Chapter 2: Bother!

"You are an EXO, Zitao!"


1444 words


Kris fell down with his back facing the floor. He got caught in the arms of Chanyeol before his head hit the ground. A bell rang signalizing that the time was up.

“Good job. You did it, Kris. You beat your record.” Chanyeol said brushing his friend’s bangs away from his face. Kris panted while slowly opening his eyes, and looked up at the ceiling.

“Good job, Kris!”

“That’s our captain!”

“You´re amazing, hyung!”

Cheers and happy comments could be heard from around the room. Chanyeol grinned at his team mates and helped the team captain to get up on his feet. All the members of the team surrounded the two and a few high-fives were shared before the coach told them to go and get some lunch.

Kris picked up his water bottle and consumed the content desperately.

“You’ve got to stop being so hard on yourself, oppa. What if Chanyeol oppa hadn’t caught you? You could have gotten hurt!” A girl a few inches shorter than Kris handed him a towel.

“I trust Chanyeol. He is always where I need him to be.” Kris spat back, grabbing the towel. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and the back of his neck before turning back to the girl.

“Sulli ah. Why are you always here? Why do you care so much?” He asked with a frown on his face.

“Well, I… I care about Kris oppa…” Sulli answered while a deep red blush appeared.

“Yeah, but why?” Kris gave the towel back by hanging it around the girl’s neck which made her blush turn darker.

“Be… Because I… I lik-!”

“Kris! Come on! Do you want to starve?!” Chanyeol yelled from the dressing room.

“Coming!” Kris yelled back. Before leaving he faced Sulli one last time.

“Sulli ah.”

“N-ne oppa?” Kris leaned in towards the girl’s face. Sulli closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was ready. She had been waiting for this moment ever since she first laid her eyes on Kris.

“Stop coming. Stop caring. You’re just a bother.” Kris picked up his bag and walked away. Sulli couldn’t believe her ears. “Bother”? Does she bother Kris? After all she had done for him… Only for him. Not for the team. She loves Kris. Now she isn’t sure.

“Bother…?” She loves him.

“Bother?” She loved him.

“BOTHER?!” She hates him. Sulli threw the towel on the wall and walked angrily towards the corridor.

Sulli HATES Kris.




Chen shoved his spoon down in the ddokbokki and led it to Sehun sitting across the round table.

“Hunnie ah! Say ah~!”

Sehun looked up from his bowl of naengmyun and crooked an eyebrow at his hyung.

“Uh, you’re so childish, hyung. And I am supposed to be the maknae?!”

“Aww, come on Hun-hunnie~! Open up for hyung~!”

Tao giggled at the nickname his hyung gave the younger one and went back to look out the window. It was a sunny day, which wasn’t really that rare since it was still September. Out on the school yard, only few trees were turning yellow, while the rest were as green as they were during the summer. Tao sighed, which made some fog appear on the glass and he used his index finger to draw a little hourglass, like the one on his mother’s bracelet.

Right at that moment, the door flew open and a strong breeze rushed through the cafeteria. All the heads of the students turned towards the pack of fresh and good-looking young men entering the room.

“Omo! It’s the basketball team!”

“Kya~! They’re so handsome!”


“Kris oppa!”

“Chanyeol oppa!”


A wave of girls’ screaming flew across the cafeteria and made our raven haired friend’s hairstyle messed up to a whole new level.

“Oh, come on~!” Tao whined and brushed his hair from his forehead back over his crown with his fingers.


The raven haired boy looked up only to crack up when he saw Chen’s spoon of ddokbokki leaving a huge red stain on Sehun’s blue school uniform.




“Omo! It’s the basketball team!”

“Kya~! They’re so handsome!”


“Kris oppa!”

“Chanyeol oppa!”


“Looks like our disguise failed, huh?” Chanyeol joked, slightly poking Kris with his elbow. But Kris didn’t listen. His attention was somewhere else. On a raven haired boy in a blue school uniform, laughing uncontrollably.

“Who is he?”

“Who in the what now?”

“Who is the black haired 1st stager?” Kris asked as the team walked towards the cashier.

“Hmm… Oh yeah! Now I remember! He’s a friend of the bacon.”

“Chanyeol, please speak Korean. I don’t understand what you are saying.”

Chanyeol grabbed the last pieces of chocolate pudding and putted one on his tray while handing the other one over to Kris.

“Long story short, his name is Huang Zitao and he’s in 1st B. He is actually from China, like you. I don’t know where though.”

Kris frowned in thought as he listened to Chanyeol’s gibber. Huang Zitao. Hadn’t he heard that name before?

“Hey Yeol! Captain! Come and listen to Minho’s rumors from the older hyungs!” A team member named Yongguk called for them from a round table in the center of the room. As the tall duo sat down, Kris felt like he was King Arthur and the other members were his knights in shining armor.

“So Minho, what’s the deal today?” Chanyeol asked, glancing at the brown haired boy sitting to his right.

“Well, from what Kangin hyung told me, two hyungs from the dance group are… you know… homo…”


“Are you kidding with me right now?


“That’s gross!”

“Yeah, eww~…”

“Gays in our school?”

A loud discussion started which made more and more students from other tables form a group around the round table. In the end the discussion also reached the table where Tao helped Chen wipe the red stain from Sehun’s jacket. Tao noticed the slight moist in Chen’s eyes and turned over to face the round table with hatred in his heart.

“Hey Tao! Where… are you going…?” Sehun asked as Tao rose from the table and walk towards the discussion.

“Minho ya! Did Kangin hyung tell who these two were?” Siwon asked curiously.

“No… But I think you know who they are… Don’t you, hyung~?” Minho smirked back.

Siwon’s eyes widen as the eyes of the crowd scanned him like lasers.

“Th-then what about you? Why did you go to the dance studio after class yesterday? Did you have a “meet-up” with someone? Like… Lee Taemin?”

Once again eyes were widening, but this time it was Minho’ eyes.

“Are you calling me gay?!”

“What if I am?!”

“SO YOU ARE!” Minho yelled as he rose from the table, making the crowd on his side back away.


“No, he isn’t. But I am.”

The crowd split to revile Tao standing behind Siwon. If looks could kill, all of the knights would have died.

“You’re not involved in this, Huang! Leave us!” Minho spat.

“I might not be involved, Choi! But I know people who might be hurt if you keep going on with this!” Tao spat back.

“Like who?” Siwon asked, rising up from his seat.

“Like myself.”

The cafeteria had never been this silent. Even the teachers made a pause their conversation to turn their gaze over to the raven haired boy.

“Are you…”

“Huang is…”

Kris looked up from his phone and alowed his gaze to land on the raven haired boy. His gaze then landed on Yongguk who rose from his seat and walked towards Tao, snickering.

“Well, well, well. Look at yourself.”

Tao glared at the older student through his black bangs. He turned around to face the crowd.

“Did you hear that, fellow students? GAY! HUANG ZITAO IS GAY!!!”




Did you hear that? That sound of something rushing by. Did you hear it? I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t. It’s too quick for you. It’s too quick for everyone. Nobody knows what it is, because nobody has seen it. Except for the witnesses. Well, they haven’t seen it either. But they have heard it. They have heard it at midnight, howling at the moon. And they have seen a silhouette of a monster rising up on its back legs like a human and shouting out a horrible noise. So I guess that they have technically seen it. But they haven’t seen its’ face clearly which, in my point of view, might be better for them. I have seen it way too many times already. I can’t believe I’m still alive. I can’t take the fact that… my own face can make myself faint. Oh yeah… I’m the beast, howling at the moon in the darkest night.




Siri’s spot: 13-12-2

I'm sorry that I'm one day late, guys... I had a looong day of school and went straight to bed when I got home yesterday... -.- zzz

Just in case that you wonder:

Tao and his friends are students at the International school of sports and art in Seoul, South Korea (I don’t know if it exists or not. =/ I’m not trying to sell out if it does exist!*^^*). The different colors on the uniforms represent with grade/year you are in, although here, I call them “stages”.

Blue – 1st stage (Tao, Sehun, Kai, D.O)

Green – 2nd stage (Lay, Chen, Baekhyun, Chanyeol)

Yellow– 3rd stage (Kris, Suho, Xiumin, Luhan)

Red – 4th stage 

Red w/ purple badge – 5th stage

*UPDATE* 14-1-4

Since the holidays just passed, I didn't get a chance to upload chapter 3... soooo I've decided to give you readers chapter three and four on Feb. 2....

Please don't hate me... />///<\

- siri_suju_elf <3

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ilabya44 #1
This reminds me so much of Wedding Peach. :D
It's cute, though! ^^
Chapter 2: Can you try not to use bright colored fonts in your story ? It's kinda hard to read .

I like story so I hope you update soon. Thank you .