

Uh.. Loosely based on My Chemical Romance's song Teenagers. Basically the plot is teenagers scaring the living sh*t out of Sehun, as the song suggests. 


(Sehun hated kids. He never wanted to be a high school teacher, but a sick twist of fate had him in front of class after class of Satan's spawn that seem to want to make him suffer at every opportunity. Also Luhan is a ert, Xiumin is too cute and squishy for his own good and Suho is definitely on drugs.)

If you think it's rubbish, feel free to criticise because seriously I wrote this at like half eleven at night after finishing my homework and it's bound to be crass. Still, I thought I may as well contribute to the AFF community and oh god what is this



I'm so sorry about what you're about to read 

 "uh, hello," were Sehun's first words of his teaching career; one and a half words that would stay with him for the rest of his life and one and a half words to cry about at night from then on. But he was glad, though, that nobody in the class seemed to be more capable of hating him than himself right now; their faces currently only portrayed mild blankness and beyond blankness otherwise. God, why were kids so difficult to read? 

"I'm Sehun." he tried again, this time snickers resounding around the room, each one scratching a deep wound into his ego and adding to the rapidly growing list of things to cry about later on. He realised his mistake exactly as he said it - that he was a teacher and had to address himself by his surname, regardless of how unique and awesome the name Sehun was. "But you should call me Mr Oh."

Smooth, Sehun. Real smooth. The class seemed to find him interesting enough, their eyes curious and with this evil glint that Sehun knew would be the death of him - the last thing he would ever see as the kids (Sehun hated kids) beat him to death with a greasy baseball bat decorated with blood stained spikes and the shrinked heads of victims before him, horror in their dead eyes mirroring his and-

"Aren't you going to teach us, Sehun?"

Before this day, Sehun had never thought that anything could sound like melting chocolate and not be melting chocolate. But he was wrong. That was a voice so smooth and gloopy and yummy it was like Sehun had synthesia and would be eternally satisfied just listening to it. The owner of the voice, funnily enough, looked a bit like melted chocolate as well. With smooth, tan skin to go with smooth, brown hair, the guy looked like his bones could no longer support him, slouching in his chair as if he was melting into it (albeit attractively so, the gay in Sehun added shamelessly).

"Sehun... Teach?" he rambled distractedly, trying to pick his blank mind from where he left off. The plump, dark lips of the melty boy were the only part of his body that were able to fight against gravity, it seemed, as they curled into an evil smirk that spread across the classroom, soon adorning everyone's face. Sehun felt his blood go cold all of a sudden.

"Uh, oh. So you're my homeroom group from now on, right?" 


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I love you because 1) SeKai and 2) OMG!! MCR! M.C.FREAKING. R!! I LOVE THEM! I REALLY DO!
This looks so fun! Update soon! :D