
Forbidden Love.

He starts getting weaker and weaker with every second that passes by "please stop..." he pleaded. She couldn't control her thurst, she gripped tightly onto his shirt slightly tearing it. With a pale look on his face he pushed her away which caused her to fall back down, she was panting her lips were covered with blood the way her eyes gazed through his,she seemed to be sorry  but in the same time craving for more. His wrist was bleeding. "omo...i'm so sorry i coudn't control my " she said with a very sad voice "i-its okay..." he replied with a soft smile. 

She wiped away the blood from her lips and looked down at his wrist her eyes widened seeing how pale he looked and the viens on his wrist were shown she quickly grabbed the coat that was on the ground and tore a piece she gently held his wrist and wrapped it around his wound he flinched at her touch and caught her wrist "i said its fine..." she gave him a worried look "are you sure..?" she asked. 

He smiled and nodded "yeah i'm sure." she gave back a slight smile "ok..if you say so." 

"By the way..i still dont know your name?" 

"Its suzy" she replied 

"S-suzy...your the missi-. he was interrupted by her. " missing princess..yea thats me and what about yours?"

"Its wooyoung" both of them turned to the sound of the door's knot twisting the door was opened his eyes widdened and quickly stood terrified of who was standing before him "father...i can explain"

His father eyes turned to suzy as he lets out a growl he walked towards her but his son stood in the way. "father please don't hurt her she means no harm we ca-" before he could continue his father pushed him out of the way his claws grow out ready to attack but his son ran and tackled him to the ground "suzy run!!" he shouted out loud and gave her enough time so she could escape. She opened the window and jumped down landing one knee his father pushed him away "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?" he reached out his hand to grab suzy but it was too late she was already out and before he could turn to look at his son,wooyoung jumped out of the window slowly transforming into his werewolf form. suzy sighed in relief when she saw him. "hope on" he said before transforming completely she nodded and quickly climbed up his back holding onto his furr tightly as he ran into the forest. His father couldn't believe his eyes he let out a loud roar and growled "GUARDS GET THEM!!!" he shouted as the guards transformed into there werewolves forms as well and ran after them with a rapid speed.

Wooyoung was realy fast and powerful for such a young age. But hw wasn't fast enough compared to the guards. suzy looked back and gasped. "LOOKS LIKE WE'VE GOT COMPANY!!"  

He looked back and growled. "hey..since you got that strong scent of yours try tracing us back to my kingdom will be safe there!!" he nodded and ran faster as one of the guards tackles him from the side suzy falls of his back as wooyoung and the soldier fight fiercely against each other she quickly stood up and turned to find a group of werewolves growling at her and slowly getting closer as wooyoung pierced his claws into the guards throat ripping it off. he quickly runs towards suzy and jumps infront of here letting out a growl of anger giving them a warning to back off. As they came closer and jumped attacking wooyoung. wooyoung fought back with every strength and power he had ripping each guard to parts but they were too many and managed to wound him badly feels a darting pain as the last living of the guards was able to bite him seeing how tierd he became after fighting all the others. he dips his fangs into his neck. Suzy was terrified and she didn't know what to do she backed away as her back lightly hit a tree and sat down hugging her legs in tears she closed her eyes tightly through all the fight. but when she peeked to see wooyoung getting bitten and is in pain "oh no...WOOYOUNG!!!!" she ran and jumped into the guards back she grabbed the guards neck and squeezed untill she heard a crack the guard let go off him and the guard went down kn his knees and feel flat on the ground. "wooyoung..." fell along with the guard he was panting at the same time groaning in pain he slowly transformed back into his human form. suzy tears were streaming down her cheek "wooyoung..." she cried out and kneeled down beside him. he looked at suzy "suzy..a-are you okay..?" his vision was getting blury as his eyes slowly begin to close."wooyoung stay with me!! wooyoung..." her eyes widened as she kept shaking him. His cloth were tore due to his transformation but his pants wasn't completely it was enough to cover his down part but he was wounded badly covered in blood, fighting the guards he not only ripped them to parts but fed on some of there part which gave him enough strength to slowly heal himself. Suzy looked around not frustrated she didn't know what to do not noticing his wounds are slowly healing "this is all my fault.." she hugged him tightly letting out her tears.  

wooyoung slowly opened hia eyes. His wounds were completely healed, he smiled when she pulled away he quickly closed his eyes and continued prerending. "I'm so sorry..." He quickly sat up "boo!!" she flinched and punched him quickly. She looked shocked surprized pissed and happy at the same time. "you jerk!!" he rubbed cheek "ouuuchh!!! you punch pretty hard for a girl..." he mumbled. "you scared me so bad!! I thought you were dead!!!!!" she stood up and stomped away. "yaah!! where are you going?? " he asked. "Home." she simply replied. He chuckled "but your kindom is that way" he pointed in the opposite direction. "hmp" she stomped back to the direction he pointed at. "I knew that." He rolled his eyes "yea...I'm sure you did" and said sarcastically. He stood up and dusted himseld. "wait for me" he said running after her. ((This is my first story, I hope you guys liked it~ please your free to comment whatever you want about this story I want your opinions ^^))

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Suzyelfs #1
Chapter 3: Woahhhh..i like dis suzy was scared n worried about woo.its kinda cute.
jazzin08 #2
Chapter 2: This is very interesting!! :)
Chapter 1: Exciting please update soon