Chapter IV

Almost a sinner

So, Laura was ready to go to Siwon’s concert. When she wanted to walk out on the front door, she saw Luhan parking his car outside the block. For a moment, she was thinking about not going to the concert but the desire of seeing Siwon was too big. So, she sneaked out on the back door, right through the fire scale. She jumped into a cab and drove her way to the stadium.

In the meantime, Luhan was waiting her outside the block, with a bucket of roses but seeing that she was not coming down, he tried to reach her at the phone, but it was unsuccessful. So, after waiting for about one hour, he decided to go because he was going to be late for his brother’s big day.

On the way to the stadium, Laura was admiring Siwon’s face on all the many posters that were on the wall. After 15 minutes, she arrived there. She went inside and there she saw Siwon and she tried to reach him, but the security tried to stop her. Siwon saw her and he went toward her. He told to the security team to let her go because he knew her. Then, she kissed him on the left cheek. Then went to his dressing room and a second later, Siwon was getting undressed. At first, she was surprised by his lack of embarasement. She blushed and Siwon saw it and he got blushing too. While they were both blushing and giggling another member of Super Junior was laughing, understanding the chemistry between them. They all found their way through  the halls.

Siwon jumped on the stage after Laura wished him good luck and she also said:

-Kick their asses! Fighting!!!

-I will dedicate a song for you, he said waiting for a reaction from her.

She blushed and watched him getting on the stage and she heard the crowd screaming.

She was amazed by his performance and at some point, Siwon took a pause and heard him say:

-I want to dedicate this song for a very special person, my new friend, he said, pointing at her.

While he was singing, a artificiu exploded in his face. Fortunately, the girls from the first row hadn’t seen it, but the backstage team dragged him out of the stage and they started to worry. They were screaming and calling for help. Laura got next to him and felt a little guilty about that, because he was looking at her when that happened. She immediately put cold water on his face and that helped him. Luhan watched the whole thing and when he saw that she was leaning on him he interrupted them, calling her name. When Laura heard him, she rose up and got next to him.


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Love this story!
acaio-chan #2
Chapter 1: Yayyy guess im your first reader , chingu ^^ !! Lety unnie .. I smell cheating !! 6w6 ..