False Hope

Jieun's POV

-continuing from the flashback in Chapter 3, please take note ^^-

Finally, the time that I had been waiting for finally arrived. School’s out! I rushed out of the school, bought some food from the grocery store before going to the hospital. I knocked on his door.

“Come in.”

“Hannie-ah~” I greeted him with a smile on my face. He gave me a smile.

“You’re here. I miss you. Give me a hug please.” Luhan stretched out his arms wide and I embraced him.

We ate lunch together, talked about each others’ days and his friends also came to visit him. All of them-Xiumin, Suho, Lay, Baekhyun, Chen, Chanyeol, D.O, Tao, Kai and Sehun. It’s a fun time filled with laughters and smiles.

The boys left early because all of them were busy with homeworks, sports practices and Kai was desperate to finish his Game of Thrones game. Now, only Luhan and I were left but a new visitor came. A tall guy with dark brown hair. I don’t know him. He’s a stranger. Turned out his Luhan’s old friend in China before he moved to Korea.

“Hannie, I have to go now. It’s getting late.” I said.

“But, it’s only 4.00 a.m. You should stay.”

“I’m sorry but I really had to go now. I have loads of homework to be send by tomorrow.” I picked up my school bag and gave him a peck on the cheeks. He pouted as he pointed his index finger to his lips.

“Your friend is watching.” I looked at Luhan’s friend who’s sitting at the sofa.

“How about this?” Luhan kissed his index finger and asked me to kiss it at the exact place. I  kissed his index finger and he smiled with satisfaction.

“Bye. I’ll come again tomorrow.”

“Bye, princess.”

I continued to visit him for the next 3 weeks. Every minute and second with him was precious. I’ll make sure he’s eating his meals well and sometimes I visited him together with my guitar, sang him his favourite song. Or sometimes, I’ll read him his favourite book, Harry Potter. When I was on my way to the hospital one day, a call came from Chen.

“Jieun-ah..”On the other side, I can hear Chen sobbed.

“What’s wrong?”

“He passed away. Luhan….he’s gone.” Chen said as he broke down.

My phone dropped and my knees felt wobbly. My vision darkened. All I remembered was I was already at the hospital. I don’t even know how the hell I got there. I saw Luhan’s motionless body on the hospital bed. I walked up to his side and shook him up. I slapped his face, hit him on the chest and there’s no response from him.

“Luhan, don’t do this to me. Please wake up.”

“Jieun-ah, he’s not here anymore. He went to a better place. Let him rest in peace. I think that’s what he wants to.” Suho patted me on the back. The group of boys proceeded to give me a group hug. And I heard Chanyeol giving me encouraging words.

“He’s in heaven now. He’s not in pain anymore. I wish I had the right words to show just how much I care about you. Please don’t cry anymore, Jieun-ah. He will be sad if he saw you like this. Just remember that although he’s far from our sight. He’s always near right in our hearts. I’m sorry if  I can’t make it better. But, I promised you. I’ll try to make you smile everyday. That’s my promise to you. I’m always here by your side in times if you need a shoulder to cry on or if you need help. I’m here.” Chanyeol hugged me tightly as he whispered his vow softly in my ear.

It rained on that day. People dressed in an all-black attire came to the cemetery with chrysanthemums in their hands. I glanced at Sehun who was still crying. I slightly patted his back. The rest of the boys looked gloomy. After Luhan’s burial, people put the chrysanthemums at his tombstone while saying their last message to him. The boys did the same. Before it was my turn, a tall guy in an all-black suit came. He was wearing black sunglasses which was covering his eyes from being seen. But, I noticed him. He was Luhan’s friend that I met at the hospital before. He slowly made his way to the front. He  knelt down infront of Luhan’s tombstone.

“Hey bro, it’s me Kris. I will keep my promise to you. I will make sure of it. I’m gonna miss you so much.” Kris wiped away a tear. He then took a step back and he went back to the back. Our eyes met and he gave me a look that I can’t interpret. Something about his look was so confusing that I just can’t figure out. I looked over to Kai who motioned me to go next. I was the last though. I put down the chrysanthemum.

“Hey, Luhan. It’s me, Jieun. I never know we will be parting like this. I don’t even get to hear your last words. I don’t even get to kiss you for the last time. But, I know you left without telling me first because you don’t want me to feel sad. Thank you for all the beautiful memories we have made together. I will remember you. I love you.”

“Jieun-ah!” Someone gave me a headlock from behind.

“Yah! Byun Baekhyun!” I yelled at Baekhyun who ran away but then he turned back and gave me “Merong~”

“Aish, that kid.” I huffed in anger. The others came later and we went to the café. We sat at the back of the café because it was Chanyeol’s favourite seat. It got the air conditioner running above us and it was beside a large window. Just the perfect place. We took our seats while Kai went to order. Baekhyun, D.O and Kai sat together. Suho, me, Chanyeol and Sehun together.

“Hey guys, I’ve got something to show you.” D.O started off the conversation. He took something from his bag and put it on the table.

“Read it.” Sehun took and read it in his monotonous voice.

“Hello to all the students of SM Arts High School. The school festival coming to you! It’s going to be held at the main auditorium in the __ of _______. It’s going to start at 7.00 p.m. If you wish to enter and showcase your talents in this festival, you can fill up an entry form. It’s your time to shine. Thank you.”

“But, where will we get the forms?” I asked.

“That’s why being the Mr. Smartypants I am, I’ve taken the forms beforehand.” D.O said with a proud look on his face and he handed me the forms.

“As expected, our Kyungsoo is the best.” I gave him a thumbs up.

“See. She said I’m the best.” D.O boasted to Baekhyun, only to be given with an annoying hit on the shoulder by Baekhyun. Then, Kai arrived with our bubble teas and some scones.

“How about going to the studio to practice. The school festival is in like….3 weeks. I hope that’s enough time for us to practice.” Suho butted in into our conversation. On the other hand, Kai who knew nothing at all just played along.

“Tomorrow’s a holiday by the way. We should meet at the studio tomorrow.” I said, smiling reassuringly at Suho who looked all panicked and nervous.

“I’ll bring my guitar.” Chanyeol said and acted as if  he was playing an invisible guitar.

“Snacks. That’ll be me” D.O said.

“I’m gonna make you do it but you already know. Good for you.” Suho said and he patted D.O’s head.

“Me and Sehun, we’ll be bringing our moves and swag.” Kai said and Sehun fistbumped him.

“I’ll write a song.” Sehun said.

“I’ll just do anything.” Baekhyun said uninterestingly. He’s more interested in his bubble tea.

“So, tomorrow at 9.00 a.m?” I asked for their assurance. All of them nodded.

After finishing our bubble teas and scones, we went home. Unknowingly, it was already night. Wow, time flies so fast nowadays. We were too busy discussing about the school festival. Suho, D.O, Kai, Sehun and Baekhyun lived near each other so they took the bus home. Meanwhile, Chanyeol and I whose houses were pretty close to the café walked home. We arrived at my house first. I went inside.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Wait for me.” Chanyeol said and he gave me a flying kiss. I pretended to catch it and threw it on the ground.

“That’s mean.” Chanyeol pouted. I laughed seeing him getting angry over small matters.

“Here’s one for you.” I gave him my flying kiss. He caught it and put the hand to his chest.

“See you tomorrow, Song Jieun.” He waved.

“You too, Park Chanyeol.” I smiled and waved back.


Annyeong~ Hey guys, I'm so sorry for writing this chapter. Forgive me? P/S: You can hit me with a baseball if you want to.

Do subscribe and comment~! I love you, dear subscribers  ♡

Kris's seductive eyes *melts*

Kyungsoo's derpy dance. LOL ~.~

This is me, getting excited because I almost have 20 subscribers. I love you!

I demand for an interaction please.


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Chapter 5: It's so sad that luhan is dead.:(anyway,update soon!!!:)
Chapter 5: Oh, sadly JiHan :( i love them.

Authornim, is that schoolfestival A flashback too or no?
Chapter 3: Poor luhan... I'll waiting for you to update it..
romedori #4
Chapter 3: omo~ JieunxLuhan . I love them together.
their plot was angsty but idk i'm just happy lol XD
eine08 #5
Chapter 3: Wah JiHan! Why did u kill Luhan? TT_TT
I prefer them together!
Oh well Chanyeol is fine. Actually any exo member is fine >_<
eine08 #6
Chapter 2: wow I've never read a JieunxChanyeol story before!!
I ship JieunxExo so I find this very interesting >_<
Chapter 2: I just want to punch krid really badly. How dare he hurt my jieunie.
Chapter 2: Poor Jieun. Anyway, update it soon author-nim. I can't wait for the next chapter. It's getting interesting! So, fighting!! ><
Chapter 1: Aww that was so cute! I can't wait for more and I have a feeling that Chanyeol is crushing on Jieun. Kris sounds like a jerk in here but, I hope things will get better for Jieunie. Anyways, update soon ^^
Chapter 1: Update soon !!!love your story...