Chapter One



 She hates it. She hates the fact that Jiyong is always working. Jiyong is the heir of the Kwon Enterprises. One of the biggest enterprises in Korea.

They’ve been dating for 5 years now. 5 years she’d been enduring how Jiyong is always late for their date. Usually, the girl should be the one late for their date. But how could she pull out that drama when Jiyong always beats her in being late. She always ends up waiting for him.

But Jiyong would always apologize. He would always try and make it up to her. Buying her things, promising her more dates. He always works his off so his father would be proud of him. And so she tries to understand. But there were these times that she loves the most, when they are just in bed cuddling to each other, Jiyong whispering sweet words to her. Saying how lucky he was to have her, how he would not live without her, how he loves her more than anything in the world. It’s these times that she always try to remember whenever Jiyong is not on her side because of work.

“I love you.” Jiyong whispered to her, his hands on her waist hugging her from the back. Dara was making breakfast for the both of them when Jiyong who she thought was still in his deep sleep, woke up and whispered these 3 enchanting words to her. These three words would always make her smile, feeling the luckiest woman to be loved by the great Mr. Kwon Jiyong.

“I love you more Jiyong.” She replied back. Jerking away from his hug and facing him so she could give him a peck on the lips. Before Jiyong could protest saying he loves her more, Dara was already walking her way to their room to get a a sweater because she was feeling cold.

When she came back, Jiyong shot her a look. A questioning look with one brow raised.

“Seriously?” Jiyong asked.

“What?” Dara asked, confused.

“Why need a sweater when you know I’m hotter?” And so a pillow was thrown into air and into Jiyong’s face.

“What?!” Jiyong grumbled.

“Don’t be too full on yourself Mr. Kwon Jiyong.” She said without looking at him. She was busy picking up Jiyong’s clothes from last night. The bastard didn’t even bother changing and just shoved off his clothes from work and just slept with only his boxers on.

“Hey, I wasn’t even bragging. I was just being honest.” He said in a matter of fact tone.

Dara just rolled her eyes.

“Hey babe, are you busy this evening?” Jiyong asked.

“Just when did I become busy Ji?”

“I don’t know. I just want us to have dinner later this evening.”

“Where?” Dara was excited, she just doesn’t show it.

“Secret, I want to surprise you.” Jiyong said and then snatched a kiss on Dara’s cheek.

“Okay, but I’ll only wait for 30 minutes in case you’ll be late AGAIN.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be late. I promise baby.” He said while sneaking his hands to Dara’s waist, hugging her tightly.

“You better be damn sure.”


Dara went to the hotel that Jiyong told him where they would meet. She purposely went there 30 minutes after the time they should meet. She has high hopes that Jiyong would keep his promise now since he sounded really promising this morning.


When she arrived, she took a deep breathe and ended up sighing because Jiyong was still not there. “I guess I will never pull out the-girl-being-purposely-late-drama ever” she thought.


The waiter guessed her in and since the waiter knew her because she was kind of known in Korea since she was a popular model and also considering  that she’s the one dating the only heir of the Kwon Enterprises. She took her seat and like what she said, she waited for 30 minutes for Jiyong to come.

And so the 30 minutes came and Dara stood up and went outside. She was really disappointed on Jiyong. She thought he would keep his promise now. She sighed again and hailed a taxi.

She told the taxi driver to send her to the kwon enterprises main building and when she arrived, she directly went to Jiyong’s office. She ignored Jiyong’s assistant, she was probably new because she tried to stop her. She put in her mind to ask Jiyong later to tell his new assistant to better know who she was.

She arrived at Jiyong’s door, the assistant behind her, telling her that Jiyong was not to be disturbed right now. She was getting annoyed by the persistent assistant and she just wants to shout at her already but that would probably cause a scene so she disregards the idea. She opened the door immediately, finding Jiyong busy with his work.

“Kwon Jiyong!!” Dara shouted. Jiyong looked shocked, his eyes almost popping out from his eye socket.

“I’m sorry Mr. Kwon, I tried to---“The assistant was explaining and she was immediately cut off by Dara.

“ you. Get out of here. Do you want to get fired?!” Dara finally snapped and shouted at Jiyong’s assistant.

The assistant shut and looked at her feet, embarrassed because she was shouted by someone.

“Oh please Dara. Calm yourself first. I’m sorry Yoona, I’m really sorry for my rude girlfriend.” Dara couldn’t believed that Jiyong just called her rude.

“What the ?! So I’m the rude one now?” Dara asked in disbelief. Her assistant was the one being rude, stopping and shouting at her when she should be respected because she was his girlfriend. Jiyong should be punishing her instead of asking forgiveness to her. . Just .

“Stop cursing Dara!” Jiyong now shouted.

“So you’re shouting at me now?! You know what? you and your assistant! I am totally out of your life. I’m tired of you always breaking your promises. I’m tired of waiting for you whenever we eat outside. I’m just tired of being with you. I don’t feel like you consider me as your girlfriend, I’m just your companion in bed!---“ Dara was cut off by Jiyong.

“Oh you know that’s not true! I love you!”

“Love?! You picked your assistant’s side instead of me!” Dara cracked her voice now, tears started falling from her eyes and soon enough she rushed outside leaving Jiyong calling her name.

When Dara got completely outside, she was hurt more because Jiyong did not followed her and instead, she saw from the glass door Jiyong helping and patting the back of her assistant because it was now crying. Her anger boiled and she just wants to scream at her stupid boyfriend.

She started walking straight, trying to get the hell away from the building. She was just walking, not minding where she was going until she reached the park and sat herself on the swing. She was terribly crying and she knows how ugly she looks right now. She fished her phone from her bag, scanning her contact list to look for someone who can pick he up right now.

Right when she was already on the C section of the names, she saw “Cheondoong” and she immediately called her and Cheondoong quickly answered her.

“Yow?” Cheondoong greeted her through the phone.

“Cheondoong.” She said with a sob.

“Hey, what’s the matter? Are you alright?” His voice was clearly worried.

“Cheondoong, please come and pick me up here at the park.”

“Okay, I’ll come and get you right now. What park?”

Dara told him where she exactly was and soon enough, Cheondoong arrived on his Ferrari car.

He immediately parked his car and when he was face to face with her, he cupped her face.

 “What’s wrong noona?” Cheondoong asked with gentleness.

“It’s a long story. Can you drive me home for now?” Cheondoong nodded and helped Dara up and ushered her into his car.

While driving, Dara was just quiet and since Cheondoong was curious, he cleared his throat, getting Dara’s attention.

“May I know why? May I help?”

Dara smiled, knowing how curious her brother right now. 

“ I don’t really want to talk about it. I’m tired oppa, maybe next time.’”She said, hoping her brother would drop the topic.

Cheondoong turned his attention to driving. He wanted to respect her sister’s decision.

The car soon came to a halt, Dara looked outside. They were already in JIyong’s house, the house where she lives now.

“Are you sure you’re alright now?” Cheondoong asked.

“Yep, thank you for fetching me.”

“Sure, just call me anytime you need a driver.”

“Yah!” Cheondoong laughed.

“Hahaha! Just joking, just call me anytime you need me, you know you can count on me and whatever problem you have right now, I hope you and jiyong can sort that out. But if he tries to hurt you, don’t ever hesitate to call me because I’ll beat the out of that guy.”

“Neh, I’ll keep that in mind.” Dara said and leaned to kiss Cheondoong's cheek, she bid him goodbye and she got out of the car immediately.

She went inside the house, the guard was confused why she was alone but he still let her in of course. When she got inside the house, Jiyong was still not at home. She thought for a while before considering the plan she had been planning for a while now. “It’s probably best if I go away for now. I want to have fun, meet new people, I don’t want to be stuck here forever. I’m tired of Jiyong’s .”


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ShaiRa1009 #1
Chapter 2: UPdate soon neh!! THANKS
Chapter 2: Cheondoong is very funny! But wait until he finds out what jiyong did to dara! Roaring Thunder,hahahaha
Chapter 2: update update...make it long please hahahha its to short :P
Chapter 2: update it
Chapter 2: Looking forward for your next update :))
Filipina here;)

Kai and Lay biased ^_^
Jynroe #6
Chapter 1: pls update...
good story btw...