Chapter Two

Oh, Mr. Stalker!

You just arrived at your campus, Seoul National University. You were majoring in Business Administration and your first class would be in 1 hour later. As usual you came to your locker first in secluded area at the hallway and as expected, you saw a pack of fresh strawberries already waiting for you with a yellow envelope.

You’re welcome princess. You should be careful next time.

“What is that mean? Weird as usual.” You crumpled the letter and threw it to the trash bin but taking the fresh red strawberries that looked really tempting to your council room. You seated in your swivel leather chair and enjoy the view of the campus gate from big window behind your table, while savoring the sweetness of the red fruits.

Your mind wandering to the letters you regularly received every day since you were being a student in SNU. He claimed himself as your secret admirer, while he always called you princess in each of his letters. Sometimes it gave you chills all over your spine reading his adoration to you poured into words, as in he watched over you from afar, but then you grew used to it and just threw the letters away after done reading it. You thought you already kind enough spending your time to read it, so why bother keeping it.

But you never wasted the strawberries that had been sent along though. Strawberry is your favorite and sometimes you wondered what if he drugged you through it and kidnapped you. But after months, you realized there was no harm to just enjoy the kindness he gave to you while he didn’t bother you that much.

You didn’t realize that someone was entering the room and saw you were drowning in thoughts, all silent. He seated in his seat at the right side from you, as the vice president he was.

“You know, you look great with all the backlight shining behind you there.”

“Damn it, Myungsoo! You scared me.”

He put his chin on his intertwined hands, raising an eyebrow. “You frown while eating strawberries; it’s an unusual sight to see. A penny for your thought?”

 “Just leave me alone, can you?” You sighed loudly, shaking your head. What in the world he was trying to do by acted all friendly to you, was a big question you have for him.

“I can’t. We are bound to be together here as president and vice president, silly.”

You smirked at his words but lowered your gaze to papers on your table. “Then stop invading my personal space since you have no right over it.”

He stared at you deeply, boring hole into your face waiting for you to stared back at him. “Yura..” And you did, unwillingly.


“Are you still mad at me?”

“Why do you care?”

“It just that.. We used to be really close, why we can’t be that now?”

Because you broke my heart into pieces and I can’t ever be the same anymore, you shouted the words in your mind. You just snorted and stared at him fiercely. “It’s not that easy, Myungsoo.”

You left the room in a great despair. Your conversation with him has opened up your wound in your heart and you started to feel hard to breathe. You felt the urge to call Chanyeol, but actually, you could already imagine what he would say to you if he knew about Myungsoo who was trying to get close to you again.

“Just kick his shin, hard.”

You chuckled by yourself imagining the picture of you kicked Myungsoo’s shin hard and it was such a great sight in your mind. Not only that, you started imagined punching his body like mad woman and he was all screaming at you to stop, ruining his cold demeanor.

“I love you, Yeollie.” You whispered quietly and proceed to your first class.



“I hate you, Park Chanyeol!” You shouted at him through your phone. You were in an empty ladies restroom, pouted heavily to the mirror, imagining Chanyeol’s face was right in front of you. Right at that time there was nothing you want to do but strangled him until he choked and begged for forgiveness.

“I’m so sorry, Yura… Sorry sorry sorry..”

“You promised me you’ll go as my date to that damn masquerade ball, Yeol.”

On Saturday there would be a masquerade ball created by you and all council members. It was supposed to be a charity event the council ever made. To make it more fun, you make it as masquerade and expected all of SNU students interested to buy the ticket and attend the ball. As a president council, you had to come and everyone must be expecting you to bring a date.

“I’m so sorry, Yura, really. I already told manager hyung to clear my schedule on Saturday but then suddenly a new job came up and must be on that day.”

You pulled your hair, frustrated. “What I’m supposed to do now, Chanyeol? I’m the president council, coming alone without a date in a huge party that I create myself? And we had a plan!”

“God, Yura, I’m really sorry.”

You sighed out loud and softened your words, trying to suppress the anger. “What job?”

“I’m being a male lead in K.Will Sunbae-nim’s new music video.”

 “Who’s the female lead?”

“She’s a model named Lee Hojung.“


“I haven’t met her personally but according to her photo profile, sure she is.”

You let out a deep sigh again, “I still hate you, brother.”

“Don’t be or I’ll cry.”

“What’s the theme of the song? I hope there was a scene you are crying.”

“I haven’t read the whole script yet.”

“Tell me after you done shooting then.”

You could feel him smiling over the phone hearing your already defeated tone. “Do you want to bring Baekhyun or Sehun to the party?”

“Can I?”

“I’ll check on them first. Maybe Sehun’s free that day.”

“Psh. I still hate you brother.”



He chuckled heartily and you felt your anger subsided into the thin air. “Yura noona I’m really sorry okay? I’ll make it up for you. A whole day date with Park Chanyeol.”

 “With addition all EXO members?”

“No, it will gain too much attention. Only Park Chanyeol, your cute brother.”

“Ouch, it hurt my ear you call yourself cute. You’re not cute at all.”

“If I’m not cute, then you’re not too. We’re twins, don’t you remember?”

“Aah, you make me angry again!” He chuckled and you felt yourself chuckled along with him. His laugh was really contagious.

“Really, I’ll send Sehunnie over to home next Saturday to you to the party, okay?”


You hung up and put your phone back to your bag. You sighed out loud, still disappointed over the fact that Chanyeol didn’t end up as your date for that day. But then, Sehun already get called for a rescue, and you should relax by now. You didn’t mind being escorted by such a good looking boy like Sehun though. He was tall with fine body – heck, wonderful you have to say - and that’s what you need to make both of you as a center of attention, be the hottest couple for the night.

You just wanted to show your ex-boyfriends that you already get over them by bringing a good looking date. Okay, it would be a masquerade party with mask, but then you will show them that you are there – since you would make a speech - with a man there. And actually, you were glad it wasn’t Chanyeol. Because sometimes, he was too obvious and you will caught bringing your own brother to the party. And that was the last thing you wished to happen.





It was Saturday. Sehun already came to your house and smiled widely at the sight of you glimmering with gold shimmering dress with supposedly full in view but covered by your long wavy hair. It was long flowing dress and stopped at your ankles while you wore colored pump shoes, ready to go to the party. “You look breath-taking, noona.”

You smiled sheepishly at his compliment. You were satisfied with his looks that night, wearing black skinny jeans with white fitted shirt and black sleeveless vest while his white blonde hair was all pushed up completed his gentleman looks. “Thank you, Sehunnie. You too looked awesome.”

He drove your car while you were seated at passenger seat, gripping your clutch and memorizing all key points of your speech that night. This party was important to your image as president council, and as woman yourself. You need to show those shameless men who tried to mess with your heart who you really are.

Both of you arrived at the ballroom, and you let Sehun held your hand like a true gentleman escorted a lady. Well, you thought it was Chanyeol who told him the plan, because you hadn’t said anything yet to him. He smiled at you and whispered, “Noona, do we need to act like a couple now?”

“Yes. Just stay close to me okay?” He nodded. Both of you entered the main door and you felt all eyes were on you and your partner that night. You kept walking while Sehun still held your hand and stayed close to you. You heard everyone whispered quietly wondering who just entered, and you felt proud washed your body. What if they realized that your date was an EXO member, you giggled at the thought.



“Enjoy the party, then, everyone.” A man named Kim Sunggyu along with all students who filled the ballroom clapped their hands after you ended your speech. He followed your movement afterward with his eyes, watching you approaching your date and both of you went to the dance floor. He wanted to see you up close, but he was too shy to take another step closer.

The moment you entered the room, he already knew it was you. Well, not because he knew you were going to wear something gold that night, but he always recognized your presence from a far although he couldn’t see your face because the mask covering half of your face. He wondered who your date was, since he knew you didn’t have a new boyfriend, or didn’t have a crush, and no one had made a move on you yet. Maybe Chanyeol or his friend, he thought.

He just knew you too well. He knew you too well to know what you wanted to do with bringing a really good looking man as your date that night. But he couldn’t help but to be jealous at the sight of you circling your arms on your date’s neck while his arms hugging your waist, dancing with body so close to each other. He wished he was the one you hugged that close, the one you stared so lovingly although it was all an act. He wished he could have you and got your attention. But he was a coward to try.

Your date, who was Sehun, left to grab drinks for both of you. Sunggyu grew alarmed when a man approaching you who left alone at the corner of the room.



“Hey, you owe me a drink.” You turned your body and gasped seeing a man stood really close to where you stood. You stared at him confused. “Excuse me?”

“Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine.” He winked at you and smirked. You unknowingly snorted at the comment. Greasy, you thought. You gave him a faint smile and tried to leave but that man held your wrist tightly, keeping you from running away.

“I like you, will you go out with me?” He widened his smirk and you felt yourself giving him a cold glare.

“Sorry but I don’t want to go out with stranger.”

Still holding your wrist, he removed his silver mask and let you saw his face. “Then let’s get to know each other, can we? Nam Woohyun is my name.”

You admitted he was kinda cute, but you hate it when someone forced you to do anything. “Sorry, Woohyun-ssi, but I don’t want to date anyone right now. And now let go of my hand.”

“Still hurting because of Howon, Park Yura-ssi?”

You shook your head, disagree with words he blurted to you. “Not at all. I just don’t like you.”

“I like your attitude. Go out with me.”

You shrugged your shoulder and tried to loosen his grip on your wrist. “Sorry but the answer still no.”

“You being cold just want to play hard to get, don’t you think I didn’t know?”

You grew irritated and half-shouted at him, “Let go of me!”

“She said let go of her, you sick person.”

You felt his grip loosened and you cringed at the scene in front of you. That Nam Woohyun was being punched hard by a man who wore a black mask covering half of his face, looking so furious. You were glad – even thankful – to the man who just helped you, but you stopped him before he went too far because you didn’t want more attention by Woohyun’s being sent to hospital because of mere asking you out.

He stopped what he was doing and let Woohyun ran away from the scene, holding his broken nose. He turned his body and smiled sheepishly, “are you okay?”

You felt a familiar vibe when you stared at him, like you have seen him before this, “Yes..”

Sunggyu found himself getting dizzy looking at your face. Your eyes stood out behind your soft feathery mask, smokey and dark while glittery gold eyeliner was shining below your big eyes. Your lips looked full with red colored lipstick and he gulped at the sight. Too beautiful, he thought.

“Please be careful, princess.” After he said those words, he patted your head and you widened your eyes, surprised by what he just did. He too shocked by his sudden action and chose to run away, while you stared at him dumbfounded. You touched your head in the place where he patted, and you felt warm all over your body and mostly your heart, thinking there were people who actually really cared about you.

But then you realized of what he just called you. “Princess? What—” Suddenly you felt goose bump, gazing at now disappearing figure of mostly a suspect that always sent you those creepy love letters and strawberries.




Finally Kim Sunggyu showed himself! And Nam Woohyun won't let it just end easily... Subscribe and comment <3

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Sorry I've been busy for a while because of my college, I hope I can write new chapter pretty soon!


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gyurain #1
Chapter 2: What will happen next?? 0-0
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa they're so cute >.< I love this!!