I Found My Tiffany

Protect Me [Hiatus]
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I Found My Tiffany

Tiffany's POV

"Fany-ah wake up.. Tiffany!!!"

"okay mom just a minute" god they never let someone sleep in this hou... oh i'm gonna be late again, i jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom and all i was thinking about damn Yuri is gonna kill me this time, i put on my uniform and yea just like i thought Yuri was standing in front of my house she definitely looked angry

"what the heck Hwang what took you so long we're gonna be late AGAIN!!" that's it i'm deaf "Yah stop screaming and run your off" we ran to school as fast as we could but still we were late we tried to sneak to our seats but "late again" Ms. Younha said and i looked at Yuri knowing that she's gonna come up with a lame excuse just like always.. yea i was right " we're so sorry Ms. Younha but we had to be late this time i mean how can you leave an old woman in the middle of the street she was having a hard time crossing the road and we helped her" i palmed myself, well of course the teacher didn't believe Yuri but she just smiled and praised us for doing such a thing and it was really funny the look on Yuri's face was priceless i was holding back my laughter

"okay girls you can go to your seats now and try to not be late next time or you'll get detention" she gave us a warm smile after that we knew she wouldnt do what she said :D

OMG baby you look so cute today i thought as i was looking at Nichkhun he looked at me and smiled awwww his smile >< , i've been crushing on him since last year but never felt brave enough to tell him about my feelings

"hey tiff" oh crap what shohld i do omggg, what's wrong with you Tiffany he just said hi!

"oh hey nickkhun" i couldnt help it but smile like an idiot

"wanna hang out this weekend?" did he just ask me out oh dear god please tell me i'm not dreaming "sure" i kept it cool


Taeyeon's POV


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Chapter 7: please update author-nim
taeny20 #2
Chapter 7: update author shhi
tae1810 #3
Chapter 6: hyuna is really bad girl.
thanks for updated:)
taeny20 #4
Chapter 4: update author
tae1810 #5
Chapter 4: nice update author..
finally they broke up..
now taeny progress ..
tae1810 #6
Chapter 2: nice chapter author :)
thanks for updated..
Kai_Alxndr #7
Chapter 2: Your story is great Author-ssi please update soon ^_^
dorkytaeny9318 #8
Chapter 1: update always, will u? pretty pleasseee.. :)
tae1810 #9
Chapter 1: first chapter is really good author..

i want to know what next..