My vows to you.

Dedication (Drabbles)

    The wedding was taking place in the church's garden. An aisle standing over the delighted couple and the priest. Roses and chinese nightflowers in full bloom embellished it, giving the ceremony a romantic aura.
    The guests were sat in chairs covered in a white cloth and all of their minds and attention were the couple getting married.
    Except for a single person; his heart beat in a quick rythme, his fingers clenched and unclenched his suit's pants and his foot hit the ground in a nervous tick. A hand covered his and a worried whisper reached his ears.
    "Eli, everything's alright?" Kiseop, from beside him, looked at him with his big caring eyes and Eli's breath hitched when their eyes met.
    Snapping out of it, he took a deep breath and leaned closer to kiseop to whisper in his ear.
    "Come with me". He said and waited a second before he stood up- he had insisted on sitting at the edge of their row and at the outside so he could leave almost unnoticed.
    His ears caught a whispered question from Kiseop, but he didn't pause to explain. He'd understand in a while anyway.
    He headed inside the church and stood beside a bench on the front line. He raised his eyes on Jesus Christ's statue and sent a small prayer.
    "Eli, what's wrong? Aren't you feeling well?" Kiseop asked and let his hand on Eli's shoulder.
    "No, I'm perfectly fine." Eli  said and turned his head towards Kiseop. He felt his heart skip a beat when he took him in. The black suit covering his slender form fitting him perfectly, his hair pushed to the side and letting both of his beautiful, soulful, eyes uncovered, that crispy white shirt with the top two buttons left open and the tie nowhere to be seen made him look simply stunning.
    "Then what's wrong? They're ready to say their vows outside."
    "I know. That's why we're here." Kiseop furrowed his eyebrows, not quite getting what Eli meant.
    Eli closed his eyes for a second and swallowed the lump in his throat. He turned fully towards Kiseop and reached out his hand, palm looking up, waiting for Kiseop to put his hand on his and when he did he closed his fingers and caressed the soft skin.
    "Kiseop, I-" Eli coughed. Where were the speach he had recited in his mind over and over again since he had decided to do it? "Through the years I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter in what kind of God someone believes in, a sacred place is a sacred place either way."
    Kiseop looked questioningly at him. "Love, I don't quite get you."
    Eli let out a raspy chuckle and reached inside his chest pocket, pulling something out that he kept hidden in his fist. Kiseop's eyes followed his every move.
    "Lee Kiseop. We've been together enough time for me to know that you're the one for me. The one I couldn't leave without." Eli Kiseop's cheek with their joined hands, making Kiseop smile a little and close his eyes. "Those days I was here while you were in Japan was a living hell for me. Not having you beside me, not being able to touch you or kiss you... it killed me. And when we met again it was I was resurected. When I learned about hyung's wedding I found it to be the greatest opportunity." Eli smiled awkwardly and opened his fist, a light gasp came from Kiseop when he saw the pair of gold wedding rings.
    Kiseop was left speachless, looking between him and  the rings. He took them with slightly trembling fingers and looked at them carefully. Their names together with an inscription that read 'yours truly' were engraved in each one of them.
    "Of course it was foolish of me to react on my own without you knowing anything, but as marriage between men isn't allowed here in Korea and we both have different religions I thought that mayb-"
    Eli was cut off by Kiseop taking his left hand and slipping the gold band on it. He raised his eyes only for them to be met with Kiseop's black orbits and a big delighted smile. He interlocked their fingers.
    "I didn't -couldn't- have fun while we were separate. I felt like a big part of me was missing. I love you so much and I don't care how sudden all this was or where we are because I'm happy wherever, as long as I'm with you."
    Eli took the other ring from Kiseop's hand and grabbed gently his lover's left hand. "I'm in love with you and I'll be for an eternity." He said in his most serious voice as he mimicked Kiseop's actions and slid the ring on a slender finger, their eyes connected all the time.
    Kiseop smirked and passed two fingers under Eli's tie when the ring's weight had settled on his ring finger. He pulled the cloth out from the buttoned suit, making Eli lean forward while at the same time he neared his face to his.
    "You can now kiss your spouse." Kiseop murmured and their lips connected in a long, loving kiss. Eli encircled his slim waist and Kiseop wrapped his arms around his neck.   
    Suddenly the sound of the church's bells filled the enormous hall, making them break the kiss and look up in surprise. Kiseop chuckled and Eli smiled before they looked again at each other and rested their foreheads against each other's.
    "We should go out, mr. Ellison Kim-Lee." Kiseop said, smirking.
    "I think so too, mr. Kiseop Lee-Kim." Eli countered making Kiseop laugh.
    They shared a last -for the half an hour or so, anyway- brief kiss before Kiseop grabbed Eli's hand -the one with his ring- with his and started leading them out of the hall and back in the garden. Eli's heart was full of love and joy as he watched his perfect lover smiling broadly and laughing from happiness. He was so lucky to have found him.



The wedding they are at, is their manager's that took place in the past weekend.

Now, Annita! Baby! My long-lost twin (Not really but we could be twins T__T SO WE ARE! )! This is for you, my little bumblebee.
Thank you for spending soooo many hours (together with Dimi.) with me via WA. I'm so lucky to have found you- both. This is something very little in addition to what you've done for me the past+ year. For all the encouraging andyour sweet words, thank you.
I love you.

Here have some Taeminie


P.S. I can't forget to give you some Jaevin and SooHoon xD (Dimi this is for you too. The thing about your 5467654134897468534698746351 ships, remember?)

(where's the kitty? Here's the kitty!) (somebody's gonna sleep on the floor~)

You really didn't think I wouldn't put any ElSeop gifs eye-ing/ing, right? ψ(`∇´)ψ ~MUHAHAHAHAHA~ ψ(`∇´)ψ (that's me and the spawn xD)

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oh so cutee~
The feels are everywhere! Elseop fightin! :')
kiseop_lover7 #2
Chapter 2: so perfect ~:')
katyloveukiss #3
Chapter 2: all the feels ;___; this is precious
Kyung1Ari #4
Chapter 2: Both chapters was just so touching and sweet, and beautifully written. I hope you write more.
Chapter 1: Well, a birthday present I guess. I- I didn't expect that.
What- what should I say? I'm really no good at words.
I don't even know what my feels are. They are just... FEELS! Different from our usual krakens and yet so intense.

Firstly, I have to say that you don't need to mention anything about my love or endurance with you. I feel like they're nothing or not enough, I don't know.

But seriously, how can you actually do that? The whole thing for messing up with my personality and mood. I feel like you can make me happy with the slightest thingy, in less than ten seconds, even on my worst conditions.

I- I just want to tell you a big thnk you. Just for talking with me everyday and accepting me. For everything you know. You can't imagine how many things you've done for me. Even while knowing you for some months. You and Annita, sweety thingies, you've changed me so much, I don't even know if I'm supposed to hate you for that. [nah I love you my candies] Just thank you my love.

I wanted to write more than this but my eyes are already blurred enough and I can't help it.
I love you from the bottom of my heart.

My ships = my feels. Can't control them! jaeco and the epic Destiel. Apparently the same with your elseop <3
Eli is a pigeon and a zoo. Zoos can't rock neither the pigeons. So Eli does not rock.
I adore the jiyongie gif <3
Chapter 2: oh my oh my!!! I'm so so so SO touched!!!!!!! Really! I never expect you writing a story for me too.... It never even crossed my mind... You know that i adore the way you write and you are not a burden AT ALL! I love your stories and you know it, and if there is a thing that I can do to help you that is to support you! I really really ADORE you my beloved twin sister (yes, we are!! XD). And now for the stories. Amazing!!!!!!! They are so beautiful and sweet really..... And you even chose a theme that will fit both of us the best. *crying because of the feels*
Kiseop please slap too. *SLAP* Thank you dear <3
P.S I love yiruma.... His songs are plain masterpieces and I adore them... Almost as much as you...But of course I love you more my sweetpie~ <3 <3 <3
P.s.2 TAEMIIIIIIIIIIIIIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3
That's all for now... *kisses you sweetly at both cheeks* + *bone breaking hug*
Kyung1Ari #7
I can't wait to read them.