline-like eyes appeared behind her closed lids.

Opening her eyes quickly she grabbed her backpack from the chair, opening it and started rummaging through it for her wallet. When she found it, she started looking frantically for the piece of paper she stuffed there, days ago. Taking out the note and unfolding it, she grabbed her phone and punched in the phone number. She took a big breath before pressing call placing the phone at her ear and waited, her other hand holding the piece of paper tightly.

“Yes?” a husky voice echoed in her ear.






No proofread so ignore any mistakes you find:D

I'll update Another Chance at Love tomorrow since I'm to tired to do it today

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Chapter 8: I just love it do much!! Please please keep up with this, it's so gooood. SUJU is just LIFE, amd them whith Hyuna is LIFE ×2!!!
Chapter 8: Lmao XD
Really love donghae and sungmin character
so shameless XD
Chapter 8: Ahahahahaha omg I love Sungmin and Donghae here :DD So funny
Update soon~~~
Chapter 8: I was laughing all the way while reading this chapter. OMG. This is so funny.
Chapter 7: Even though Heechul had a mission but yet what he show Hyuna is the real him.
Dragonfly96 #6
Chapter 6: Wow!A kiss on the cheek-so sweet, <3!Love !
Stefani_98 #7
Chapter 6: the end was so cute <3 i love Hyuna so much ^_^
Chapter 5: Like the storyline ^^ Is there also going to be Eunhae or just the Heechul and Hyuna thing?
Update soon~~
Dragonfly96 #9
Chapter 5: You updated!Yay!XD
Rose_SWA #10
Chapter 4: Good story anyway update soon^^