Living Together

One Touch

“What? So you guys are dating now?” asked Seungri as he rubbed the back of his head.

Jiyong and Dara spun around to face him with the look of horror on their faces. What do we do now? Do we tell him what happened between us?

Jiyong started to open his mouth when Seungri began talking again, “I mean, I should be saying congratulations. I’m really happy for you two, I’m glad things finally worked out,” he winked at Dara (who was in Jiyong’s body still). “But make sure YG doesn’t find out, he would have your head if he found out. Especially with all of your crazy fans, keep it on the down low. Anyways, I’ll see you later I have another schedule to attend to. Bye hyung, noona.” He respectfully bowed towards the two before leaving as quickly as he came.

The couple faced each other in shock, “Um…what just happened?” Dara asked, not completely comprehending the situation.

“Um…” Jiyong inhaled a large breath of air, “I think my maknae just confused us for being a couple…” He gave her a nervous smile.

“That’s what I thought…um…we’re not right?”

“No, of course not! We’re just in the wrong bodies…”

Right…that’s all we are. It’s okay Dara, everything is still fine. Don’t let it get the better of you. “Then why didn’t you deny that we’re a couple?!” She asked in anger, this should throw him off a little…right?

Jiyong was taken aback, is this really the Sandara Park that I know? “Sorry…I was just in shock that someone heard us…sorry if I just made things more difficult.”

“Hmph,” Dara turned away, trying to look mad, “I guess I should have said something…since I’m the man in this situation.”

Jiyong laughed a little, “Even if you are in my body, I’m still the man in this relationship.”

Relationship…Dara felt her heart skip a beat, “relationship?” she whispered.

“Relationship? Oh! No, I meant friendship. Our friendship!” Jiyong said quickly, stop it Jiyong. “Anyways…it’s getting late. You should…um…head home. To my home that is…”

“Ah, yeah,” Dara said awkwardly, see? This is exactly how our friendship stands. Awkward, with a capital A. “I’ll get going then, um…you don’t mind if I just mess around with your songs…do you? I promise I won’t destroy your things either…wait! I forgot the most important problem.”

Jiyong tilted his head in confusion, “What would that be?”

“How the heck am I supposed to take a shower?” she asked frantically, “I mean…that requires me…to be…um……and it’s your body…and…Aigoo…” her cheeks were burning. If anyone passed by at this moment they would be completely shocked to see the great Kwon Jiyong blushing like a little school girl.

When she said that Jiyong started to blush, “Shoot…I totally forgot about that too…um…” he tried to think…and only one idea came to mind, “we could…” he bent over and whispered in her ear.

“EHHHH??” Dara exclaimed.

“So…what you’re saying is that you won’t be staying with us at the dorm for a while?” Bom asked slowly.

“No, absolutely not. I’m sorry unnie, but you know that it’s a lot easier on all of us if we’re all in the same place, especially when we’re about to have a comeback,” CL stated.

“But,” Jiyong started, what do I say? CL makes a completely reasonable point, “Only for a few days? I just need to go home and kind of relax; it’ll make the comeback even better. Don’t worry; I’ll be on time to everything.”

CL looked Dara over, something is off…but I don’t know what. Unnie never goes against my decisions unless it’s absolutely necessary. I suppose it shouldn’t hurt if it’s only a few days. “Okay, fine. Oh, right. Earlier when you were gone, it was announced that the music video for ‘Do You Love Me?’ is going to be a homemade type video.”

Jiyong raised an eyebrow, “what happened?”

“I guess something about the actual music video fell through, and this is all we can do,” CL let out a sigh.

“Alright, girls. Back to practice, I want you all to run it through a couple more times, and then we’ll all be able to go home and sleep.”

“Yes,” the girls replied.

*beep beep* Jiyong stared down at Dara’s phone and saw he received a text message.


From: Kwon Jiyong

To: Me

I’ll be in the recording studio for now, I’m messing around with this melody that Teddy has. Let me know when you’re done with practice, I’ll come meet you for us to go back to…your place.


Jiyong laughed a little, I can just imagine her blushing while she wrote this. So what if we live together for a few days…hopefully this will wear off soon.


From: Park Darong

To: Me

Okay, I’ll let you know.


Dara rolled her eyes at the nickname Jiyong gave her on his phone. She put on headphones and listened to the melody track that Teddy gave her. What can I do with this? What kind of feeling would Jiyong want with it? It’s kind of like his songs “Obsession” and “That XX”…that same kind of sad and bleak undertone. Looking at a girl and feeling sad? Not wanting for her to get away, always have her there right next to me…everything can be seen through the windows…hmm…would Jiyong appreciate a song like that? I’ll consult it with him…especially since we’ll be living together for a little. Aigoo, I can’t believe I’m going to be living with a guy! What’s wrong with you Sandara Park?!

Dara started to focus on music again and she barely noticed how the time flew by. *beep beep*


From: Park Darong

To: Me

Just did out last run through of the routine for the night. Ready to go when you are. Um…I’ll meet you hear my car, try not to act suspicious!


I’m not the one who’s acting suspicious! Dara thought angrily. She saved everything she’d been working on and left the studio. Just like he said, he was waiting next to his white Bentley. Such a nice car… “Hey,” she said shortly as she approached him, “ready to go?” She felt her pockets for his keys. When she found them, she started to walk toward the driver’s seat.

“A-hem,” Jiyong coughed, “This is my car, I should be the one driving.”

Dara raised an eyebrow at him, “Wouldn’t it look weird if anyone saw me driving your car? Who knows what rumors will come up, just let me drive since I’m you right now.” She opened the door, sat down, and the car. When Jiyong didn’t move, out of disbelief, she rolled down a window, “I won’t hurt your car, just get in already. You already look suspicious for just hanging around the car.”

“But it’s my car!” Jiyong said out of frustration. He walked to the passenger’s side and got into the car.

“Let’s go!” Dara said happily, wah, I actually get to drive his car! So nice. “Now…your house is…this way?”

Jiyong did a mental face-palm, I knew I should have been the one driving. “No, it’s that way,” he said pointing her in the right direction.


They stayed silent for the rest of the car ride aside from when Jiyong gave her directions. When they reached his house, Dara parked the car and told him, “see? No problem, don’t worry too much about me driving your car. I told you there wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Yes, noona,” Jiyong said dramatically bowing.

This boy is just teasing me again, aish. “Wait…what are you going to wear? Since I didn’t have any spare clothes with me…unless you have a stock of girl clothes at your place.”

Jiyong scoffed, is this how she thinks of me? After all that we’ve been through together. “I’ll just wear my own clothes; it’ll be fine, especially since you have such a small frame.”

They entered the house only to be greeted by Jiyong’s dog, Gaho. Dara instinctively recoiled a little bit, oh right he has a dog. She slowly relaxed and stared down at Gaho, what do I do now? Gaho thinks I’m Jiyong.

Jiyong quickly greeted Gaho by bending down and petting him. “Aish, you’re so cute. I missed you today,” he said sweetly. Gaho reciprocated the action, understanding that this new person was very nice to him.

Dara smiled, that’s really sweet. She slowly bent down and patted Gaho on the head. In turn, Gaho jumped onto her, “Aish, Aigoo,” Dara said before rubbing Gaho’s cheeks, he’s pretty cute in a way. Maybe I can get used to this…and completely get rid of my fear of dogs.

Jiyong watched the two play and couldn’t stop himself from smiling, this is nice…coming home with her, having someone here with me. “We better wash up and head to bed…” Oh this shower should be interesting…

Dara stopped playing and looked at Jiyong in fright, wash up…how is this going to work? I don’t really want to feel him up! Eeek, and what about THOSE areas, what am I supposed to do about that?

“How about…I wash you, and you wash me? That way we’re only washing our own body. And while the other person is washing us, we’ll wear a face mask so we don’t see each other’s bodies…if that makes you more comfortable…” suggested Jiyong, seeing the nervousness on Dara’s face.

Dara’s face turned a bright red, this is really happening! I can’t believe myself, how did I get into this kind of situation. She nodded slowly.

“Okay, hold on, let me go get a change of clothes for both of us,” he said before disappearing into his closet only to come back with two white shirts and two boxers. “Are you okay with these? I usually don’t wear a shirt, but I figured you’d be more comfortable with one.”

Again, Dara could only respond with a nod, how can he be so calm about this???? Does he do this often?

Don’t think about it too much Jiyong, you’re only washing yourself, he tried to calm himself down. He looked at his own face and saw the terror and smiled, I just can’t resist teasing her, sorry noona. “What’s with the face?” He burst out laughing when Dara started patting her face furiously trying to see what was wrong with it. “There you go, now you’re a little more relaxed.”

Dara gave him a confused look.

“Come on, let’s hurry up and get this over with.”

The sense of dread overcame Dara again which made Jiyong laugh again.

“Since you look so scared, I’ll just wash you first, so you’ll have it over with. And don’t worry…I’ll be gentle,” he said with a wink.



A/N: Hey! If anything is too confusing just let me know, and I'll try to fix it!

Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting, I really appreciate all of the support! :D

Bath time? ;D Until next time! :D

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Chapter 4: Taller than you... AHAHAHAHA!
Chapter 17: This is one suuuuppper lovely story! I like the supernatural plot with the switching of bodies, them living together, bathing each other, teaching each other dance routines and creating music together. <3 Another thing, I'm pretty sure the concert was in Singapore but the last sentence says, "Evidence of the couple on a sweet late night escapade were taken after G-dragon’s solo concert in the Philippines..." hahaha

This story is just tooo sweet yet just natural and soooo like them. I can imagine Ji and Dara being like this in reality. Too bad, author-nim did not continue this story anymore or completed this. Hope you get to complete this even after 5 years has passed. Fighting!
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 17: Please update this story, authornim...
Chapter 17: "Evidence of the couple on a sweet late night escapade were taken after G-dragon’s solo concert in the Philippines..."
I thought the concert was in Singapore? :)) Anyway, is this fic on hiatus? I hope you'll update this too. I just read it today and I love it. Haha.
Chapter 17: Where is the next botton authornim?hehehe just finished reading chapter excited for the next chapter...update soon authornim...
izzahfitri #7
Chapter 17: update update update!!
Chapter 17: is this on hiatus? well i hope not.. 'coz i'm looking forward for an update^^~
wenkie0414 #9
Chapter 17: update pleasee
Badchick2ne1 #10
Chapter 17: I want to see what happens next.