My Obsession, My Nightmare

My Obsession, My Nightmare

“If only I could hold you once.
I wish you were my lover for just a moment.
Please, please, please I pray-
Us, us, us, us together, together.”

You had flown out to Hong Kong to see your favourite artist perform on his world tour and your favourite song had started playing. The music started and a single spotlight fixed on a dark figure that was standing centre stage. You could hear your heart beating in your ears and your skin had goose bumps all over. You looked at the dark figure that was singing, feeling completely transfixed by his every movement. He had that quality about him, that certain je ne sais quo, that essentially forbade you from looking elsewhere when he was onstage and everyone else in the arena was experiencing the same phenomenon as you. The once screaming crowd of excited fan girls and boys was now deathly quiet watching the performance of the man standing before them.

“Smile, please smile, you're prettiest when smiling. Cry? Why am I crying?
Wipe those tears, and you have no expression.
You stiffen, I bring my knees to the floor, and ask you what you did wrong”

You stood somewhere in the first few rows, listening as the amazing G Dragon crooned out about his ‘Obsession’. It always mesmerised when you came to watch your boyfriend’s alter ego on stage since he was in essence so different to the man you loved and called your own.

While G Dragon was overly confident, even arrogant sometimes, Jiyong was humble and somewhat shy. G Dragon walked around as if he owned the world and to some extent he did while Jiyong always tried to work hard and better himself. While G Dragon would be spotted at clubs Jiyong would spend his night in the recording studio working ardently on his group’s next album. G Dragon would travel around the world and perform his songs in front of hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of his fans while Jiyong would stay home with you and cuddle on the sofa as you watched the latest episode of the your favourite American sitcom.

So it always amazed you when you came to his shows to see the man that the public knew. For this song he was dressed in head to toe black, with a dark hood looking very sinister. He had a giant cross dangling from his neck and had a dark cane as he walked around the stage and climbed the scaffolding. You could see the lyrics he was singing came from his heart and to some extent that frightened you.

Who was G Dragon singing about? Who had he killed?

He had his fans eating from his palm and that was exactly the way he wanted it. You looked around you at the horde of screaming fans and weeping teenagers and you found yourself one with them. You were all here watching a man perform a great piece of theatre that definitely heart felt but also chilled one to the very bone. The spectacle that was his show had completely riveted all of you.

The end of the song was coming up and he stood on the most upper part of the scaffolding, tumbling and stumbling around in the agony of his actions. He fell to his knees in anguish and it was as though you could feel his very pain with him. When the song finished the lights dimmed and the heavy atmosphere lifted though every single person could still feel the ghost of the song in their heart.

For the rest of the show it went on like this, him almost hypnotising you with his songs. At times you found yourself burdened by crippling sadness as he sang about a girl that had gone – She’s Gone. While at other times you found yourself almost dizzy with happiness, jumping along as you all got your cray on but one thing was absolutely definite.

G Dragon was something utterly different, something the world has never seen.


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GBaby06 #1
Chapter 1: I like it! Please update soon!