Round 2

Break The Cold Prince's Heart ~Childish VS Cold~ (Exo Kai)
Break The Cold Prince's Heart
~Round 2~
Haruka's POV
"Well, my uncle happened to be really busy, so I guess I am officially your new official dance instructor." he said and leaned closer to me.
My eyes widen, Seriously what did I got myself into? I... just... kinda made an enemy out of the guy I was suppose to win the 'heart' and 'trust'. Tsk good going Haruka, that task was impossible the first time now it seems like a VERY far fetched idea.
Since I know I'm gonna be already dead I did the only thing I am really good at, creating a grand exit! "Uhm... I kinda remember that I have somewhere else to go so... uh... bye see you around!" I started to walk towards the door but of course the jerk wouldn't let me go.
"Okay... It seems like the klutz is also a chicken." Kai said with his smirk, "Is it because you already know who I am and know that you have no chance in winning cause you have two left feet?"
That's the last straw!, "What the?! For your information you jerk the reason why I wanted to go out is because I don't want to catch a certain virus! The-Conceited-Dumb-BigHeadivitis!" And to prove that I really love making grand exits, I stepped real hard on his foot. He yelped loudly in pain. "Let's see if you can dance with that... UGLY!"
I slammed the door shut.
Kai's POV
Today,is not really one of my best days even though it is supposed to be since we got a break from work for 3 months. I would've preferred sleeping all afternoon just like Luhan but I recieved a very annoying phone call, none other than my Uncle who forced me to substitute him on a special class.
Of course I would've said no if it weren't for the blackmail. Seriously =_= is that dude even my relative? Tsk.
I was a little late for the special class. Through the glass doors I saw a girl walking around the studio. Those bright hazel eyes looking through the windows, that straight shoulder length hair of hers and those lips.. those pouty lips. The first word that flash in my mind: Misaki... Could it really be her? Am I dreaming or something? Tell me it's not her... 
"Hey, Kai! Nice dancing out there!" she said as she handed me a towel and kissed my cheek. We were at an area back stage where no one can see us. Nobody knows I have a girlfriend and we intend to keep it that way for at least a month before Misaki graduates.
"I heard you got a perfect score in Algebra." I said with a teasing smirk which she just rolled her eyes at me.
"Will you give me a reward for that perfect score?", she asked me with the cute voice and the puppy eyes. I wasn't sure a bout the reward because she was one heck of a girl (In a good way of course).
"And what reward does My PRINCESS want?", I just flashed a smile at her.
"Teach me how to dance! Hahaha I might be graceful at many things but it seems like when it comes to dancing I have to left feet." she said with another cute laugh.
"Hmmmmmmmm.. Let's see what I can do about that My Dear Princess.", I carried her and gave a peck on her lips. She was kind of shocked about the kiss.
"Oppa..... Why did you...", she was asking with her head bent down. I lifted her head up by the chin only to see her blushing. Uwaaahh so cute *U* this girl just makes me go crazy like hell.
"Oppa can't help it because her Princess is so cute arachi?", I said with a warm tone. She just smiled and blushed even more.
"Aigoooooooo~! Now My Princess looks like a tomato. HAHA.", I decided to .
"Uwaaaaaaahhh TT^TT Oppa is so mean! Hmmmmmppff. I'm not going to talk to you. Mehrong :P", she stuck her tongue out in a cute manner. As she was turning her back on me, I gave her a back hug.
"Oppa was only joking My Princess. Even if My Princess became a tomato I would still love her to infinity and beyond.",I whispered to her ears.
"Jinjja oppa?", she faced me once again
"Jinjja. Saranghae My Princess.", I hugged her once again.
"Nadu. Saranghae Oppa", she replied.
The whole time we were there, we didn't realize the other members watching us until Minseok hyung cleared his throat. "EHHEEEEEM!"
O.O Uh-oh...
We broke the hug  and looked at them with awkward faces. 
"I'm really hungry so come on ppali ppali~! It's Suho's treat! Uwaaahhhh *u*", Minseok hyung shouted like a kid.
"Fine hyung. It's for the members anyway and our Misaki", Suho said with a kind of flirty tone.
"Our Misaki? OUR MISAKI?! Sorry but she's only mine hyungs. Mehrong :P", I stucked my tongue out.
They whined in chorus. Of course, what do they expect anyways. Their whining was cut by Minseok hyung.
"KAJAAAAA!", the members shouted.
*End of Flashback*
I still laugh to myself whenever I remember that but now all it does is bring tears to my eyes... Ferk it... Why did you break up with Misaki? Ugh!
A frustrated grunt cause me to glance at the window again, seems like I kept her waiting for too long but my feet seems planted there... I don't want to move, seeing that girl will just make the wound Misaki left behin bleed again...
Kai what are you thinking? Move on dude! As Luhan will put it, you're a man! And besides that girl is not Misaki, they may look alike but a lot of traits are different, cause Misaki is a patient girl...
I literally slapped myself, okay I almost drifted off to EXO planet, ugh let's just get this over with. With a last effort I forced myself to move and open the door.
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Kaikai123 #1
Chapter 1: You have the flair most authors with potential possess i love this story so cutee update!!
CheenaKaiKim #2
waah! I love all your works author! So cute *o* Please update all your fanficts!