fate has nothing to do with this. (YOU CHOOSE)


 Six girls, five boys, one high school and a bunch of drama followed by never-ending tears. What else can i say about this story? nothing, since you've already read similar enough ones. Well too bad cuz this story's gunna teach you about fate, and how it doesn't do .















SHINEE (sorry this picture has nothing to do with da story but i just really like it !!)

from left to right : lee jinki (ONEW) , lee taemin, kim jonghyun, choi minho, kim kibum (KEY) <3



Apply's closed now. After this story, i might make a FTisland or a UKISS one.. maybe even 2PM.. LOL depends on my mood ^^ this story has six 'you' characters so you can pick either one that you like and imagine urself in da story ;D


this is my second story so enjoy~~ and to all the JONGKEY or ONTAE or ONKEY lovers, please read my other story "happy endings only happen in SHINee."



thats all so HAVE FUN READING GUYS <3


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wahhh i didnt see there was another chap its awesome i miss this story
huuu if Amy only knew that Sunny really liked Key and not Onew :(( and its going to be sad for Key to now when he finds out :((<br />
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mission: stalking Onew on his date XPP hehe<br />
aishh Jonghyun you player! didnt change one bit XPP<br />
woah i got hit by a car O.O?! but good thing its just a broken leg >.<' phewww<br />
this is weird because i actually did break my leg and ended up in a cast before but from missing a step, and Seunghyun is my bias from F.T. Island too LOL :DD<br />
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and awww Bianca is going on a date with MinHo ^ ^ oh and is Taemin realizing he might not be gay now?<br />
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well loved the update!!!! :3 update soon when you can, Hwaiting~!! ^ ^ <33
LOOL, so that was what you were doing during that time, updating~ ;))))<br />
When are you gonna update again? I really liked this fan fic
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY YOU UPDATED! <3333 i love you unnieeee~ ;)<br />
update soon!
shinee will make a comeback in November along with GD&TOP and other like orange caramel.... ____oh and such a good cpappie but the GAY part totally killed me and i knew it was going to be minho who else XDD good job
nahh its fine hehe X3<br />
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i really did like this chapter too when I was reading the Taemin part and it came for him saying 'I'm..' ohh geez what if he said he way gay? then I read a bit more and then "I'm... Gay." popped out, I was like woah O.O did you read my mind? lol but noooooo!! taemin she likes you!! > < and you dont even know why you like Minho :( and Minho has a gf now...grrr but for a wrong reason<br />
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this was quite sad with them getting their heartsbroken :'( boys why cant you see that person thats been with you all the time is probably or actually the one for you? :((<br />
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here we go again, getting harassed by the flirtatious dino = = Soon? I'm not an easy girl Jonghyun > < Lol not a toy you can play with then throw away later xp<br />
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i hope they do a comeback, but for now I'm waiting for 29th for their album to come out hehe X3<br />
update soon when you can please, Hwaiting~! ^ ^ <3<br />
omoooooo~ i loved that chapter~ <br />
it was super good!!<br />
except it made me sad<br />
onew doesnt like me TT_TT<br />
i wish he did <br />
sunny makes me so jealous TT_TT<br />
anyway~ update soon!!!
-ily_4ever #9
it was sad with all relationship stuff people going out getting rejected and some heart broken! I wonder what'll happen next update soon!! <br />