
B&W: Thoughts


Kuro.  The one person who I think will accept me as a friend.  We are so alike, even if we do have our disagreements.  He is my best friend.  Actually, he's my only friend, but that doesn't matter.  It was amazing to think that he had started crying over me.  He's always so cold and cut off, but I'm determined to break that.  I know that there's a good person on the inside, because that was the part of him that caused me to come back to him.  
His wings always flutter when he's agitated, and they seem to be more expressive about what he's feeling than what he actually shows me.  He thinks I'm a baka, but I'm just a little absentminded, that's all.  After being freed from the torments of the only world I've ever known, and then meeting Kuro, I've been the happiest I've ever been.  I can be carefree around him, because since we're friends, he won't hurt me.  He'll protect me, keep me safe, (what better sign than him wishing on the Garnets to bring me back?  using his only wish, as a matter of fact) and if the tenshi come after him, then I'll do the same for Kuro.  I at least owe him that.  he's my one and only tomodachi... ...and the one and only person that I can try to touch.  
I have only ever known blows from my fellows; cuts and scrapes from their claws and teeth.  I am glad that Kuro has not seen the whip mark that goes across my back, from the back of the nape of my neck, down diagonally across to my opposite hip and part into my flank.  although, being held by him when I was dying, who's always brushing me away, it felt so nice.  and for once in my life, the whip mark that had always burned in the presence of anger and hatred, didn't burn in Kuro's presence. When I first saw him, I thought my scar would prickle and burn, as it had always done while I was in Hell.  he felt so angry, so irritated, so full the negative emotions which would always stir a twinge in my scar.  But it didn't.  and that's when I sensed something different about him, and I realized he was a tenshi.  a kuroi one, with so many traits of my fellows, but a tenshi nonetheless.  a creature with goodness at his very core, the one part which I realized he had yet to realize himself.  
see?  I can think deeply, but most of the time my mind scatters.  but anyways, Kuro's wings always flutter when he's agitated, just as my tail flicks at the ground when I'm nervous.  I think I heard one time from one of the other akuma that have been to the Human World, that some creature called a cat has a tail that is very much like ours; flicking back and forth in the air when we're thinking, side to side in eager anticipation, dragging along the ground when it's sad.  I've found that Kuro's wings are more expressive of what he's feeling, just as I learned to recognize the signs of my leader's tail, flicking back and forth in irritation, anticipation, cruelty.  
If he comes to find us, I know that 42731* will do horrible things to me in punishment, if they don't kill me.  and since I've already provoked the tenshi after us, I'm sure they'll be coming to find us as well.  I must protect Kuro.  He's the only one who's ever accepted me, who's taken me in (albeit grudgingly), who's let me be myself, and not chastise me for it.  He is mine, and I'll be his.  Our little tribe of two~.  but I sense the darkness of death and evil coming in our direction.  I want to be next to Kuro when the Hosts come after us.  I want to protect the freedom we've found, together.  
*42731- Devil played by Hirama Soichi


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