Chapter 1: Bunny?

"You are an EXO, Zitao!"


1532 words (!)


When the skies and the grounds were one, the legends, with their twelve forces, nurtured the tree of life. 

An eye of a red force created the evil that converted the heart of the tree of life. The heart slowly grew dry. 

To tend and embrace the heart of the tree of life, the legends thereby divided the tree in half and hide each side. Hence, time is over-turned and space turns a skew.  

The twelve forces divided into two and create two suns that look alike into two worlds that seem alike. The legends travel apart. The legends shall now see the same sky but shall stand on different grounds, shall stand on the same ground but shall see different skies. 

The day the grounds be kept a single file become one sky in two worlds that seem alike, the legends will greet each other. The day the red force is purified, the twelve forces will reunite into one perfect root, and a new world shall open up.


"Yeah, right." Tao scoffed and closed the book. He turned over to his right and put the book on his desk. He turned off his night light and leaned back on his soft pillow, with his hands behind his head. He looked up in the ceiling and sighed heavily. 

Why did this happen to him? Why couldn't he just be a normal kid like all the others? All because of that stupid bracelet he got from his mother before she passed away!

"Wae, eomma? Wae na? Wae na...? Why... Me...?" Tao whispered to himself until his eyelids closed over his eyes and he fell asleep. He couldn't help but dream about the story that Hour told him. The story that made him understand why he wasn't like everyone else...


Twelve hours earlier:


"Hey Tao! Wake up! The teacher might see you! Tao? TAO!!!"

The raven haired boy rose from his desk from the shock his classmate gave him. All eyes from the other students and the teacher turned towards him. Tao blinked while looking around, reminding himself of where he was.

"Are my lessons that boring to you, Mr. Huang? Do you wish me to send you home so you can sleep in your comfy bed, maybe?" The teacher asked him ironically. The other students either stayed quiet or slightly giggled. Tao looked down to his left and saw his good friend Sehun looking at him with an "I tried to warn you" face. Tao quickly gulped and faced his homeroom teacher.

"N-no Mrs. Choi... Of c-course not..." He whispered loud enough for the woman to hear.

"Yes, I thought so. Now please sit down Mr. Huang!" She yelled at the boy. Tao obeyed and stared down on his desk.

This is usually how the days in the life of Huang Zitao, or Tao for short, began. Getting dragged up from his bed by his father, practice wushu for two-three hours, barely eating any breakfast, running to school (he always misses the bus), sliding into the classroom just as the school bell rings and trying to gain some sleep without the teachers noticing.

"Typical Tao, that's me" Tao quietly sighs.




Luckily he almost slept through the whole lesson and it was time for lunch. As Tao searched through his bag for his wallet, Sehun walked up to him, hands on his hips.

"You've got to stop sleeping in class, man! Don't you remember what happened to that Myungsoo-guy?! His teacher noticed him falling asleep three times and got him expelled!" 

Tao leaned back onto his chair and growled.

"Hello? Did you hear me?!"

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up already! Don't you think I know all that?"

Sehun scoffed and sat down on his friends desk, letting his legs dangle over the edge. 

"I'm just worried about you, Tao. You and Baek hyung are my best friends and I don't want to lose any of you.” 

Tao tilted his head forward to see his friend’s sincere eyes. He also thought about those kinds of things now and then and he knew that his hyung Baekhyun did too, but never ever had he thought that the maknae would be the one to talk about it out loud.

Tao let out a slight scoff before leaning his upper body forward, grabbing onto the younger’s knee which surprised him.

“Sehun ah. Don’t worry, I won’t get caught again. And even if I do, I will never leave your or Baek hyung’s side…”

Sehun looked up to see the raven haired boy smiling at him. He sighed and pointed his pinky finger towards the other.



“Do you promise that we will always be together?”

  Tao giggled and grabbed the younger’s pinky finger with his own.

“I promise.”

“Are you sure?”

“Sehun, I-“

“I, Huang Zitao…” Sehun yelled with a voice that sounded like those voices you hear in commercials about Asian dramas. Tao rolled his eyes but repeated.

“I, Huang Zitao…”

“…Swear on my life and honor…”

“…Swear on my life and tiny amount of honor that I have…”

“…That the Shining Triangle Club, a.k.a. STC…”

Tao sighed and giggled at the name made up by the maknae.

“…That STC…”

“…Will never split up!”

“…Will never… ever split up.” The two friends looked into each other’s eyes, knowing that this promise, no matter how childish it was, would stay true.

“Hunnie! *pant* SEHUN!!!”

The friends’ little moment of bonding was quickly interrupted by a panting voice coming from the classroom door.

“OMO! Hyung! How did it go with the confe-?!” The guy known as “Chen” rushed over to the desk and grabbed onto Sehun’s hair.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! HYUNG~! Let go~!” The maknae whined.

“Oh, I’d love to, Hunnie ah. If you tell me that I can trust this “thing” sitting over there?!” Chen eyed Tao rapidly before turning back to Sehun to get his answer.

“Ouchy… Yes! Yes, hyung. T-this is-!”

“Huang Zitao. Now, “hyung”, can you please let go of Sehun?” Tao asked with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. The older one let out a sigh and let go of the maknae’s hair.

“Thanks Tao…” He smiled, rubbing his fingers over his scalp to make sure that Chen didn’t rip any hair of. Chen put his hand in his pockets and scanned Tao with his eyes.

“Hmm… Not bad… Not bad at all, Sehunnie. Looks like you finally found a friend to do the “bunny” with! SEHUN JJANG!” He finally said, giving Sehun a thumb up followed by a huge smirk.

“E-excuse me?! ‘B-bunny’?!” Tao looked at his “hyung” with a confused expression.

“OMOOO!!! HYUNG, THAT’S NOT THE CASE!!!” Sehun shrieked with a tomato red face. Chen saw his two dongsaengs falling for another one of his jokes and fell to his knees laughing.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’m just kidding Hunnie. Oh, man! You should’ve seen your faces! HAHAHA!!!”








“So back to the *pant* topic. How did *pant* the confession go?” Sehun sat down on a chair, catching his breath after chasing Chen around the classroom. Chen sighed heavily and sat down on the desk in front of Tao.

“Well, that’s what I *pant* wanted to talk about. I… I did it…” The hyung said with a slight blush on his face.

“Jinjja?! So, what did he say?”  Sehun asked with twinkling eyes.

“He?” Tao asked out of the blue.

“What? Yeah, I’m gay. What’s the problem?!” Chen hissed at the raven haired boy.

“A-aniyo, hyung. There’s no problem at all. In fact, I’m gay myself.” Tao answered honestly.

“It’s true, hyung. Tao used to date Joonmyun hyung from the 3rd stage.” Sehun said.

“Really? As in Kim Joonmyun? Suho hyung?” Chen asked Tao. This time his eyes were twinkling.

“Y-yeah… But I don’t really feel comfortable talking about it…” Tao said hoarsely.

“Any way… Hyung, what did he say?” Sehun turned the focus back to Chen after seeing how uncomfortable Tao looked when he mentioned S-! The… hyung from the 3rd stage

“Well… He… He said…” Chen studded while looking down in his lap, rolling his thumbs. “Yeshesaidyes!!!” The room stayed silent for a couple of minutes to help the younger boys to process what the elder had told them.

“Yes? Yes! OMO, hyung! HE SAID YES!!!” Sehun jumped up-and-down with excitement.

“I’m really happy for you, Chen hyung” Tao smiled sincerely. He didn’t know much about Chen or his crush, but he knew deep inside his heart that Chen would take good care of his new boyfriend.

“Thanks Tao. It means a lot. Really!” Chen smiled back at the raven haired boy before hopping down on the floor.

“So now when that’s out of the way, who wants to go and get some lunch with me?” He asked, walking towards the classroom door. Sehun rose from his seat and walked a few steps following his hyung before turning back to Tao.

“Are you co-?!” Sehun stopped to let out a giggle when he only saw the lower part of his friend’s body wiggling in the air while the upper part was looking for its wallet in its bag. Not looking at his face, Tao really looks like a bunny.




Siri’s spot: 13-11-2

Thank you for holding on to my story! :D

1. This chapter is just a way for you readers to know the main characters, ok? :)

2. Since school is such a pain these days and since this is a reeeaaally long chapter, I decided to post chapters these long monthly. Is... Is that ok with you guys? :/


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- siri_suju_elf <3

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ilabya44 #1
This reminds me so much of Wedding Peach. :D
It's cute, though! ^^
Chapter 2: Can you try not to use bright colored fonts in your story ? It's kinda hard to read .

I like story so I hope you update soon. Thank you .