I Wouldn't Let You Go AGAIN


He lost her just a few days ago.

When he lost her, his life becomes miserable and felt like he's also dying.


Fate is playing tricks with them.

It's their destiny.

When they meet each other,

Those common feelings are encountering.


Is fate really playing some tricks with them both or they were destinied to be together until their last breath?




~E.X.O  Another girl's looking at man, But that's just how perfect you are my man, I wanna hold you and never let go, Why can't I stop myself anymore, I don't know~

Hey there. This one-shot is dedicated to my friend --> piqaa_exoo.

I hope you'll look forward to the next update. THANKS~

XOXO from freakgeegee

Twitter : @freakgeegee

Fanbase in Twitter : @imaginestoryEXO (Admin FGG)


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dejalynnsaili #1
Chapter 1: Sequel???? More?? Please...?
Chapter 1: you should write more of it >< it feels hang up~
Chapter 1: Whoaa.. Daebakk... So.cute.. I thought it is me... Oh gosh.. ahahhha