Chapter Two

Hello! I just want to inform you that I changed a bit of the characters. I removed Kris, Seungri and Lay as Dara’s siblings. That part where Kris picked up Dara in the park, I replaced Kris with Cheundoong(Dara’s real life sibling that is known of his stage name THUNDER of MBLAQ) I hope you guys don’t mind. I’m also a big fan of the Park siblings; I just had second thoughts of using thunder because I might make them fall in love with each other which would be . So yeah, but I promise you that there would be no in this story. I had already stopped myself. Neh~ Mianhe for the changes.
She boards the flight of 11pm flight to Macau.  She left Jiyong a note on their bed saying:
We’re over Jiyong. 
Dara hates what she’s doing right now, she knows it’ll make Jiyong really mad but she is mad too! She had all the right to make some decisions in her life, she has the right to leave jiyong when she can’t handle Jiyong anymore.
She arrived in Macau, checked in the Venezian hotel, one of the most known hotel and casino in Macau. Bom, her best friend is currently in this country that’s why she decided to go here because she needed her best friend badly.
After checking in, she went inside her hotel room. It was very luxurious. She decided to roam around the hotel before fixing her stuffs. Well, she only brought a bag full of gadgets and a little make-up.  When she was packing her bag before booking a flight, she decided that it would be best if she will just buy clothes here.
She went outside, closed and locked her door. It’s actually her first time in Macau, she didn’t had the chance to travel often before because she easily get sick. Jiyong doesn’t let her travel too because he knows how careless she can get. But here she is now, breaking one of the deadly rules of Jiyong:” NO TRAVELLING ALONE!” Oh well, they were over so who cares?
She walked and roamed around, she found the Victoria’s Secret shop and bought pairs of lingerie. She was trying the C cup bras but only to her disappointment, it fell on her stomach. She was laughing to herself, she felt like an idiot for even trying.
“Well Bom would suit this” She said to herself and went on her way to the to pay all the stuff she bought.
“Where to next?” She looked on her list, she made the list while she was riding the plane. The next on her list was to go and buy clothes. It’s the month of December and even though Macau isn’t snowing, still the breeze was cold so she needed to but something to keep her from being cold.
She sighed, she remembered how Jiyong would hug her tightly just to keep her warm. She misses him so much but now is not the right time to go back, she wants to let her frustrations cool first. Besides, Jiyong could use a lesson that she’s always ready to fly away from him when she wants too so taking her for granted is a big No, No.
Right when she was about to enter the next shop she intended to buy some clothes from, a man as big as a gorilla bumped into her. The paper bag she was holding was thrown into air and all the stuff she bought was thrown into the air.
She hissed in pain but the man didn’t even say sorry and instead ran without even looking back.
“Aigoo~!!” Dara shouted.
She looked at her back and found all the undergarments she bought from the previous shop scattered on the floor. She looked away and was trying to decide if she’s just going to pretend nothing happened and leave all the stuff since she could always buy some more or picked it all up because it was already too late for her to pretend nothing happened because right now, almost all the people walking around her stopped and stared at her.
It was as if they were also trying to see what she would in this situation. Some people were even laughing.
And so she ended up picking all her stuffs back into her paper bag, she was on the last part of picking her last bra on the floor when a hand, not hers picked up the said bra with a cute word pink written on it.
She immediately looked at the person who picked her bra and was taken a back when she found out that it was a man! She looked around and sighed when she saw that the people gathered around her were already gone.
“U—uh—uhmm..” Right when she was about to say that she wants her bra back, the man started laughing, he was laughing hysterically and was even pounding his chest while laughing.
Dara looked away from embarrassment, she doesn’t now why the man was laughing but it was maybe because her bra was as small as a girl on her way to adolescence.
“Yah! Why are you laughing?!”
“ was just..hahaha..wait..hahaha” Dara got more embarrassed and her cheeks is as red as her red shirt already.
“Sorry” The man stopped laughing already and she looked already serious. When the man stopped laughing, she examined his features, he was definitely taller than her, probably younger and had ears almost like an elf. She laughed a little and the man shot her a questioning look.
“Sorry, I just realized you looked like Dobi because of your ears and your huge eyes.”Dara covered , she cursed in her mind. , , . I am so rude! No wonder Jiyong got angry on me.
“Well at least I’m not a girl who casually throws her undergarments in a public place. And what’s this? Are you like 12?” He pointed at the bra he was holding.
“Hey! I did not throw it on purpose and I am not 12! I am even probably your noona! Wait, you speak Korean? “
“Obviously. We just had minutes of conversation in KOREAN right?” The man rolled his eyes.
“Whatever. Give me back my bra!”
The man threw her bra on her, “Here, take your for children’s bra”
“Yah! Wanna die?!”
“A little girl like you can kill me? Now that’s an interesting story. Look I don’t have time for this, good bye to you woman with an A-cup bra.”
All Dara could do was to stare at the tall man walking away from her. She admits that he looks cute but not his type, he misses all the features he loved on Jiyong. And for the nth time, she once again sighed.
She decided to just finish her list and when she was done, she came back to her hotel room and lied down for hours. She wanted to sleep but Jiyong’s face would always interrupt her mind. She was about to stand up and take a bath when her phone suddenly rang. The moment she saw that it was her brother Thunder who was calling, she immediately picked up the phone.
“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!”  Thunder shouted through the phone.
“Hey, hey. Stop shouting, I’m not deaf you know. I’m in Macau and please don’t tell a single soul my whereabouts or else I’ll transfer to another one and you’ll never hear from me ever again. And most especially, I almost forgot, don’t tell Jiyong where I am.”
“Got it noona, I’m sorry for shouting, I was just, you know, glad that you picked up the phone, glad to hear the sound of your breathing. Hey, why are you even in Macau? Did Jiyong do something to you? Did he hurt you? Tell me! That jerk will have a piece of my thunder kick.”
“Calm down tiger, as if you can kick.” Dara laughed and then continued “We had a fight, but not a physical one we just argued but we’re officially over.”
“Over?! So it’s really that serious huh? What really happened noona?”
“Look, Cheondoong. I’m tired, I’ve had a rough day yesterday since it’s already another morning now. I haven’t had any sleep yet and I am seriously sleepy. I’ll call you as soon I fix my self already, right now, I just want a hot bath and sleep.”
Cheondoong sighed over the phone “Fine, fine. But promise me and assure me first that you are in a safe place right now.”
“Yes, I am. I checked in the Venezian hotel. I’m sure you’ve been here before.”
“Okay, it’s good that you picked that place to stay. Did you bring your credit card? Call me if you need anything. Oh by the way, Jiyong called a while ago and asked me if you were here. That’s all, okay take a bath now, you stink already noona”
“Shut up!”
Cheondoong laughed and ended the call.
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ShaiRa1009 #1
Chapter 2: UPdate soon neh!! THANKS
Chapter 2: Cheondoong is very funny! But wait until he finds out what jiyong did to dara! Roaring Thunder,hahahaha
Chapter 2: update update...make it long please hahahha its to short :P
Chapter 2: update it
Chapter 2: Looking forward for your next update :))
Filipina here;)

Kai and Lay biased ^_^
Jynroe #6
Chapter 1: pls update...
good story btw...