Chapter 03

Another Tomorrow


Another tomorrow... Another tomorrow... How many more tomorrows will I have? It was foolish to ask since I knew the answer: Not much anymore.
My eyes were locked on the clock, silently watching it tick the time away. Right in front of me was my dinner: A plate of steamed fish with carrots on the side with a slightly bruised banana. I didn't touch it. I couldn't help but think, this is what my last meal would look like. I took a deep breath. It was 9:53. I should eat if I wanted more time. More time. I remembered Sungjae. He must be eating this too. I took a bite of the cold fish and savouring it's taste because I may not be able to taste it once again. While eating, his words linger in my head. How did he know I had leukemia? Was it obvious? Maybe it was. It only meant one thing, my last days were fast approaching. If he could see it, then it must be true. Was it in my eyes? Did he see the pain?
I slept uneasy that night.
I woke up to flowers on my bed side with a pink note attached.
"Hey honey, 
Sorry I couldn't be with you today. I have work, but I promise to come back tomorrow. Nurse Mira will take care of you. Don't give her a hard time okay? Love you. 
- Mom"
How optimistic she is. She knows I don't have much time and yet she still believes I would always be there when she returns. I sat there waiting for someone to come. I checked the clock. 7:59. And a knock on the door signaled the start of my 'hospital life'. 
"Good morning Sofia!"
I stared blankly at her trying to catch a glimpes of her name tag if she was indeed, nurse Mira. 
"Aren't you gonna greet me back?"
"Good morning." I replied with a forced smile.
"Let's start with your schedule shall we?"
I was confused. What 'schedule' was she talking about. Wasn't I just supposed to lay on my death bed waiting for my last breath? 
"Come on, get up. Let's not waste time shall we?" I did what she told me to do. I wore my hoodie and shoes and followed her out the room.
"Where are we going?"
" Out."
" Out where?"
" Out for a walk. As your morning exercise, you know."
As we reached the garden outside, I saw Sungjae sitting alone on a bench. 
"Perhaps you know that fellow over there." Nurse Mira pointed.
" I do actually."
" Been here for almost a year. He's a fighter. Doctors said he only had two weeks but those weeks turned into months."
" What is he fighting?" 
She paused for a while, hesistating to answer. " The same disease as you."
I froze, abruptly stopping my steps. He should have died already. But how did he survive? At that moment, I found new hope. I could feel my world re-opening. I may still have the chance. I may still be able to live.
" Hurry up Sofia. You wouldn't want to keep Sungjae waiting."
" Waiting?"
" He's your partner. I have to care for the both of you, you know."
"Sungjae, meet your new partner, Sofia."
" I know." His response shocked me. 
"Don't worry, he's really like that." Nurse Mira whispered. I smiled at her. Before the words were even able to slip past my mouth, her beeper rang, signalling her leave. 
" Yep, okay, okay. I'm on my way."
We looked at each other and I gave her a nod signaling it was okay. 
"There's an emergency. Sungjae you know what to do. Don't do anything stupid."
No response. Nurse Mira left without an answer. I sat beside him waiting for him to say something. About a good five minutes we sat there in silence until he stood up.
"We should get started."
He started walking down the asphalt path and I followed behind. He seemed to be getting tired. His steps became smaller, his breath heavier and his pace slower.
"We should take a break." I suggested while pointing at the nearby bench.
"Okay." He shrugged.
We both sat down once again. I noticed he was covered in sweat while I was full with energy. The confusion in his eyes said it all. He was slowly fading away.
"How much time do you have left?" He asked as he broke the silence.
"Not much left."
"But you know you still have a chance. At least, a better chance than me."
As he said that, I could feel his agony. It was so painful for him to finally admit he was a goner. 
" Well, I wish I didn't. I mean I don't deserve it. I'm ready for the worst."
He said nothing in return. Great. I'm such an idiot. I thought that would be the end of our friendship but then I felt a warm embrace.
"Don't say that. You need to live. You need to fight. You need to be here, for you for your mom and- and for me."
At that moment, I realized our friendship did not end. Our friendship just started. I felt a different emotion stir up inside of me. One that I have never felt before. And I knew I needed to do the right thing. I needed to live.
hey guys ~ Thank you for reading ~ I might not be able to update this week since it's my exam week so please be patient with me hehe Please subscribe, comment and vote :)
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123Coincidentally #1
this story is so good!!!!!! XD I WANT MORE!1111 XDD
nice story ^^