
Baby Don't Cry

Hey~ Sorry to make you all wait so long! I've been having lots of health issues recently and haven't felt up to writing. But here's the chapter!

Please listen to this while you read:       





           “Alright, guys! That’s a wrap for the day. Get some rest. You all did well!” EXO’s choreographer told the tired and sweaty boys. EXO bowed in thanks, grabbing their bags and practically running outside the S.M. Building. They found a large van waiting to take them back home for a well-earned rest. It was almost dark out, and ominous clouds blocked what little sunlight there was. EXO-M’s maknae cast a wary glance at the sky on his way into the van.

           “Hey Luhan-gege, is it supposed to rain tonight?” Tao turned to the nearest member, trying to appear nonchalant.

           “Yeah, just a little though. Nothing to worry your pretty little head over!” Luhan replied, ruffling the maknae’s hair and earning himself a pout.

           “Good to know…” Tao muttered faintly. The whole drive back to EXO-M’s dorm, Tao kept on eye on the dark clouds, hoping they would disperse without a storm. Tao’s prayers went unanswered, for not even 15 minutes later the clouds let go. Tao let out a quiet groan as the rain started pouring down.

            By the time the van pulled up to the dorm, it was raining so hard Tao could hardly see outside. The members made a break for the building, pulling their coats over their heads and laughing at each other. Once everyone was inside, they all stood in the entryway dripping water all over the floor and trying to catch their breath. Kai and Chen, standing at the front of the pack, slowly turned around, looked at each other, and yelled, “shower free-for-all!” then bolted, pushing and tripping each other down the hall and locking themselves in one of the 4 bathrooms. Suho followed after, picking up the various articles of clothing the trolls had shed, shaking his head and muttering “I’m too old for their ” before claiming the bathroom by his and Kris’s room. The rest of the members dispersed to change, shower or make some dinner before going to bed. Kris pushed Tao towards the remaining bathroom, telling him to take a warm shower or he’ll get a cold.

           Tao nodded, shuffling to the bathroom and locking the door. He peeled off his wet clothing, leaving it in a heap on the floor and climbing into the shower. Standing under the warm water, he prayed to every deity he knew of that there wouldn’t be a thunderstorm tonight. Please, let me be lucky just this once?  Of course, Tao should have known nothing ever went the way he wanted, and that he really never had any luck in the first place.

           As the storm raged outside, Tao cursed whatever deity clearly had it out for him, cringing every time he saw lightning. Looking over at Sehun’s empty bed, Tao mentally cursed his dongsaeng for ditching him for Luhan like usual. Stupid Sehun with his stupid hormones leaving me alone during a thunderstorm. As a particularly bright flash illuminated his room, Tao whimpered, burrowing deeper under the comforter. This is ridiculous! He thought angrily. I can kick the of a man twice my size, and I’m scared of a bit of noise?!


“Yep!” Tao yelped, heart racing in terror. A shuddering sob escaped him. “Ok. Ok. Breathe, panda. Breathe. In and out. Goo-ING HELL!” Tao cried out again as the loudest thunderclap yet rattled the windows. Trying to calm his racing heart, Tao struggled to remember the song Chen taught him to sing when he was scared. “How did it go again..? Oh yeah! ‘ you, thunder! You can my ! You can’t scare me cause you’re just God’s farts!’ Hear that, thunder? YOU CAN’T SCARE THIS KUNG-FU P-”


“YES YOU CAN!” Tao clapped his pillows over his ears, crying into the mattress. Please, someone come help me. I don’t want to be alone…




           Down the hall, Kris stared up at his ceiling. He had tried everything he knew to calm down enough to go to sleep, but the Sandman just wasn’t visiting him tonight. The leader sighed, resigning himself to being exhausted the next day. Unable to stand counting cracks in the ceiling anymore, he got up and quietly made his way out of his room. Maybe watching TV will help me fall asleep for a few hours.. he thought as he tiptoed down the dorm’s hallway. He winced as thunder shook the building. I hope the storm didn’t knock out our cable agai- What was that? Kris stopped in his tracks, hearing a faint whimper over the sound of the rain. He doubled back a few steps, listening at every member’s door. When he got to Tao’s room, Kris heard another whimper along with a few sniffles. He soundlessly opened the door as lightning illuminated the room. Quiet sobs were heard from the mound of blankets on Tao’s bed. What’s wrong with Tao? He wondered as he quietly crossed the room. Kris gingerly sat down on the edge of the maknae’s bed, gently touching his shoulder so as not to frighten the boy. “Tao… panda, what’s wrong?”

            Tao slowly lowered the covers enough to look at his leader, only to bury his face in his pillow as another thunderclap resonated through his room. “Tao?” The leader shook Tao’s shoulder, trying to make him lift his head. The younger merely shook his head in response, shoulders shuddering with uneven breaths. Suddenly, Kris’s eyes widened in realization. “Taozi,” he murmured gently.  “Are you scared of thunderstorms?” The youngest member merely let out a sob in response. Suddenly, a particularly loud boom made Tao bolt straight up, his eyes wide and frantic. Kris felt his heart break at the terrified look on Tao’s face. He reached over and pulled the maknae against his chest. He could feel Tao’s back shaking with sobs, and he felt powerless to help him. Tao’s trembling fingers came up to grip his shirt tightly.

            “I’m scared, ge.” He hiccupped. “Make it stop!” Tao buried his face into Kris’s chest. The leader shifted the younger, scooting up on the bed to lean against the headboard and pulling down the covers. He drew Tao onto his lap, cradling him like a baby and rubbing soothing circles onto his back. Tao latched his arms around his leader, hiding his face in his neck. Every time a thunderclap sounded outside, Kris tightened his grip on the boy. Tao wouldn’t relax, however, so he decided to try a different tactic.

            Lifting the maknae up, Kris slid down so that their heads were resting on the pillow. He pulled the covers over them before wrapping his arms around Tao’s waist and drawing him against his chest once more. Softly the younger’s blond hair, Kris began to sing.

“Baby don’t cry tonight after the darkness passes
Baby don’t cry tonight it’ll become as if it never happened
You’re not the one to disappear into foam, something you never should’ve known
So Baby don’t cry cry my love will protect you.”

           Tao’s sobs slowly died down as the leader’s deep voice washed over him. He burrowed into Kris’s warmth, letting himself be calmed. As he kept singing, Tao started to drift off to sleep, finally able to ignore the storm outside and focus on the man holding him in his arms.

           Kris kept singing as he felt the maknae go limp against him. He looked down to see Tao falling asleep at last, a few stray tears making their way down his pale face. Kris gently wiped the tears away, feeling his heart flutter as Tao sighed and snuggled closer. As he the younger’s baby-soft cheek, Kris whispered “You don’t have to afraid anymore, Tao. I’m here, and I will protect you. I’ll always be here…” He softly kissed the maknae’s forehead, letting himself get lulled to sleep by Tao’s even breaths.

I love you, Tao. 




          Tao whined softly at the sunbeam hitting him across the face. Turning his face away, Tao started as he realized there was something in his bed. Scratch that, someone. Tao felt his face flush as he became aware of Kris’s arms around him, and realized just how close they were. Their position made him remember last night, and how he cried himself to sleep in Kris’s arms. So, Duizhang spent the night with me. I wonder why he was up so late anyways? Aish, he does too much for me, Tao thought, trying to suppress the warmth bubbling up in his stomach at the elder’s caring actions. Smiling softly at the sight of Kris’s sleeping face, Tao reached out a finger and trace his jawline, blushing as he felt the leader’s smooth skin. “Thank you, Kris-ge,” Tao murmured quietly, deciding he didn’t want to get up just yet. Nuzzling his face into Kris’s chest, Tao let himself get lulled back to sleep by the peaceful rhythm of the elder’s breaths. He smiled gently, forming one last thought before drifting off once again in his ge’s arms.


I love you, Kris. 













Thank you so much for reading! Please leave comments and tell me what I can do better! And yes, the song Chen taught Tao was the Thunder Buddies song from Ted. I mean, Chen totally would teach something like that to our innocent maknae. Also, the images aren't mine; I got them off of tumblr. Toodles!

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Jikook_JeonPark #1
Chapter 1: oww they didnt become together? heheh
Chapter 1: I was so excited to get something less serious from you and here we are and as I knew you absolutely slayed it! OMG this was the cutest thing in the whole wide world. There's a little less analysis to do than usual, but it still was fulfilling. One thing that I adored that you did is that you teased your readers with what their relationship is. While it has some budding romantic connotations, it could easily be read as a story about really close friends. That struck me most with the 'I love you's. Because while it could have been in a longing way, something about it was quite brotherly. I think it was the way that Kris was holding Tao without either feeling any pressure of what it could mean. In that moment it was just two friends trying to help each other sleep. Really it's up for interpretation on how the reader wants to see things. Because just as easy it can be a bit of a love story, i.e. Tao's feelings when he first wakes up and decides to cuddle closer. Honestly I'm undecided ... considering the two character's narratives I think that it's a good mix of both. Love is in bloom. Maybe. Haha. I also loved how you were able to keep a good sense of humor in all the fluff. It wasn't overwhelmingly adorable (if it's even possible to make anything overwhelmingly adorable), yet it wasn't to sarcastic. You kept a nice, simple silliness that fit Tao well; it was perfect for his personality and his problems. He's the ultimate maknae here and his helplessness whether it be deciding what to do right when he gets home or fighting thunderstorms fits this role. As for Kris ... what more is there to say about the good, strong Leader? He takes care of everyone, he possibly has insomnia, he's comfortable cuddling s ... Kris is perfection. Their a cute pair and the personalities you shaped for them create a really great ying and yang dynamic that could use even more exploration if you chose to. You really did fantastic with this! You're range is incredible!
Chapter 1: /SCREAMS LOUDLY/ that last bit right at the very end~~ <3 <3 <3 I thought I was over spazzing about Taoris but evidently not xD That was so flipping cute! Poor baby taozi, so scared of thunder :( but omo imagine having kris sing you to sleep with that deep husky voice of his while hugging you... /gleefully dead/ ehehehe thank you for keeping my feels alive :D
Cant wait!! I want so badly to read this
i actually cannot wait :)