
Forgotten Love

You went to the library and took out your books to study and work on your reseach paper due next week.

You were searching through the endless shelves of books and encyclopedias.

You removed probably the world's biggest encyclopedia off the shelf to look for some information. There on the bookshelf you saw something very peculiar.

There was an engraving on it. You got curious and took a closer look.

*Why does this feel like dejavu?* You thought.

Your head started to pound ferociously. It started to hurt so much you lost your balance and fell on the ground.

You let out a scream in pain as people started to gather around you. "Someone call an ambulance." You heard someone shout out.

Suddenly, you out.

During your moment, you had a flashback, but it wasn't clear.

You and a boy were running away like crazy. You took a look back to see a few other guys taller than you chasing after you and the boy.

The two of you snickered while running away.

"Quick! Let's hide in the library." The boy yelled. "They are too big of an idiot to look for us in here."

He grabbed your hand and the two of you ran in.

The two of you hid near a shelf next to the biggest encyclopedia you ever saw. You noticed the boy still holding your hand.

You can sense your heart swelling up into a giant bubble as if it would explode in excitement anytime.

He poked you. "Yah! SungMi, isn't that the biggest book you ever saw?" He point at the encyclopedia next to you.

You nodded your head and lauhged at him.

He removed the book and placed it on a desk. He took out a pocket knife he always carried around.

He started to engrave something on the shelf. You watched him closely, but you couldn't see anything.

When he was done, you looked at it. 'Myungsoo and Sungmi was chased by a bunch of idiots on this day.'

You took the knife from Myungsoo and drew a heart around the two names. You and L looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

You heard someone clear their throat. Without looking up to see who it was, since you know you are in trouble already, the two of you made a dash out the library.

You woke up and saw a a room with white walls and many wires attached to you. You heard beeping sounds and assumed you were at the hospital.

You saw L.Joe sleeping by your side and the Teen Top members sleeping on top of each other on the small couch.

Why do I kepp getting these flashbacks about the same boy? Who is this Myungsoo kid? I can never see his face.

You looked at L.Joe's sleeping face. He furrowed his eyebrows. He must be having a bad dream. You smooth his eyebrows as they returned back to normal.

You stared at his perfect features. So he does care about me. You smiled at the thought. You leaned in to kiss his forehead.

Then the doctor came in and woke everyone up. You quickly sat up straight and act as nothing happened.

L.Joe rubbed his eyes to wake himself up. "Oh you're awake! You scared the hell out of me. Who faints while studying. Don't over work yourself!" He nagged,

You rolled your eyes at him and tried to hold in your involuntary grin. "Yah! Wipe the grin off your face. You make me worry and go all psychotic and you act as if it wasn't a big deal."

"Byunghun....." You said, but L.Joe cut you off. "You know if something happens to you. I don't know what I would do with my life."

The doctor cleared his throat so he can talk. Everyone looked at him even L.Joe cut his nagging.

"So, according to your..uh.....boyfriend right here. You had a concussion a few years ago and lost your memory am I correct?"

You nodded your head. "Is there something wrong with me?"

You and L.Joe stiffened. "Well how long have you been having these 'faints'?"

"Well, this is only the second time, but recently I have been having these weird flashbacks, but I can't see it that well actually."

L.Joe looked at you wide eyed. "Yah! It has been happening and yet you didn't tell me? Since when did it start happening? Why didn't you tell me? Do you remember anymore?"

L.Joe shooked you and started to panic. "Uh...Doctor, I think my boyfriend is the one with issues here." You giggled.

"SONG SUNGMI! This is a serious issue!!" The doctor and Teen Top stood there awkwardly as you two quarreled.

"LEE BYUNGHUN!! Let the doctor finish!!" You yelled back.

"Thank you. Well, Sungmi-sshi. since when did you start having these flashbacks?"

"Well ever since I came back to Korea and usually these flashbacks involve places I use to go to."

"Well, That's good news for you. There is a really high chance you can earn those precious memories of yours back, but the process might be a bit painful. You experience headaches right?"

You nodded your head. "Then I can prescribe some medication to lessen the pain. Once again Congratulations!"

The doctor left your room. You were so ecstatic and excited about gaining your memories. You hugged L.Joe so tight he could barely breathe.


"I'm excited for you too baby.....but.......tight......." You released him. "Oh sorry. I was too excited."

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i love this story soo much even i'm still reading it after a long time
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 25: Awwww this is such a good short story!!!
Chapter 25: Feel sad for byunghun tho. But on the other hand I'm happy myungsoo and sungmi got back together! ♡
Chapter 25: Eventho its short, it really touches my heart :3 Good job with your story! ^_^
Chapter 4: new reader here ! ^^ loving your story so far !
haha that was funny :') l.slow? joey? bobo ? oh gosh :') myungsoo.
Chapter 25: This story is so sweet ;~;
One of the sweetest I ever read TuT
Chapter 25: omg. i love him. he's so sweet. but what happen to l.joe? a sequel maybe? LOL XD
14 streak #9
Kkyyyaaaa!!!!! Kyeopta!!!!! Such a cute story!!!!! Im sad about her not ending up with l.joe but im happy that she ended up with myungsoo ^^
anyways....................... I really really really~~ like this story!!!!! ^^ ♥