
Ray Of Light

So obviously, this isn't a chapter update.

And the bad news is that there will not be anymore chapters updated on Ray of Light, if that wasn't already obvious.

Originally, I planned to have the story forty something chapters long, but I don't think I'll make it. I lost motivation to continue, and the storyline is complex and difficult to write as is.

Thanks loads to everyone who's subscribed and commented; I did enjoy writing the chapters I wrote. I'm quite proud of them, too.

And it's a shame to end a story that could've been a personal best, but then again, the story is difficult to write. Character development, relationship development would have to be carefully done, with TOP and Bom having such bold personalities. And on top of that, I would have to do intricate research on Stanford and real estates. I know very little of both these things.

I could do a slap dash job and end the story short, but it isn't my personality to have things done that way.

And so this'll have to end here.


However, I will update one final chapter, if you request for it. I'll write snippets of scenes to let you know how I intended the story to end. I can do this much, at the very least, for the people who've supported and loved Ray of Light.

Here are some things that would've happened had the story been completed:

-Bom would've worked as TOP's intern, eventually, and note the corporate's work tactics and success. She would flirt with TOP, from time to time, to keep her position as his secretary, and tolerate even his ual advances, but would not do much to help benefit his company. (This was her plan from the start.)

-TOP later on finds out about Bom's little scheme, and he is both fascinated and angered by this. Enraged by her betrayal and his blindness, he attempts to forget about her, all throughout his college life. He sleeps with tons of women, being the womanizer he is, but his attempt to forget about Bom is futile, as he becomes more infatuated with her.

-Bom moves out of Taeyeon's apartment after finding out that she was TOP's biological sister, and finds another apartment to live in- GD's. He becomes her other love interest, and Bom likes him well enough, although she couldn't ever manage to find herself attracted to him.

-Taeyeon is TOP's half sister. They share the same mother, but have different fathers. This connects Taeyeon to Bom again.

-Bom forms her own company, after graduating from Stanford, and becomes more and more successful, with the knowledge of real estate companies that she attained in ChoiGogeub. TOP realizes his growing competitor, and tells her that they should combine the company. To which Bom declines, because why should she? And then he drops the 'L' word. "And you know you love me, too." Oh, TOP. You confident, y, bastard.

-Bom, try as she might, cannot resist Top's charms. She tries to distract herself by allowing GD to go try make love with her. She stops him, at the last second, and this is when she realizes she loves Top. "I loved him the second I laid my eyes on him- every fiber of his douche bag being. I was just too proud, too angry, too ashamed to admit it."

-Bom's father dies with a . Which leaves Bo Young, Bom's mom, a widow. Until GD sweeps her off her feet, that is. And Bom is repulsed, of course, initially, but grows to accept them. "If you can accept Seung Hyun, than I should be able to accept anyone, I guess."

-TOP's father is permanently kicked off of his position in ChoiGogeub- overthrown by TOP himself, as a violation to many rules. Bom and Top join companies, as co presidents.

-Taeyeon never graduates from Stanford. She manages a small bakery all by herself, and marries Kang In. They have seven puppies, although they don't plan to have children. But guess who do? The least likely- TOP and Bom, who eventually do get married. They end up having three children, whom Taeyeon gets paid to babysit, as TOP and Bom insist that they both want to work.

The last scene would've been Taeyeon on the couch, with two small boys and girl on her lap, trying to make up a fluffed up story of how TOP and Bom met. "They both loved each other very much, from the instant. They were just too shy to admit it, so they pretended to hate each other.... little did they know what the fates had in store for them..."


So that was a little bit of what I had planned for the story. If more readers request for the final snippet chapter, that I'll update.

Thank you so much for the support you've given Ray of Light.


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Eatchorice #1
Chapter 6: Enjoyed the snippet, Jay! Please do continue with the final snippet chapter. Not a biggest fan of the alien couple, but your story made me fall in love with them. You've decided to end it, which is too bad, especially because I absolutely adored your characterization of Top- so aloof and confident and interesting to read.
Chapter 3: Bom is cocky, someone needs to pull her haid out of her arse before she suffocates to death
Chapter 2: yeah Taeyeon is most definetly TOP's sister
MizuAndKaze #4
Chapter 5: "Because ChoiGogeub has no potential. Because you have no potential, or any other skills that can carry this business on, and I'm going to watch the day this company fails because of your mediocre-"
Wow... Interesting...
Anyway, thank you Authornim. Looking forward for the next chapter ♥
gjie2cute #5
Chapter 4: "Just so you don't misunderstand; I'm not completely uninterested in you. You're a woman, and a beautiful one at that." That comment got me laughing so hard hahahaha... cant wait for thursday noon ^^
haneul024 #6
Chapter 4: Yeaaahhhh update more pleaseeee
MizuAndKaze #7
Chapter 4: Yay!!! New update! *throws confetti* :D I love the debate between them! This is so interesting!!! I really love Bommie's characteristics here :D Thank You Authornim!
Wreewree #8
Chapter 4: I love this. Smart and witty Bom is the best. I would LOVE to see more 'debates' between them.
Chapter 4: Nice move bom. I completely like bom here, fierce and amusing like always. Great update, can't wait to read next :D
rinrindam #10
Chapter 4: Please update soon dear authornim. Actually i hv reading this a month ago but just give a comment in this chapter. Thank you for the update :)