Personal Message




About Me

>>Warning for crazy vipstarlightbabynotexoticeventhoughteverybodyelsesaysohottestangelbbcshawol fangirl<<

Hello, I am Crazystereo


Eargasm: Hate you, 2NE1 | Craving: cheeeese | Mood: Happie-desu! |  

Hello there chingu! Thank you for dropping by and checking out my profil (^_−)☆ My name is Crazystereo (thank you for making it more obvious...) but you can call me my queen /ahem/ I mean Lewis, you can call me Lewis...I come from a small tiiiiiinny little country in northern scandinavia called sweden and before you ask, no there is no polarbears walking the streats of stockholm (≧▽≦) My age is a fact that you'll have to figure out yourself BUT I can give you a hint, I am older than 10 but younger than 38 /kekeke/ I'm such a troll (>y<)Anyway let's move on to my personality. ((┌|o^▽^o|┘))♪ Yeshhhhh! I am a fujoshi to the extreme (don't know what it is? Use the good ol' google (-‿◦ ) and then join our world of otakuness) and I have a crazy love for anything squishy, fluffy, cute and pinkyish!!! I would describe myself with these three simple words:


BUT if you asked my friends they would more likely use these words:


Well, exuuuuuseee me for being a very happy-energic-not-really-knowing-what-i'm-doing kind of person! IHAVENOREGRETS!!!! /gets shot/ 

Okay, sorry guys I will now be leaving you know before I do something stupid...




More will be added later, no worries I'm just to lazy right now orz