It's a Dark World After All

Myungsoo POV

5 AM? What the hell... Myungsoo tried to open his eyes and checked out the window to see a huge crane swing by.

The young boy woke up at this ungodly hour due to this loud construction happening outside. 

There always seemed to have construction around his house, yet nothing ever got fixed.. 

Well, now that I'm up this early, might aswell clean up a bit .

He looked around and seen how trashed the place really was. His dad goes all out when he drinks. 

I guess he left already.. probably off to find more drugs.. a sigh was let out as the boy picks up around the couch. 


Oh! It's 12 already? I have to get to practice!

The trainee runs out of his house, ipod in hand. 

When he opened the door to leave, a pink paper fell to the floor. 

What's this?

" Exiction notice , 1500$ rent over due to be payed by next month "


Scrolling through his vast music repetoir, he finally lands on his favorite song, SES' "Dreams Come True" 

This song gave him hope and made him smile. He always played it first when he started walking.

"Do you like these girls?" his dad asked him, pointing at the girls singing on television

"SES? they're okay." he replied.

"I like them, too. Say what, I'll buy the album and we'll listen to it together . " 

The nostalgic memory of his father came to a halt as he seen the man in the suit


He started walking faster, hiding his face, he was almost at his destination anyways.

Hopefully he didn't see me.. he panted a bit after having walked so quickly. 


Sungyeol POV

Sungyeol was stretching with his fellow collegues , spacing out while looking at the mirror-wall in front of him. 

I really hope he comes back today, I want to talk to him this time.. 

And just as he wished, the boy he wished to talk to appeared right on time. 

At the first sight of him, Sungyeol got the wind knocked out of him. 

His outfit today consisted of a baggy grey heart T-shirt with stretchy black harem pants.  which drove Sungyeol crazy.

He looked so cute, he felt attracted to someone of the same gender for the first time , ever. 


Sungyeol tried to muster up the courage to go and ask him about the day before, which took longer than he had planned. 

I dont want to say anything embarassing.. Wait, what am I saying? He's a guy, not a girl ! why should I care what he thinks of me? 

Plus... the teacher's coming soon, we can't really talk while dancing, or she'll yell at us.


Myungsoo POV

"Uh, hello . My name's sungyeol." this boy smiled and eagerly bowed 90 degrees. 

"Hi.. nice to meet you." he seemed uninterested, and responded with a slight nod as a bow. 

"Um, yesterday.. I seen a note from your locker and-" he cuts Sungyeol off early

"What? Are you a stalker? Why are you going through my things?" Myungsoo's tone started to get angry.

"Well, no but I seen there were mean things wri-" 

"So what? You don't even know me, why do you care? "  cutting him off again, 

Is this guy making fun of me? I don't have time for this bull.

"Okay , guys. Let's all get together and start stretching ! " the teacher asked upon her arrival

Sungyeol stared at Myungsoo, he didn't understand why he was getting all this hostility towards him. 


Myungsoo ran away while the teacher was setting up, 

Who does he think he is? Is he trying to embarass me? 

Myungsoo has had experience with bullies before. Students aren't so eager to befriend the poor kid in school.. 

While walking back home, an expensive looking black car slows down as it approaches him.

"Get in." the man in the suit was sitting in the back seat, with his window rolled down. 


Entering the car, Myungsoo knew exactly what he was going to say. 

"Look, I said I wasn't going to do it anymore - I'm not stripping for money. I got a new job , now. " He said, already in a bad mood.

"Kid, you're under contract. Whatever you say doesn't matter to me. Plus, I know you need the money." the sleazy man answered

"... shut up." Myungsoo knew this was true, his rent is way overdue after all...

"Hah ! That's the spirit. Now, I got your dance placed right at 9PM starting tomorrow" the strip club owner eagerly looked at Myungsoo

"But.. I have practice  until 10.." He scratched his head, 

"I don't care, find a way, anyways kid , I'm not your chauffeur so, get steppin' " the car stopped, and myungsoo got out. 


He stared at the starry sky for quite a bit after that.

Plugging in his earphones, he put on an SES song and started heading home.





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strafield #1
Chapter 3: ...gulp...
Chapter 2: oh gawd,
can't wait for next chapter.