Central Tendency

Excessively Pensive
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There are various measures of central tendency. Most common are the mean, the median, and the mode. Regardless of the characteristics of each, they practically exist as the representation of the group. This is Yoona’s role. Yoona is So Nyuh Shi Dae’s measure of central tendency.

Yoona is the center of So Nyuh Shi Dae. The image she exudes paints a picture of So Nyuh Shi Dae. She is the main figure of So Nyuh Shi Dae, thus, a generalization of the whole group. Everything she does reflects on the group. Everything she says points to the group. At times even, she is the group. Without Yoona, there is no So Nyuh Shi Dae. That’s what they all say, but have we ever listened to what Yoona herself has to say?

Her image is squeaky-clean. Her decisions are carefully considered. Her every move is watched. Her every word noted. They say fame is a fickle friend. From what I’ve experienced, it’s a toxic friend as well. Being at the center of the fame game is difficult. It’s worse than being imprisoned. You do have the freedom, but you aren’t free to exercise it.

Many times I have considered quitting. As quickly as the thought enters my mind, it disappears as if it was never there. The option is never entertained by my consciousness. Too much is at stake. I will not only let my family and my members down, I will immensely disappoint myself as well. The fans are one more casualty if I ever decide to leave.

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