Run away.

Run away.

Run away.


“Luhan-ah, make sure to keep Saturday free. Don’t forget it!” Mrs. Lu told her son from behind her giant desk. She smiled sweetly at her son before continuing her with the papers she was working on.

“Saturday? Something’s special happening?” Luhan raised his eyebrow.  He went back to sitting down when his mother told him this new information. He stared at her, waiting for her to finish the paper she was already reading.

After she put a sign under the paper, that Luhan assumed to be a contract, she looked up to meet the doe-like eyes. “Yes. Actually, something really is going to happen.” She stood up from her chair, leaning both her hands on the desk before looking up. “I want you to look on your best then.”

 “Tsk, don’t I look fine now?” Luhan chuckled amused. Luhan always cared a lot about how he was dressed and how he looked when he went outside. He didn’t want to embarrass his family, the great heirs of the almighty Lu Corporation in front of the world. He wouldn’t dare to go out without looking excellent.

“Of course you do son. But you know, try to look on your best.” His mom piled up the papers on her desk neatly.

“I will, I will. I’ll surprise you mom! So, what is it for?” He followed his mother’s body which was moving around the desk with the papers in her left arm.

Mrs. Lu looked through her papers to check everything. “You’re going to meet your fiancée. You’re having a date with your fiancée first at this café in the Xiao Lu hotel, remember the one your dad named after you?” After not getting any response she continued talking. “After that we’re having a dinner with her parents and us. Oh! You’re little brother is also coming.”

Luhan just looked blankly at his mother. He couldn’t comprehend what she said after she announced the word fiancé.

Mrs. Lu finally looked up to see what made her son so silent. “Luhan dear, are you listening?”

“Mom… I can’t.” Luhan desperately looked at his mother. He couldn’t marry some other person. Hell, he wasn’t even able to start something with the one he loves now.

“What do you mean Xiao Lu?” His mom caressed his cheek lovingly and walked past him.

“Why am I only hearing this now? Mom I can’t just marry a stranger.” Luhan watched  his mom turn around with a sigh.

She rolled her eyes once. “Luhan, we’re not going to argue about this. It’s the best for the company, and you know it. Your father will become one of the best if this really continues. And it’s not as if I’m marrying you off to some psycho. ”

“But mom-”

“Luhan, you have to! You have no choice. I wish it could be different, but we’re going to continue this. You don’t even have a girlfriend or something. This will only bring good things. So just make ready for Saturday and don’t disappoint us. The people we’re meeting are really important.” Mrs. Lu walked toward her desk again, pushing a certain button the device on her desk.

Yes Ma’am.” A voice came out of the speaker almost immediately.

“Mom, you can’t be serious. You’re not going-”

Mrs. Lu, once again, ignored her son and leaned closer to the speaker. “Tell Mr. Jung that I’m on my way.”

Alright Ma’am. Do you need anything else, Ma’am?

“Yes. Please tell Driver Kim to come and get Luhan.” The dark haired woman told her secretary lastly before releasing the button after hearing the girl’s last words.

“We really need to talk about this mom. I know it’s important for the company and all, but does it really have to be this Saturday already? It’s in 2 days.” Luhan begged his mom. He really couldn’t agree with this, but after hearing his mother’s words about the company he knew he had to marry this person, whoever it was. But he wanted at least a little more time.

“Son.” His mom sighed once again. “Nothing’s going to change even if you postpone the date. Saturday is the day, no more arguments.”

Luhan was about to talk back when a soft knock was heard on the door.

“Come in.”

A small figure in uniform looked into the room, before revealing his whole body as he entered the room. He bowed a perfect 90 degree bow, before greeting the woman and boy in the room. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Lu, Master Han. You called for me, Ma’am.”

“Good afternoon dear.” Mrs. Lu showed a small smile to the young man in front of her.

The young man in front of her returned the smile before taking a glance to the blonde boy next to him. The boy seemed to ignore him completely and didn’t even look at him once ever. Not even a simple greeting was given.

“Please bring Luhan home and make sure he eats well and rests a lot the upcoming days. I want him to look perfect for Saturday.” The woman told the boy, who bowed once again.

“I will. Saturday is a special day?”

Mrs. Lu her face lit up immediately. “Actually, it is! Our Luhannie-”

“Let’s go.” Luhan said loudly before his mom was going to continue that sentence. He didn’t want his butler to know this just yet.

The boy his heart hurt slightly when he heard the cold tone from his young master. He tried to hide it by bowing to his boss. “Then, we’ll be leaving Ma’am. Please take care.”

“Why are you so cute, Driver Kim? Can’t I just adopt you?” Mrs. Lu patted the boy his head affectionally. “I’ll be leaving then. And Luhan… Behave please and think about it.”

The woman left the room eventually.

“Can you just stop calling me Master Han…” Luhan told the brown haired butler. He didn’t wait for the other one to respond. He just walked to the other side of the room, taking the shorter one his wrist on his way. “I want to go home.”

“I get it… Luhan…” The butler whispered out the last part.


The drive home was silent and hurtful. Luhan just stared out of the window, watching the scenery around him move. He didn’t even bother answering the driver his question of how he was, how his day was, if he did something fun at college. He didn’t feel like talking really.

The other boy was sitting in the driver seat, glancing behind him from time to time. He kept his mouth shut after being ignored the first ten minutes of the ride.

They rode the drive way in. When the car was fully parked, the young man on the driver seat looked to the back via his mirror. “Luhan-shii… Did I do something wrong?”

Luhan looked to the same mirror, making eye contact with the boy in front of him via the same mirror. He sighed before leaning his head on the seat in front. “No Minseok-ah. I’m sorry for making you feel that way… You did nothing wrong.” Luhan sat up straight again, opening the door right after.

Minseok quickly stepped out of the car to help his young master exiting the car.

“I can open my own door.” Luhan stated bluntly. He hated it when Minseok tried to do everything for him. He knew the latter was his personal butler and has been as long as he remembered, but that didn’t make it any more likeable. He wanted Minseok to treat him like a normal person, see him as a normal person.

“I-I’m sorry, Master.” The butler bowed once again. 

“Minseok stop it!” Luhan yelled out. He couldn’t take it anymore. “I told you to stop acting like this a million times.”

The small boy was tearing up slowly out of surprise and fear. “I-I’m sorry.”

“Forget it. Come inside.”

Luhan watched as Minseok passed him quickly with his head hung down. He quickly opened the door for his master.

Luhan entered the house, eyeing the boy on his way. “I’m not hungry. I’m going to sleep first, please come to my room in 5 minutes.” The young master ordered before walking of upstairs.

What happened Luhan…



Minseok entered the room of his young master, carefully closing the door behind him.  He knew something was really wrong when all the lights were of and the curtains were all closed completely.

“Is there anything you need, Ma- Luhan-shii?” Minseok walked toward the boy on the bed, only his head revealed as his body was completely covered with a thick blanket.

The blanket was being lifted up, revealing a part of the blonde one his body. “Put your shoes off and come lie down with me.”

The butler did as he was told. He put off his shoes and placed himself next to his master’s body.

Before Luhan could mutter another thing, he was met with a pair of arms circling around his waist and neck. 

“Worry later, you should relax and sleep now.” Minseok said before closing his eyes to relax himself. Luhan was really being weird today, but he knew the latter needed him right now.

“You always know what I need.” Luhan said softly, moving some strands of hair out of the cute face. He placed a soft kiss on the boy his lips before they both fell into a slumber.


“Luhan-sh-” Minseok was met with the stern look of his master. He knew exactly why he was looking like that to him. “I mean, Luhan. Are you ready to leave?”

“Yes… Minseok-ah… Do you by any chance know where we’re going?” Luhan asked the brown-haired man absent-mindedly, putting on his most formal shoes.

He heard Minseok chuckle, before a pair of hands grabbed both sides of his blazer, tugging at it to straighten it up. “You’re so messy sometimes.”

For a moment Luhan felt happy, finally. He had been down for the whole day already whenever he was near his butler.

“And yes I know where we’re going; I’m taking you there after all.” Minseok patted the blazer sides before looking up to meet Luhan’s eyes. “For what I have no idea, I got the order to bring you there and accompany you in the hotel . We’re meeting your parents later.”

“Wait… You’re not just driving me?” Luhan asked shocked. He really didn’t want this to happen. He knew that Minseok was his butler, but having Minseok there when he’s meeting his fiancée is the last thing he wanted.

“No, I’m tagging along the whole day. You act like I never do that. It’s my job Luhan.”

“Can you not?” Luhan said in a begging tone.

The only thing on Minseok his mind was why his master was acting so strange lately. What is exactly happening today for Luhan to be acting like this? Or was he the problem? “I’m sorry Luhan, it’s my job… By any chance… You don’t like me around you?” Minseok was really trying not to cry. Did his master hate him?

“Wait, Minseok, it-”

“We should leave now. We’re late.” Minseok said as he looked at his watch to avoid the subject.

“It’s not like that Minseok.” Luhan said before placing his hand on the shorter male his cheek, easily placing a peck on the latter his forehead. “Don’t think like that. Let’s go.” He whispered out the last part before both of them left without a single word until they reached the gigantic hotel.


“What floor?” Luhan asked as they entered the elevator.

“The 3rd floor Master.” Minseok said formally, watching Luhan press the ‘3’ button irritated.

“Minseok! What did I-”

“Luhan-ah, I’m your butler for most people. Madame Lu would never allow me to call you by your full name without any formality. Let me call you Master at least when we’re meeting people.” Minseok pointed out, his hand behind his back, his eyes staring at Luhan.

They had a short staring contest until they were disturbed by the elevators ‘ting’, indicating their arrival on the 3rd floor.

Luhan muttered a ‘fine’, before exiting the elevator, Minseok trailing behind him. He looked around the hotel’s VIP café to search for his mother.

Minseok cleared his throat, catching Luhan’s attention.

Luhan looked behind and saw Minseok gesturing to the right, where his mom was talking happily with a girl and another woman, his future in-law probably. He had to admit she was quite pretty, even beautiful maybe, but he really didn’t care about that. It’s not like he had a choice even if she wasn’t.

“Let’s go.” Luhan commanded, his cold attitude coming back again.

Minseok sighed and followed his master like always.

“Luhan! You’re here and on time. I’m so happy!” Mrs. Lu stood up and gestured her son to come quickly.

The girl and woman also stood up and turned around to see Luhan. A blush was evident on the girl her cheeks when she looked at Luhan from top to bottom.

A fake smile appeared on Luhan’s face and he bowed once as he walked toward the group of women. “Hello mother.” He offered the two other women a smile too.

“Omo~ Your son is even more handsome than the rumors. Our daughter is so lucky.”

“Ah~ Not at all! Look how beautiful your daughter is! I was really surprised by her beauty when I saw her!”

Minseok watched the scene in front of him. He wasn’t sure about what was going on, but bit by bit the pieces began to fit. He really hoped he was wrong.

“Jinri-ah~ This is our Luhannie, Luhan this is Choi Jinri. Isn’t she beautiful?” His mother introduced the two to each other excitedly. “And this is her mother, Choi Jinhyun.” The exchanged their greetings and a formal handshake.

“And who is the boy behind him?” Mrs. Choi asked curiously. She eyed the short man from head to toe.

“This here is Kim Minseok, he’s our loyal family driver and has been Luhan’s personal butler for years now. He’s an important employee of ours. Minseok dear, this is Lu--”

“Minseok-shii, I’m thirsty. Please get something to drink for me.” Luhan demanded without sparing a single look at his butler.

“I get it, I’ll get some water right away, Master Han.” Minseok bowed to the people in front of him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you two, Mrs. Choi, Ms. Choi.” He greeted them lastly, before he left to get a bottle of water for Luhan.  

“Luhan dear, don’t be so rude.” Mrs. Lu scolded her son. She sighed when Luhan smiled at her.

“I’m sorry mom, I didn’t have time to drink at home and I’m really thirsty. Should we sit down then?” Luhan gestured toward the table. They all nodded, but only Jinri and Luhan sat down.

“We’ll be leaving now. You guys should get to know each other. We’ll see each other at dinner.”

“Bye Bye guys.”

Luhan stood up immediately. “Don’t you want to take Minseok with you? You didn’t bring any drivers with you right?” Luhan hoped so there wasn’t any driver downstairs waiting for them, he hoped so she planned to take Minseok with her from the start.

“It’s fine, Driver Jung is already waiting for us. Oh~ Is it because you want to spend your time with your beautiful fiancée only?” His mom giggled before looking at her son again.

Luhan rolled his eyes at the ridiculous statement, but his face showed pure anxious when his eyes landed on a wide-eyed Minseok, who was frozen in his place.

Minseok tried to speak, but he couldn’t get a word out.

“Minseok should get to know your fiancée too, this is a nice moment and you know how I hate leaving you outside without Minseok. So I see you guys in a moment! Have fun and don’t worry, Minseok knows where to bring you guys later.”

Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Choi left for real now, leaving the three behind.

Minseok…” Luhan ruffled his hair in frustration. This was happening to soon. Minseok wasn’t supposed to know about the marriage yet.

“Luhan-shii, you should sit down. Maybe we should just listen to our mothers and use this time to get to know each other, right?”

Luhan turned around to meet Jinri’s smiling face, she pointed at the chair in front of her. Luhan didn’t move though, he just looked at the seat.

Suddenly Minseok passed him and put an empty glass and a bottle full of water on the table, the place where Luhan was supposed to sit. He pushed the chair back for Luhan to sit. Their eyes met for a split second but Minseok avoided him right away.

“You should sit down Master.” Luhan did as his butler told him and sat down; he shivered when Minseok’s hand brushed over his shoulders.

“Then I should take my leave.” Minseok bowed and was about to walk away when Luhan called out for him.

“Where are you going?”

“I should leave the two of you alone, Master.” Minseok bowed for the last time to the two. “Nice to meet you Ms. Jinri, I’ll get you two once it’s time to leave for dinner. And-” The boy cleared his throat once, trying to get rid of the lump which was stuck in his throat. “You two look really great together.”

Luhan’s heart broke at those words as Minseok left them behind.


It’s been four days after that day already. The day Minseok found out about Luhan’s fiancée.

And it has been for days since Minseok went to work. He had called sick for the past three days already and called sick once again this morning. He was happy his boss told him it was okay. The Madam had even told him to stay home another few days, because he had come to work every single day in the past years and she said that he should rest as much as possible. There was someone else to take care of Luhan in the meantime, so he didn’t have to worry.

If only this was a sickness that could be healed by just resting and taking medicines.

Was there really a cure for a broken heart?

He didn’t know.

He wished there was a medicine for this pain.

He cried once again, his legs pushed to his chest, his arms around his knees and his head resting on his knees. Almost every day had been like this.

The only thing he could do was cry, regret, long for his master, missing him.

“Aish!” He cursed himself for falling this deep for his master.

A person he couldn’t have reached from the start.


Luhan took another shot, tears streaming down his face.

Minseok didn’t show up to work for days and Luhan felt sad and lonely. He knew the reason for Minseok’s leave. He wished he could turn back time, he would have left Minseok home then, he would have told the latter he could go alone and that he didn’t care about what his mom wanted, he would have-

Luhan sighed deeply. He knew he was stupid. Minseok would have found out eventually, wouldn’t it have been that day then it would have been another one. Time wouldn’t have solved anything. It would have hurt them anyway.

Yes, he knew Minseok was hurt right now, but he couldn’t do anything but miss him and hope he would come back. He would have been a fool if he didn’t know Minseok’s feelings toward him. That’s the exact reason why he was against the marriage. Had it been an one-sided love, then he wouldn’t have cared at all about this marriage. But Minseok loved him back.

Would it have been different if he had confessed years ago?

Luhan poured himself another glass, taking it in one shot again.

Ten shots later, Luhan was completely wasted.

He was crying endlessly while clutching onto his heart, asking the bartender why it hurt so damn much. “W-Why? I-I don’t want to feel sad. Y-Yah! G-Give me my Minseok already!”

The bartender rolled his eyes. This bastard was damn lucky that he was working tonight or else they would have called the cops. “Luhan! Stop drinking and let me go! Aish!” He cursed out loud in Chinese at his friend.

Luhan just ignored him and continued crying, his face already being drenched from too much crying. “I want to turn back time, Wufan-ah.”

“I told you not to call me that. It’s Kris here.” Kris stared at his friend for a while, pity filling him slowly. He never saw his friend like that before. He only knew it had something to do with Minseok, since that was the only name Luhan had been muttering the whole night.

Luhan felt horrible. Ever since the night Minseok had left to his own home Saturday night, Luhan had felt extremely lonely. He officially hated the pain of being left alone by Minseok more than Minseok ignoring him from now on.

“I don’t c---care about that ing b-, I want Minseok. W-Who is that dumb b-bastard anyway. Time heals everything. That goddamn liar.” Luhan started to mutter all kind of nonsense. “And why can T-Tao turn back time and I-I can’t?!” Luhan yelled out at Kris.

“Luhan, Tao can’t turn b-”

“YAH!” Luhan slammed the counter harsly. “K-Kris, I wouldn’t  have lost him then, right? Tell me I’m right, please?” Luhan pleaded. His tears, that had stopped for a short time, started  to fall again.


“I n-need to c--call h-him.” Luhan stuttered in his drunken state, hiccupping between his sentences too. He slammed his phone on the hard surface, he got pissed when he couldn’t even get his password right because he wasn’t in his right mind. “W-What?! WORK YOU-” He finally unlocked his screen.

He tried to think straight and remember how to call someone, but he had a hard time in the state he was in right now.



Luhan choked when he heard the voice he had longed so much for the past days. “M-Minseok, get me- now- bar--- Kris.”

Luh- Master, it’s already late and- Wait are you drunk?


I can’t. I’m off-

“GET YOUR ING HERE!” Luhan yelled in his phone before hanging up and taking another shot.

Kris felt bad for the short butler, but he knew it was something they had to figure out themselves.

Half an hour and 3 drinks later, Minseok arrived at the bar where Luhan was.

He looked around anxiously before he saw a blonde man, lying with his head on the bar table, muttering some Chinese words out. He sighed when he saw how wasted Luhan was and wondered why the hell he drank this much. Luhan was good at drinking, but didn’t do it often. He had never been this drunk before.

He then noticed the girl next to him, rubbing his leg seductively to get his attention, but Luhan just ignored her.

He walked toward the couple and took the bottle of soju out of his master’s hand.

“YAH! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK-” Luhan yelled at the person that took his precious medicine from him. He stopped yelling immediately when he saw his butler.

Minseok gave the bottle to Kris and told him to throw it away. “He doesn’t need anything to drink anymore.” he turned toward the lady next to him and bowed slightly. “I’m sorry for the trouble, I’ll take care of him now.”

Luhan rubbed his eyes. For some weird reason he felt a bit sobered up, despite the fact that he drank so much. Minseok had that kind effect on him he guessed.

Minseok sat down next to his master, making the younger one look at him. “Minseok-ah… Is it you…”

Minseok nodded, nothing more.

“W-Wont you—come back to work already? Pl-lease, it’s too hard.” Luhan muttered with his head lying on the bar table again.

Minseok sighed. “Master, I only-” He rolled his eyes. “Fine, Luhan, I only called sick. Why are you acting like I’m leaving that place.”

“Drink with me.” Luhan said before ordering another bottle of soju. Kris did as he was told, secretly giving Luhan a soju bottle filled with water. He knew Luhan wouldn’t even taste the difference anymore.

 “Luhan, I don’t think you should drink more.” Minseok butted in, but Luhan shook his head.

“Shut it. I can do whatever I can!”

The two drank a bit more, unfortunaly Luhan had noticed the switch and yelled at Kris, but Minseok calmed him down. Minseok wasn’t even close to drunk, but Luhan had totally lost it.

One moment Luhan was whining to him and the next moment the man was putting his lips on Minseok’s, opening his mouth immediately to deepen the kiss. Minseok didn’t know if it was the alcohol or his brain that was doing it, but he kissed Luhan back with the same passion. They ended up making out for god knows how long before Luhan decided it wasn’t enough. “Let’s go to your apartment.” Luhan said between the lust-filled kisses.


The next morning Luhan woke up without any clothes on, only his body next to another’s. He felt his legs tangled up with someone else’s and his chest was lying against another one.

He looked at the face in front of him. He was mesmerized by the beautiful sight of Minseok’s peaceful face lying next to him. He thought back of the night before and smiled. It was even better than he had ever imagined.

He made Minseok his… Finally.

He was startled by his ringing phone.

He carefully slid his arms from under Minseok’s neck and took his phone from the ground, his head throbbing slightly, but not much. Wait why wasn't he having an hangover? He didn't even feel like puking. 

He looked at the screen.


He took his underwear and put it on before leaving the room with his phone to answer the call.


Luhan? Where are you? What happened? Are you okay?

“I’m fine mom, don’t worry.”

I’m glad. But why does your voice sound so strange… Where are you right now?


Luhan? Luhan, tell me where you are right now!

“I-… I’m with the person I love.”

“…” “Come home, now. Your fiancée is here.

Luhan sighed frustrated. “I will be right there.”

He entered the room again. He stared at Minseok, who seemed to be slowly waking up from his slumber. The man was rubbing his eyes cutely and pulled his legs up to his stomach. “Cute..

 “Good morning, my love.”

Minseok responded with a whine, muttering some words he couldn’t really understand. He walked toward the boy and sat on the bed. He kissed Minseok’s forehead lovingly. “Wake up, Minseok-ah.” He whispered hoarsely in the shorter man’s ear.

“… Luhan?” Minseok’s eyebrows furrowed, while he bit his lower lip in a confused manner.

“Who else?” Luhan chuckled and gave the boy another kiss, but this time on his lips.

“W-Wait…” The blonde one was the one looking confused now when Minseok stayed still and just stared at him. “It wasn’t a dream then?”

Another chuckle was let out at the statement. “Of course not, you act like you had a dream like this be-… -fore…” Luhan’s eyes widened. “Y-You d-dream a-about- Us? This? I-” Luhan stands up with a blush, completely flustered when the butler answered him with a nod. He ruffled his hair awkwardly with one hand.

“I’m sorry…” Minseok suddenly apologized. He looked down to his lap. “I shouldn’t have done this. I mean, Master was drunk and I got lost in the moment and I- I shouldn’t have slept with you while you couldn’t even think straight and I’m so sorry. I’m really sorry Luhan, you must feel disgusted. I- You’re getting married for god’s sake. My feelings- I-”

Minseok hadn’t even realized Luhan had come closer to him before he was cut off by a soft pair of lips. The lips he could never forget after last night. He closed his eyes as a single tear fell down his cheeks. It was too good to be true.

Luhan stopped the kiss, making the short man release a soft whimper. “It was hot when you called me master last night-” Luhan leaned forward for a peck again. “But please call me Luhan already, Minseokkie~” He locked their lips once again, but this time his kiss was deeper, pushing Minseok down to the bed again.

“L-Luhan…” Minseok moaned out softly after Luhan started to lower his hands to the latter his waist, caressing it smoothly. “I-Is this okay? I mean, I’m your- ahh~” A loud moan escaped when Luhan on his sensitive spot on his neck. “Your fiancée!” Minseok called out before pushing Luhan away from his neck.

“Minseok-ah~” Luhan whined before trying to go back to the warm place on Minseok’s body, but the latter pushed him away again, making the former sigh.

“You’re getting married Luhan!” Minseok tried to reason out.

“Forget her, let’s continue where we stopped yesterday.” Luhan took the opportunity to kiss Minseok’s lips, immediately entering the hot cavern, since his mouth was already open, ready to say something.

“We-” Minseok tried to push Luhan again, and this time Luhan didn’t object.

“I get it.” Luhan pecked Minseok before he stood up and took his clothes that were scattered around the whole room. “Let’s take a shower first. Then I’ll go to that girl.”

Minseok stared at Luhan’s back. He was the one pushing Luhan to her, but he regretted it already. “No. I take it back. Stay.”

Luhan turned around. “Just now you-”

“I know… But- I don’t want to lose you yet. Just for now then, stay. Leave later.”

The younger one walked to the bed to kiss his loved one again. “She’s waiting at my house. My mom is pretty angry too. Let’s take a shower and I’ll leave then. And don’t worry-” He kissed the butler passionately again.  “I’ll come back when I’m done there.”

“Can’t you stay longer… We’ll forget about everything afterwards. You don’t have to worry about me then.” Minseok said seriously.

“Minseok… You really think I would just let you go now that I got you?” Minseok nodded and looked out of the window to avoid Luhan’s eyes.

“I’m your butler, you have a fiancée. Even if you would tell your mom, she wouldn’t accept us.”

“I know.” Luhan stated bluntly, making both their hearts clench by the truth. But Luhan didn’t care whether his mom would accept it or not.   


“Let’s leave.” Luhan took Minseok’s hands and intertwined them. He smiled at the boy in front of him.

“W-What?” Was Luhan joking with him? Minseok tried to find his answer in Luhan’s eyes. He never saw such seriousness in Luhan’s eyes. He knew the latter wasn’t joking at all.

“Let’s run away. You and me. My parents won’t leave me alone if we stay.” The blonde softly caressed the brunette his cheek.

 “Luhan!” The older one hit Luhan’s chest softly. ”How can you think like that! Your family, the business, your fian-”

Luhan shut him up with a kiss. He really loved doing it. “I don’t care. I only want you. So let’s leave. As long as I’m with you I’m fine. What about my family, we can make one ourselves! The family business? Tsk, I can start a business on my own and take care of you. And about the fiancée… I wouldn’t want to have any other fiancé than you.”

“A-Are you sure?” Minseok hugged the man in front of him tightly, hiding his face in the taller one his shoulder. He never felt this happy in his life.

Luhan hugged his love back tightly, inhaling the scent of the person he wanted to spent the rest of his life with. “I am. 100%! So Kim Minseok, will you run away and marry me?”




YAAAAAAY FINALLY FINISHED!! It took me so long to finish it XD I’m really happy with it~ I really like master and butler Xiuhan fics but there aren’t many of them, so yaay~ I made one. Hope you guys liked it and enjoyed reading ^^

THANKS FOR READING AND PLEASE COMMENT~ I’m curious about what people think of it ^^


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[19/10] Yay~ finally done ^^ I'll check the story on mistakes tomorrow ^^


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eybeesea #1
Chapter 1: I love stories like this. The pining, the stolen glances, the . I'm weak for rich-poor aus. You wrote it really well. I loved the story. However, it could use some proofreading as there were a bunch of grammatical errors. But other than that, the story is mostly everything I look for in a XiuHan fic. Thank you for sharing this with us. ❤️
kimxiuhan #2
Chapter 1: This story...i' ve been looking for it for the past 5 months cuz i got obsessed with it... You make really awesome stories...i salute you
kimxiuhan #3
Chapter 1: This story is sooooo!!!!!! Cute!!!!!!
Chapter 1: this is so ing cute, you can make a sequel? about HAPPY life of Minseokkie and Luhan together? good job, author-nim!
Chapter 1: SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! ... but its kind of weird seems like they only got close when Lulu is about to get married, anyways I like it.
Chapter 1: aww that was sweet.. please make more xiuhan fics >.< oh and a sequel to this too XD like how lu's parents react to lu's decision
hanahlee #7
Chapter 1: yay~ finally,you updated.i love this story.make a sequel pls~
dibsfortwo #8
Chapter 1: Cute pls write more xiuhan!!