Destination Unknown


We sold our souls to demons for free.


Our story is endless but has never once been said out loud. To become an idol was hard but to also be respected is a whole new thing. Fame and success is one of those things which they don't teach you at school, along with never being told that fame and success are different.


There is only a select few in the business who are actually successful but they are immortal for being some fake facade and not themselves. When we entered the business, we only wanted be successful but in the end we became fake and unrecognizable to each other.


Who are we now?




I would like to ask people to comment and give there thoughts on what I should do in the next chapter!


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ilabya5 #1
kimjonghyun4ever #2
Tbh I always look at jonghyun and fangirling but deep inside me I know something's wrong. He's changed over the time, maybe a little too much. I still love him but I want to see the jonghyun from the year of us era.... Especially if its from hello^^