Applicant Model

WIN: Who Is Next? (SM Edition)

Hey guys, so there aren't anything really bad with the applications thus far, but if some of you are struggling with your applicantions please look at this one >>Click Here<< 

It is simple clean and exactly what I'm looking for in an application. The Personality triats are easily visable for me to see and explained so I can use it with the character and add character developement. There is nothing out of place and everything is explained for for the character. And what I really like is that she has friends that aren't kpop idols. Some trainees may know some idols and may be friendly with them but in SM the likely hood is very slim besides a few small greetings here and there. This character is realistic and easy for me to create. 

That being said, that does not mean this character is accepted, but if you want to edit your application or anything like that, there is currently no deadline so feel free to I encourage it! (Please note, if you do edit yours after you handed it in please let me know is some way, be it message on my wall, private message, a comment int eh story or blog or even a reply back to me.

I hope this helps people who are still thinking of applying!

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Hey guys sorry I've been away for a bit. School got packed


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Chapter 5: do you need a co-author?
suspendedtime #2
Chapter 5: Applying as Song Xiu Lan! Hope you like her :D
Here is my app^^ Hope you liked it:))
Do you still need a co author? I really want to help..
hommage #6
do you need a co-author? i'd be happy to help