Because I love you.

Dedication (Drabbles)

    Eli squinted, his eyes still closed, and turned around, burying his head in his pillow. He tried to fall back to sleep, but it was already late. The morning light had effectively penetrated the numbing feeling of uncosciousness surrounding him.
    A soft note, coming from a playing piano, reached his ears.  He his back and his eyes wandered on the ceiling while he took in the music. The melody was soft, low, reaching high peaks just to fall almost instantly back in a drawn-out melancholy and continue like that.1
    Eli wiped a hand over his face, passed it through his messy hair.
    He knows this sad tune; Kiseop tended to play it whenever he was upset.
    "It calms me down", he had said once when asked about it. "I get lost into its music and let everything flow out."
    Eli didn't like it -never did. He didn't like the sound of the song nor the feelings it created into his soul. Making his heart break and his stomach clench. Every time he'd hear it, he would know something was going on in his lover's mind and he despised seeing him unhappy. And this time he knew exactly what was going on and made him feel this way. He was at fault this time.
    They had a big fight yesterday; their first major one. It had started over a silly little thing, but turned into a serious one as things that bothered them had come in the surface. Things that had been pilling up over time, neither of them talking about them, prefering to hide them as deeper as they could than uknowledging them.
    The bickering had started with one of Eli's pranks that Kiseop had failed to find particularly funny. Then, Kiseop had complained about how much little time the two of them spentd together as a couple and Eli's comments over females he liked. Eli had counterattacked with how much it bothered him that Kiseop needed more than an hour to get ready whenever they'd go out and Kiseop's too friendly behaviour with the rest of the members and some of his friends and the fight had continued just like that to the point where they were both tired physically and psycologically.
    Even though they had shared the same bed, it was the first time they slept with their backs turned to one another. No holding hands. No snuggling into each other's arms.
    A new melody started playing the moment Eli set foot on the hardwood floor of their bedroom and got off the bed, heading to the living room where Kiseop was.2 He recognised the tune as another one of his lover's favourites. This one was as saddening as the previous one. It turns into its crescendo as Eli stands at the room's entrance.
    He sees Kiseop sitting on the bench; back straight, shoulders stiff as his fingers fly over the piano keys, lost into the music they create.
    A sharp note twinge in his ear and its followed by another false note and another until Kiseop's hands stop, fingers ghosting over the keys. He pauses for a minute. Long, deep breaths enter and escape his lips -Eli can imagine him with his eyes closed, lips slightly apart.
    Another deep breath and his fingers start their journey again. The same tune is being emitted from the piano chords, the soft as breath notes flowing into the air until the apogee comes and a path of missteps is being created.
    Kiseop's hands clench into fists and land onto the piano keys in a disgrunted way, showing his frustration and drawing out a loud discordant sound. His shoulders hunch and he just sits there, back still turned at Eli.
    Eli moves into the room, his silent stes stopping infront of the piano's bench. He bents slightly and wraps his arms around Kiseop's shoulders. They stay like that; Eli's face is burried into Kiseop's hair and Kiseop's hand comes up  to grab onto Eli's forearm.
    Eli's eyes shut and he whispers "I'm sorry" into Kiseop's soft tresses.
    "I'm sorry too" Kiseop sighs and leans his head forward, his lips kissing Eli's arms that hug him tightly. "The things I said yesterday, I-... I didn't mean them."
    "No, Kiseop", Eli passes his legs one after the other over the bench and sits behind Kiseop. His chin rests on Kiseop's right shoulder. "You meant them and I meant them too. But the thing is..." Kiseop lols his head back on Eli's left shoulder
    "...We shouldn't have gathered them inside us." Kiseop ends Eli's words.
    "Yeah." Eli kisses Kiseop's temple. "From now on lets not pile things up. Lets just say whatever is bothering us right when it happens."
    Kiseop hums and his hands touch the keys lightly.
    "I don't like fights." He turns his head and meets Eli's eyes.
    "Neither do I. Especially with you."
    Their lips connect in a slow, deep kiss that speaks volumes of their feelings and when they seperate, the sides of their heads touch and Kiseop's fingers make the piano create another kind of melody, not a sad one anymore.3
    He likes the new tune, not sad or heartbreaking like the previous two. It's more like their relationship; Sweet most of the time with its quick/slow interludes and passionate es. A loving song  that makes his heart flatter and fill with all of his love for the person playing the piano.
    "I love you, too" Eli whispers and encircles Kiseop's waist with his arms, his eyes falling closed.
    He can't see it, but a small, content smile forms on Kiseop's lips, delightful by Eli's response to the feelings he expressed via the lyric-less song. His fingers draw out the last affectionate notes and after a second of silence they start a new tune, a new melody like a new chapter of their joined lives.


1 Yiruma - When love stops

2 R. Pattinson - Love hurts

3 Yiruma - Because I love you (hence the title of the drabble)

Okay! And now...
My dear Dimi (aka SoohyunLove) this is for you!
Thank you for everything until now and all your love and your endurance. I know it may be hard to deal with me most of the time due to all my spazzing (ELI ROCKS btw :P !) and ing and all this xD
Even though I know you a few months I feel like I've known you my whole life.
And what a great coincidence *starts singing coincidence*


*gets lost in my own word*



Eli: Do something.
*Slaps E.L.*

E.L.: Thank you!
Oh yeah the message!
So, what a great coincidence that today is also your birthday! Happy BIRTHDAY GIRLIEEEE!!! Hope we were closer so we could celebrate together.
Love ya~

P.S. Sorry it contains only elseop but I couldn't put in AAAAALLLL of your 358725659827590892823573965392563987968083 ships :P

Here take a little Destiel and Jaeco

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oh so cutee~
The feels are everywhere! Elseop fightin! :')
kiseop_lover7 #2
Chapter 2: so perfect ~:')
katyloveukiss #3
Chapter 2: all the feels ;___; this is precious
Kyung1Ari #4
Chapter 2: Both chapters was just so touching and sweet, and beautifully written. I hope you write more.
Chapter 1: Well, a birthday present I guess. I- I didn't expect that.
What- what should I say? I'm really no good at words.
I don't even know what my feels are. They are just... FEELS! Different from our usual krakens and yet so intense.

Firstly, I have to say that you don't need to mention anything about my love or endurance with you. I feel like they're nothing or not enough, I don't know.

But seriously, how can you actually do that? The whole thing for messing up with my personality and mood. I feel like you can make me happy with the slightest thingy, in less than ten seconds, even on my worst conditions.

I- I just want to tell you a big thnk you. Just for talking with me everyday and accepting me. For everything you know. You can't imagine how many things you've done for me. Even while knowing you for some months. You and Annita, sweety thingies, you've changed me so much, I don't even know if I'm supposed to hate you for that. [nah I love you my candies] Just thank you my love.

I wanted to write more than this but my eyes are already blurred enough and I can't help it.
I love you from the bottom of my heart.

My ships = my feels. Can't control them! jaeco and the epic Destiel. Apparently the same with your elseop <3
Eli is a pigeon and a zoo. Zoos can't rock neither the pigeons. So Eli does not rock.
I adore the jiyongie gif <3
Chapter 2: oh my oh my!!! I'm so so so SO touched!!!!!!! Really! I never expect you writing a story for me too.... It never even crossed my mind... You know that i adore the way you write and you are not a burden AT ALL! I love your stories and you know it, and if there is a thing that I can do to help you that is to support you! I really really ADORE you my beloved twin sister (yes, we are!! XD). And now for the stories. Amazing!!!!!!! They are so beautiful and sweet really..... And you even chose a theme that will fit both of us the best. *crying because of the feels*
Kiseop please slap too. *SLAP* Thank you dear <3
P.S I love yiruma.... His songs are plain masterpieces and I adore them... Almost as much as you...But of course I love you more my sweetpie~ <3 <3 <3
P.s.2 TAEMIIIIIIIIIIIIIN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3
That's all for now... *kisses you sweetly at both cheeks* + *bone breaking hug*
Kyung1Ari #7
I can't wait to read them.